generated: 2024-07-27 02:46:17

Program at a Glance

Thursday February 29, 2024
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Friday March 1, 2024
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 9:20 AM
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
9:30 AM - 10:50 AM
11:00 AM - 12:20 PM
12:30 PM - 1:50 PM
2:00 PM - 3:20 PM
3:30 PM - 4:50 PM
5:00 PM - 5:15 PM
5:15 PM - 6:15 PM
Saturday March 2, 2024
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 9:20 AM
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
9:30 AM - 10:50 AM
11:00 AM - 12:20 PM
12:30 PM - 1:50 PM
2:00 PM - 3:20 PM
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
3:30 PM - 4:50 PM
5:00 PM - 6:20 PM
Sunday March 3, 2024
7:30 AM - 10:00 AM
8:00 AM - 9:20 AM
9:30 AM - 10:50 AM
11:00 AM - 12:20 PM

EEA Program

196. Conference Registration
Thursday | 5:00 pm-8:00 pm | Republic Ballroom Foyer

Chair: Alexandre Olbrecht, Ramapo College
196. Conference Registration
Friday | 7:30 am-4:00 pm | Republic Ballroom Foyer

Chair: Alexandre Olbrecht, Ramapo College
3. Children and Adolescents [Organized Session [CSWEP]]
Friday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Berkely B

Organizer: Yana Rodgers, Rutgers University
Chair: Dhaval Dave, Bentley University & NBER
  • Perceptions about children. .....Anastasiia Suvorova, Western University
  • The Effect of Emergency Contraceptive Pill Access on Teen Births and Education. .....Catherine Anne Falvey, American University
  • Can Anti-Vaping Policies Curb Drinking Externalities? Evidence from E-Cigarette Taxation and Traffic Fatalities. .....Dhaval Dave, Bentley University & NBER; Joseph J. Sabia, San Diego State University & IZA; Catherine Maclean, George Mason University; Yang Liang, San Diego State University
4. Gender and Labor Markets in Middle-Income Countries [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Arnold Arboretum

Organizer: Mieke Meurs, American University
Chair: Mieke Meurs, American University

  • Laura Cristina Blanco, University of Costa Rica;
  • Maria Jose Sauma Chacon, University of Costa Rica;
  • Juna Miluka, University of Tirana;
  • Otgontugs Banzragch, National University of Mongolia;
  • Maria del Pilar Castillo Valencia, Universidad del Valle, Costa Rica
  • Giang Juong Pham, Foreign Trade University, Vietnam
5. Labor, health, and land-use policy [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Claredon A

Organizer: Shyam Sunder Gouri Suresh, Davidson College
Chair: Siobhan O`Keefe, Davidson College
  • The Political Economy of Child Labor Regulation in North Carolina. .....Will Damron, Duke University
  • Does the Delivery of Primary Health Care Improve Birth Outcomes? Evidence from the Rollout of Community Health Centers. .....Siobhan O`Keefe, Davidson College; Esra Kose, Bucknell University; Maria Rosales-Rueda, Rutgers University
  • Land Use on the Urban Fringe. .....Samantha Rippley, University of Minnesota

  • Will Damron, Duke University;
  • Siobhan O`Keefe, Davidson College;
  • Samantha Rippley, University of Minnesota;
  • Samantha Rippley, University of Minnesota
  • Will Damron, Duke University
  • Siobhan O`Keefe, Davidson College
6. Development [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Exeter A

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Alejandro Gonzalez, Washington University - St. Louis
  • Land Dispossession, Labor Migration, and Agribusiness Dominance: Mapping the Historical Trajectory of Gujarat’s Agrarian Question. .....Aman Bardia, New School for Social Research
  • Land Allocation, Distribution and Structural Change in a Developing Economy: A Kaldorian Approach. .....Isha Gupta, University of Delhi
  • Impact of Social Infrastructure Investment on Time and Income Poverty in Mexico. .....Thomas Masterson, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College; Ajit Zacharias, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College; Frenando Rios-Avila, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College; Aashima Sinha, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College
  • Law and Social Reproduction in Assam's Tea Plantations:1859-1901. .....Aritra Basu, University of Massachusetts Amherst

  • Aman Bardia, New School for Social Research;
  • Isha Gupta, University of Delhi;
  • Thomas Masterson, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College;
  • Aritra Basu, University of Massachusetts Amherst;
  • Isha Gupta, University of Delhi
  • Thomas Masterson, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College
  • Aritra Basu, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Aman Bardia, New School for Social Research
7. Macrodynamics and political economy [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Exeter B

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Luke Petach, Belmont University
  • Persistent heterogeneity in consumers' expectations about economic activity and macroeconomic dynamics. .....Wanderson Schmoeller Monteiro, Federal University of Santa Catarina; Jaylson Jair da Silveira, Federal University of Santa Catarina; Gilberto Tadeu Lima, University of São Paulo
  • Conflict Inflation, Behavioral Political Cycles and Macroeconomic Dynamics. .....Corrado Di Guilmi, University of Technology Sydney; Giorgos Galanis, Queen Mary University of London; Juan Pena, University of Bamberg; Christian Proaño, University of Bamberg
  • Endogenous political cleavages and the social dimension of climate change. .....Marwil Dávila Fernández, University of Siena; Serena Sordi, University of Siena; Christian Proaño, University of Bamberg

  • Gilberto Tadeu Lima, University of São Paulo;
  • Christian Proaño, University of Bamberg;
  • Marwil Dávila Fernández, University of Siena;
  • Christian Proaño, University of Bamberg
  • Marwil Dávila Fernández, University of Siena
  • Gilberto Tadeu Lima, University of São Paulo
8. Topics in Social Economics [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Friday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Forest Hills

Organizer: Tanadej Vechsuruck, University of Rhode Island
Chair: Tanadej Vechsuruck, University of Rhode Island
  • Safety regulation: for whom? An analysis of public comments on the 2014 Modernization of Poultry Inspection Rule. .....Bridget Diana, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • For Every Knight in Shining Armor There is a Castle Waiting to be Cleaned: The Indian Case. .....Vishal Choudhury, FLAME University (India)
  • Worker Power and Antimonopoly Revisited. .....Pascal McDougall, University of Ottawa

  • Bridget Diana, University of Massachusetts, Amherst;
  • Vishal Choudhury, FLAME University (India);
  • Pascal McDougall, University of Ottawa;
9. Women in Sport [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Friday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Public Garden

Organizers: Eva Marikova Leeds, Moravian University; Victor Matheson, North American Association of Sports Economists;
Chair: Eva Marikova Leeds, Moravian University
  • Are there Systemic Differences between Men's and Women's Athletic Aid in Public Division I Universities?. .....Stacey Brook, University of Central Florida
  • The Impact of Local Professional Sports Teams on Youth Sport Participation: Evidence from Women's Professional Basketball. .....Patrick Reilly, Skidmore College; Zachary Rodrigues, Union College
  • The Dobbs Decision, Gender, and Athletes' College Choices. .....Akira Motomura, Stonehill College; Todd McFall, Wake Forest University; Michael Leeds, Temple University
  • On the Cost of Wearing White Shorts in Women's Sport. .....Alex Krumer, Molde University

  • Stacey Brook, University of Central Florida;
  • Patrick Reilly, Skidmore College;
  • Akira Motomura, Stonehill College;
  • Alex Krumer, Molde University;
10. Concepts, Models, and Implications (URPE) [Organized Session [URPE]]
Friday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Fairfax A

Organizer: Jacob Powell, Bucknell University
Chair: Jacob Powell, Bucknell University
  • The Phillips Curve: A Trojan Horse in the War on Labor. .....Jacob Powell, Bucknell University
  • Where Does “Bargaining Power” Come From? A Search Through Economics. .....Kyle Mohr, Bard College; Sanchit Shrivastava, Skidmore College
  • Economic Policies and Climate Change in a Financialized World: The Case of Colombia. .....Ivan Velasquez, Bucknell University

  • Jacob Powell, Bucknell University;
  • Kyle Mohr, Bard College;
  • Sanchit Shrivastava, Skidmore College;
  • Ivan Velasquez, Bucknell University;
11. Unpacking Economic Complexities: Student Debt, Colonial Legacies, and Evolutionary Economic Theory [Organized Session [URPE]]
Friday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Fairfax B

Organizer: Michael R. Schmidt, University of Missouri Kansas-City

  • Michael R. Schmidt, University of Missouri Kansas-City ;
  • Sean Eagan, University of Missouri - Kansas City;
  • Barkin Cihanli, University of Missouri - Kansas City;
  • Seibou Ilanda, University of Missouri - Kansas City;
  • Samuel Stockman, University of Missouri - Kansas City;
12. [AERE-EEA #1] Environmental Policies I [Organized Session [AERE]]
Friday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Riverway

Organizers: Loujaina Abdelwahed, The Cooper Union; Jimena Gonzalez-Ramirez, Manhattan College;
Chair: Loujaina Abdelwahed, The Cooper Union
  • mproving Local Governance and Environmental Outcomes: a Study of the Programa Municípios Verdes in the Brazilian Amazon. .....Nilesh Shinde, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Effect of Electric Vehicle Incentive Policies: Adoption, Travel Behaviors, and Environmental Benefits. .....YUCHENG WANG, University of Pittsburgh
  • YUCHENG WANG, University of Pittsburgh
  • Nilesh Shinde, University of Massachusetts Amherst
13. Natural Resource Economics and Air Pollution
Friday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Boston Commons

Chair: Melissa Boyle, College of the Holy Cross
  • Intergenerational democracy for sustainable resource allocation. .....Jung You, California State University - East Bay
  • What Drives Drilling Up and Prices Down? A Structural Vector Autoregressive Model of US Natural Gas Markets. .....Valentin Elias Winkler, New School for Social Research
  • How Air Pollution Drives Up Traffic Accidents: A Causal Analysis from the United States. .....Afrin Islam, Temple University; Dolores Garrido, Union College
  • Melissa Boyle, College of the Holy Cross
  • ozgur kaya, american university of sharjah
  • Shahnawaz Rafi, Florida International University
14. Economics of Teaching
Friday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Hampton A

Chair: Monica Galizzi, University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Student-Created Podcasts as a Tool for Teaching Economics and Finance. .....Rossen Iordanov Trendafilov, St. Thomas Aquinas College; Meghan Mihal, St. Thomas Aquinas College
  • Active Learning in Principles of Economics: In Class Activities vs Project Based Learning. .....Radu Constantin Puslenghea, Missouri University Of Science and Technology; Ana Ichim, Unafiliated
  • Diversity in Economics After Going Test Optional. .....Melanie Allwine Fennell, Randolph-Macon college
  • Impact of Discussion Sessions on Students’ Learning Outcomes in an Econometrics Class. .....Ishita Dey, Boston University
  • Ishita Dey, Boston University
  • Melanie Allwine Fennell, Randolph-Macon college
  • Radu Constantin Puslenghea, Missouri University Of Science and Technology
  • Rossen Iordanov Trendafilov, St. Thomas Aquinas College
15. Medicine and Mental Health
Friday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Jamaica Pond

Chair: Nancy Fox, Saint Joseph`s University
  • Medical Debt and Shmita. .....Nancy Fox, Saint Joseph`s University
  • The Effect of Affirmative Action Bans in Colleges on the Mental Health of High School Students. .....Sanket Kanekar, Alabama state university
  • Assessing the Effects of Long-COVID on Mental Health. .....Anusua Datta, Thomas Jefferson University
  • Nancy Fox, Saint Joseph`s University
  • Anusua Datta, Thomas Jefferson University
  • Sanket Kanekar, Alabama state university
16. On choice of jurisdiction, barriers to entry and success of international candidates on the US CPA Exam
Friday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Olmsted

Chair: Li Li, Marist College
  • Student Persistence at a Small Public University: The Predictive Power of Student Engagement. .....Kurt Bryan von Seekamm, Salem State University; Fernando Colina, Salem State University; Zaiyong Tang, Salem State University; Dia Chatterjee, Baruch College
  • A Case Study on the Integration of Artificial Intelligence into the Accounting Curriculum. .....Elizabeth Shasha Quaye, York College, The City University of New York; Carol Huang, Western Connecticut State University; Chris Hsu, York College, The City University of New York
  • Relative performance and predictors of international candidate choice of jurisdiction on the US CPA Exam 2015-2019. .....Aida Lozada, UPR; Teresa Longobardi, University of Puerto Rico; Jose J. Cao, Lehman Collegec, City University of New York; Yuly Suarez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Elizabeth Shasha Quaye, York College, The City University of New York
  • Kurt Bryan von Seekamm, Salem State University
  • Teresa Longobardi, University of Puerto Rico
17. Issues in Labor Economics
Friday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | The Fens

Chair: Alaa Amr Badawy Abdelfattah, university of California, davis
  • Do Codes of Conduct Safeguard Labour Standards? Evidence from the Garment Industry in India. .....Shyma Jose, ICRIER
  • Stairway to the Top?: Economic and Educational Intergenerational Mobility in Mexico. .....Luis Angel Monroy Gómez Franco, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • The Effect of a Credible Shame Threat on Worker Production: Evidence from a Hack-a-Shaq Strategy in the National Basketball Association. .....Kelly Carter, Morgan State University
  • Alaa Amr Badawy Abdelfattah, university of California, davis
  • Logan Robert Malone, University of New Hampshire
  • Shiyi Chen, SUNY Oneonta
104. EEA Coffee Break
Friday | 9:00 am-11:00 am | Republic Ballroom Foyer B
19. Economics Education: Online Educational Tools and Student/Faculty Research Collaborations [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Arnold Arboretum

Organizer: Van Thi Hong Pham, Salem State University
Chair: Van Thi Hong Pham, Salem State University
  • The Impact of Publisher's Online Platforms on Educational Outcomes. .....Abir Bukhatwa, Worcester State University; Lingling Wang, Worcester State University
  • Integrating Collaborative Online International Learning into Introductory Economics Class.. .....Van Thi Hong Pham, Salem State University
  • Determinants of Financial Literacy of College Students.. .....Abir Bukhatwa, Worcester State University; Janice Yee, Worcester State University; Jillian Fredricksen, Worcester State University
  • The Efficacy of Online Homework Packages in Improving Academic Performance when used with Different Teaching Modalities.. .....Elizabeth Wark, Worcester State University
  • Impact of Climate Change on Child Marriage in Pakistan (WISE Distinguished Graduate Fellows Program).. .....Saleem Shat, Clark University; Abir Bukhatwa, Worcester State University
  • Bonnie Orcutt, Worcester State University
  • Jill Dupree, Northeastern University
20. Stock Manipulation, Entrepreneurship and Celebrities. [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Claredon A

Organizer: Elena Smirnova, SUNY Old Westbury
Chair: Elena Smirnova, SUNY Old Westbury
  • Impact of Adani-Hindenburg Event on Indian Stock Market. .....Kousik Ganguly, Indian Institute of Technology; Ajay Kumar Mishra, Indian Institute of Technology; Katarzyna Platt, SUNY Old Westbury
  • Labor Demand of Microentrepreneurs in the United States.. .....Oluwasheyi Oladipo, SUNY Old Westbury; Hyoung Suk Shim, CUNY- Staten Island
  • Entrepreneurship with celebrity immersion. .....Elena Smirnova, SUNY Old Westbury; Zhihong Shi, SUNY at Old Westbury; Shalei Simms, SUNY at Old Westbury; Christopher Castro-Andrade, SUNY - Old Westbury

  • Elena Smirnova, SUNY Old Westbury;
  • Katarzyna Platt, SUNY Old Westbury;
  • Oluwasheyi Oladipo, SUNY Old Westbury;
  • Hyoung Suk Shim, CUNY- Staten Island;
  • Zhihong Shi, SUNY at Old Westbury;
  • Shalei Simms, SUNY at Old Westbury;
  • Christopher Castro-Andrade, SUNY - Old Westbury;
  • Kousik Ganguly, Indian Institute of Technology;
  • Ajay Kumar Mishra, Indian Institute of Technology;
  • Katarzyna Platt, SUNY Old Westbury
  • Oluwasheyi Oladipo, SUNY Old Westbury
  • Elena Smirnova, SUNY Old Westbury
21. Market and industrial structures [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Exeter A

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Uneven Development with an Unlimited Supply of Labor. .....Brendan Brundage, Colorado State University
  • Expectations, authority and divergent market transitions. .....Susanne Wengle, University of Notre Dame; Daniele Girardi, University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Roberto Veneziani, Queen Mary University of London
  • Deindustrialization from the Centre perspective: US trade and manufacturing in the last two decades. .....Nikolaos Rodousakis, Centre of Planning and Economic Research (KEPE); Giuliano Toshiro Yajima, Levy Institute of Bard College; George Soklis, Panteion University

  • Brendan Brundage, Colorado State University;
  • Roberto Veneziani, Queen Mary University of London;
  • Giuliano Toshiro Yajima, Levy Institute of Bard College;
  • Roberto Veneziani, Queen Mary University of London
  • Giuliano Toshiro Yajima, Levy Institute of Bard College
  • Brendan Brundage, Colorado State University
22. Gender, Women's Empowerment and Development [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Forest Hills

Organizer: Alexandra Bernasek, Colorado State University
Chair: Saniya Jilani, Colorado State University

  • Sanchari Choudhury, Colorado State University;
  • Alexandra Bernasek, Colorado State University;
  • Saniya Jilani, Colorado State University;
  • Teresa Perry, California State University, San Bernardino;
23. EEJ-sponsored session on Monetary Policy [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Friday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Boston Commons

Organizers: Julie K Smith, Lafayette College; Charles Richard Higgins, Colgate University;
Chair: Julie K Smith, Lafayette College
  • Monetary policy and race differentials in labor market outcomes. .....Char Weise, Gettysburg College
  • Monetary Policy and the Nativity Earnings Gap. .....Esteban Argudo, Vassar College
  • What Explains Black Employment Dynamics?. .....Karl Boulware, Wesleyan University; Ken Kuttner, Williams College
  • A Monetarist Look at the Recent Inflation. .....Timothy Kearney, Centenary University
24. Essays in Applied Microeconomics [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Friday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Dalton A

Organizer: Eric Osborne-Christenson, Pace University
Chair: Eric Osborne-Christenson, Pace University
  • Expanding Medicaid Under the Affordable Care Act: The Effect on Maternal Mortality Rates in the United States. .....Macie Cooper, Pace University
  • Digitization and Economic Resilience in times of Financial Crisis. .....Thomas Shen, Pace University
  • Building Sustainability: How Bike Lanes Change Transportation Choices. .....Eric Osborne-Christenson, Pace University
  • McKenna Moore, Pace University
  • Giselle Garriga, Pace University
  • Jackie Wong, Pace University
25. Labor Economics [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Friday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Jamaica Pond

Organizer: Eric Osborne-Christenson, Pace University
Chairs: Anna Shostya, Pace University; Mary Kaltenberg, Pace University;
  • Degrees and Downturns: Investigating the Career Effects of Graduating During Economic Booms and Busts. .....Mariam Elzoghby, Pace University
  • The Impact of COVID-19 Childcare Closures on Female Labor Supply: Evidence from a Quasi-natural Experiment. .....Mary Kaltenberg, Pace University; Dhaval Dave, Bentley University & NBER; Greg Colman, Pace University
  • Does SB1070 have an effect on wages on the native population?. .....Anastasia Khanukov, Pace University
  • Challenges of Reconstruction in Ukraine: Rebuilding the Labor Force and Ensuring Progress toward Sustainable Development. .....Anna Shostya, Pace University; Brandon Diaz, Pace University; Maria Andrukhiv, Columbia University
  • Liam Chentoufi, Pace University
  • Thomas Shen, Pace University
  • Macie Cooper, Pace University
  • Marvin Henry, Pace University
26. Sports Economics I [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Friday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Public Garden

Organizers: Eva Marikova Leeds, Moravian University; Victor Matheson, North American Association of Sports Economists;
Chair: Patrick Reilly, Skidmore College
  • Clustering of Majors at Temple University. .....Michael Leeds, Temple University; Eva Marikova Leeds, Moravian University
  • The Relocation Effect of Major League Franchise. .....Jonas Froch, Sciences Po
  • Participation in Physical Activity and Economic Freedom: Evidence from the American Time Use Survey. .....Brad Humphreys, West Virginia University; Arijit Ray, Cleveland State University; Jane Ruseski, West Virginia University
  • Physical Decline Rates: Men versus Women. .....Ray Fair, Yale University

  • Michael Leeds, Temple University;
  • Jonas Froch, Sciences Po;
  • Brad Humphreys, West Virginia University;
  • Ray Fair, Yale University;
Friday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Fairfax A

Organizer: Gary Mongiovi, St John`s University
Chair: Gary Mongiovi, St John`s University
  • Solidarity... Forever?: Teaching Labor, Race, and Policing at a Predominantly White and Emerging Hispanic Serving Institution with Games. .....Rob Haggar, colorado state university
  • Popular Education is Essential for Advancing Radical Economics. .....Francisco Perez, University of Utah
  • Bringing radical assessment into radical political economy: experiences from an ungrading experiment. .....Smita Ramnarain, University of Rhode Island
  • Teaching the social and solidarity economy in introductory economics classes with Free Money Day. .....Jacqueline Strenio, Norwich University; Kahwa Douoguih, Norwich University
28. Rate of Profit and Capitalism [Organized Session [URPE]]
Friday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Fairfax B
  • Empirical Evidence of the Falling Rate of Profit Hypothesis Based on the Data from China and US economies. .....Junshang Liang, Nankai University; AYIXUNBATI NUERLANTAI, University of Utah
  • Exploring Near-Linearities in Price-Rate of Profit Trajectories and the Concept of Effective Rank in Input-Output Matrices. .....Lefteris Tsoulfidis, Professor
29. [AERE-EEA #2] Environmental Policies II. Session Sponsored by The Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) [Organized Session [AERE]]
Friday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Riverway

Organizers: Loujaina Abdelwahed, The Cooper Union; Jimena Gonzalez-Ramirez, Manhattan College;
Chair: Nilesh Shinde, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • The Role of Senators’ Environmental Support on Air Emission in the U.S. Power Industry. .....Yue Gao, Clark University; Haitao Liu, Independent Researcher
  • Environmental Regulation, Energy Prices and Innovation: Empirical Evidence from Manufacturing Sectors across OECD Countries. .....Yue Yu, University of Manchester
  • Environmental Regulation under Sequential Competition. .....Pak Sing Choi, National Central University; Ana Espinola-Arredondo, Washington State University; Felix Munoz-Garcia, Washington State University
  • Yue Gao, Clark University
  • Ana Espinola-Arredondo, Washington State University
  • Yue Yu, University of Manchester
30. Issues in Political Economy 1: International
Friday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Gardner

Chair: Georgia Daniel, Elon University
  • Analyzing gendered implications of land tenure security and formalization in matrilineal regions of Mozambique. .....Kathleen Jordan, Villanova University; Laura Meinzen-Dick, Villanova University
  • Local Labor Impacts of Ukrainian Migrants in Poland. .....Claire Danielle Przybocki, Elon University
  • Has the Return to Language Proficiency Decreased for Immigrants?. .....Jack Katz, State University of New York at Geneseo
  • Financial Market Inclusion for Ever-Married Women of Bangladesh. .....Allyson Porter, American University
  • Joshua James Ventura, Stonehill College
  • Ziyan Zhang, Smith College
  • Tayce Vasgen Shamamian, American University
  • Anastassiya Bukova, Indiana State University
  • Chase Katsuhiko Gurey, Elon University
31. International Economics
Friday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Hampton A

Chair: Purba Mukerji, connecticut college
  • The Effects of Monetary Policy on Foreign Reserves. .....Yuanchen Bing, University of Texas at Dallas
  • Beware Excessively Successful Sanctions in Countries with Low Financial Development. .....Purba Mukerji, connecticut college; Annika Brown, Utrecht University
  • Managing Multinationals. .....Adam Hal Spencer, University of Nottingham
  • Graphical Network Analysis of Silicon Shield: Has Taiwan’s ICT Industry Shifted its Role in Global Trade?. .....Jeffrey Kuo, George Washington University
  • Purba Mukerji, connecticut college
  • Yuanchen Bing, University of Texas at Dallas
  • Adam Hal Spencer, University of Nottingham
  • Jeffrey Kuo, George Washington University
32. Miscellaneous Topics
Friday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Olmsted

Chair: Prathibha Joshi , Gordon State College
  • Does Better Corporate Governance Improve Bankruptcy Outcomes? Evidence from India’s Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016. .....Chintal Desai, Virginia Commonwealth University; Ishani Tewari, Curry College
  • More about the Long-Term Effect of Aggregate Demand on Real GDP. .....Harrison Clyde Hartman, Author
  • Kids to School and Moms to Work: New York City’s Universal Pre-K Expansion and Mother’s Employment. .....Laxman Timilsina, Connecticut College
  • Are Public Transit and Docked Bikeshare Substitutes or Complements? Evidence from 31 U.S. Metropolitan Areas. .....Xinxin Cao, St. Lawrence University; Xiaoying Yang, South China Sea Development Research Institute, Ministry of Natural Resources
  • Harrison Clyde Hartman, Author
  • Laxman Timilsina, Connecticut College
  • Xinxin Cao, St. Lawrence University
  • Ishani Tewari, Curry College
33. Infant and Maternal Health
Friday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | The Fens

Chair: Julieth Saenz-Molina, Fordham University
  • Ozone Pollution and Infants’ Health: Evidence from the NOx Budget Trading Program. .....Nahid Tavassoli, university of wisconsin-milwaukee
  • Revealed Comparative Disadvantage of Infants: Exposure to NAFTA and Birth Outcomes. .....Hamid Noghanibehambari, Austin Peay State University
  • The Effect of Abortion Restrictions on Maternal Health Outcomes. .....Raymond Caraher, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Infant and Maternal Health Outcomes Following Improved Substance Use Disorder Treatment for Pregnant Women. .....Emma Aurelie Bomfim, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; Jessica LaVoice, Bowdoin College
  • Julieth Saenz-Molina, Fordham University
  • Hoolda Kim, Fayetteville State University
  • John Lucas Maddock, Colorado State University
  • John M. Polimeni, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
34. Economics of Education CSWEP Session I [Organized Session [CSWEP]]
Friday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Berkely B

Organizer: Yana Rodgers, Rutgers University
Chair: Olga Churkina, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Hiring Prospects of Online Education: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment. .....Olga Churkina, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Performance Bonus or Whimper? Individual Teacher Incentive Bonuses in North Carolina Public Schools. .....Saharnaz Babaei-Balderlou, University of South Carolina ; Samuel Arthur Maloney, University of South Carolina
  • Parental Information and Investments in Children’s Human Capital: Evidence from India. .....Jalnidh Kaur, Teachers College Columbia University
  • How does providing free menstrual products in schools affect test scores: Evidence from New York. .....Farhat Chowdhury, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
35. Economics of Development, Infrastructure and Environment [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Arnold Arboretum

Organizer: Mitali Pradhan, Farmingdale State College
Chair: Mitali Pradhan, Farmingdale State College
  • Lights Out: Impact of Power Outages on Firm Performance in India. .....Mitali Pradhan, Farmingdale State College
  • Banking on Financial Development to save our Planet: A Semiparametric Analysis. .....Monica Das, Skidmore College; Sudip Basu, United Nations
  • Can feedback reduce the gender gap in giving advice?. .....Sakshi Upadhyay, Skidmore College
  • Impact of Sunshine Duration on Crime in Brazil. .....Nilesh Shinde, University of Massachusetts - Amherst

  • Mitali Pradhan, Farmingdale State College;
  • Monica Das, Skidmore College;
  • Sakshi Upadhyay, Skidmore College;
  • Nilesh Shinde, University of Massachusetts - Amherst;
  • Monica Das, Skidmore College
  • Sakshi Upadhyay, Skidmore College
  • Mitali Pradhan, Farmingdale State College
  • Nilesh Shinde, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
36. Behavioral Experiments in Social Norms and Prosocial Behavior [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Boston Commons

Organizer: Felipe A. Araujo, Lehigh University
Chair: Felipe A. Araujo, Lehigh University
  • Beliefs about gender differences in social preferences. .....Molly Moore, Harvard University; Christine Exley, University of Michigan; Oliver Hauser, University of Exeter; John-Henry Pezzuto, Harvard University
  • A field experiment on using socials norms to address the (non)payment for utility services. .....Felipe A. Araujo, Lehigh University; Nina Mazar, Boston University; David Hagmann, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Carlos Fernández-Loría, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Encouraging Water Conservation in a Drought: Field Experiments in Monterrey, Mexico. .....Syon Bhanot, Swarthmore College

  • Syon Bhanot, Swarthmore College;
  • Molly Moore, Harvard University;
  • Felipe A. Araujo, Lehigh University;
37. Climate Finance: Policy and Empirical Applications [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Claredon A

Organizer: Sharon Harrison, Barnard College
Chair: Sharon Harrison, Barnard College
  • Climate Policy with Unintended Consequences and Strategic Unawareness. .....Sharon Harrison, Barnard College; Loran Chollete, Jack Welch College of Business and Technology
  • Assessing the Volatility of Green Firms. .....Keener Hughen, Jack Welch College of Business and Technology; Loran Chollete, Jack Welch College of Business and Technology; Ching-Chih Lu, National Chengchi University; Weijia Peng, Jack Welch College of Business and Technology
  • Securing the Future: International Evidence on Climate Change Strategy and Firm Value. .....Mahfuja Malik, Jack Welch College of Business and Technology; Kathy Dhanda, Jack Welch College of Business and Technology; Huu Dong, Monash University; Md Al Mamun, La Trobe University

  • Sharon Harrison, Barnard College;
  • Keener Hughen, Jack Welch College of Business and Technology;
  • Mahfuja Malik, Jack Welch College of Business and Technology;
  • Keener Hughen, Jack Welch College of Business and Technology
  • Mahfuja Malik, Jack Welch College of Business and Technology
38. The Economic Complexity Paradigm and its global and regional applications [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Dalton A

Organizers: Gustavo de Britto Rocha, Cedeplar-UFMG; João Romero, Cedeplar;
Chair: Gilberto Tadeu Lima, University of São Paulo
  • Mapping the Sustainable Development: a network-based approach for achieving the SDGs. .....Fabrício Silveira, Fiocruz - Brazil; João Romero, Cedeplar; Elton Freitas, Universidade Federal de Sergipe; Gustavo de Britto Rocha, Cedeplar-UFMG
  • Economic Complexity and Green Technology Absorption. .....João Romero, Cedeplar; Camila Gramkov, ECLAC; Guilherme Magacho, AFD
  • Economic Complexity and Per Capita Gdp Growth: a Differences-In-Differences Analysis for Brazilian Municipalities. .....Danielle Carvalho, Cedeplar; Alexandre de Queiroz Stein, Cedeplar UFMG; Arthur Ribeiro Queiroz, Cedeplar; João Romero, Cedeplar; Ana Maria Hermeto Camilo de Oliveira, Cedeplar
  • Digital technologies, economic complexity and the occupations space in Brazil. .....Gustavo de Britto Rocha, Cedeplar-UFMG; Alexandre de Queiroz Stein, Cedeplar UFMG; Elton Freitas, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

  • Fabrício Silveira, Fiocruz - Brazil;
  • João Romero, Cedeplar;
  • Danielle Carvalho, Cedeplar;
  • Gustavo de Britto Rocha, Cedeplar-UFMG;
  • Fabio Freitas, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro;
39. Labor and bargaining models [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Exeter A

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Michalis Nikiforos, University of Geneva
  • Bargaining power and income distribution: A meso-level analysis of US Manufacturing. .....Swayamsiddha Sarangi, University of Utah
  • Assessing the ‘Political Aspects of Full Employment’: Evidence from Strikes and Lockouts. .....Luke Petach, Belmont University
  • Artificial Intelligence, Worker Wellbeing and Labor’s Bargaining Power. .....Owen Davis, Siegel Family Endowment

  • Swayamsiddha Sarangi, University of Utah;
  • Luke Petach, Belmont University;
  • Owen Davis, Siegel Family Endowment;
  • Luke Petach, Belmont University
  • Owen Davis, Siegel Family Endowment
  • Swayamsiddha Sarangi, University of Utah
40. Issues in international economics [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Exeter B

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Marwil Dávila Fernández, University of Siena
  • IMF Programs, Conditionality and Growth Forecast Errors. .....Firat Demir, University of Oklahoma; Tejas Ghirnikar, University of Oklahoma
  • A Shift in the International Monetary Architecture: New Modalities in Currency Substitution. .....Hanin Khwaja, The New School for Social Research
  • Commodity boom, export concentration and income elasticities: Evidence from Brazilian local economies. .....Vinicius Curti Cícero, Colorado State University

  • Firat Demir, University of Oklahoma;
  • Hanin Khwaja, The New School for Social Research;
  • Vinicius Curti Cícero, Colorado State University;
  • Hanin Khwaja, The New School for Social Research
  • Vinicius Curti Cícero, Colorado State University
  • Firat Demir, University of Oklahoma
41. Baseball Economics [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Friday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Olmsted

Organizers: Eva Marikova Leeds, Moravian University; Victor Matheson, North American Association of Sports Economists;
Chair: Brad Humphreys, West Virginia University
  • The Impact of Major League Baseball's Pitch Clock Implementation on Defensive Production. .....Jonathan Randolph Brown, University of North Carolina Asheville
  • Protecting Assets in Sport: Long Term Contract and Injury in Major League Baseball. .....Richard Joseph Paulsen, University of Michigan
  • Rate of Return to Competition and Performance of MLB Pitchers after Tommy John Suregery. .....Iuliia Chikish, SUNY Purchase; Brad Humphreys, West Virginia University
  • The Peculiar Economics of Minor League Baseball. .....Victor Matheson, North American Association of Sports Economists; Joshua Congdon-Hohman, College of the Holly Cross

  • Jonathan Randolph Brown, University of North Carolina Asheville;
  • Richard Joseph Paulsen, University of Michigan;
  • Iuliia Chikish, SUNY Purchase;
  • Victor Matheson, North American Association of Sports Economists;
  • Qi Ge, Vassar College
  • Iuliia Chikish, SUNY Purchase
  • Jonathan Randolph Brown, University of North Carolina Asheville
  • Richard Joseph Paulsen, University of Michigan
Friday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Fairfax A

Organizer: Gary Mongiovi, St John`s University
Chair: Jacqueline Strenio, Norwich University
  • Teaching the Labour Theory of Value: Physical and mental health in the workplace. .....Julia Chukwuma, The Open University, UK; Kevin Deane, THe Open University
  • Teaching technological unemployment through role play: "Rage Against the Machine: Technology, Rebellion and the Industrial Revolution.". .....Richard McIntyre, University of Rhode Island
  • “There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact”: Piercing the Smokescreen of Mainstream Microeconomics in the Classroom. .....Gary Mongiovi, St John`s University
  • Teaching Radical Political Economy via Positive, Paradigmatic, Problem-Based Pluralism. .....Geoff Scheider, Bucknell University
43. Financial Institutions and their impact on Global Political Economy [Organized Session [URPE]]
Friday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Fairfax B

Organizer: ANN Elizabeth Davis, marist college
Chair: ANN Elizabeth Davis, marist college

  • gerald epstein, University of Massachusetts - Amherst;
  • Ramaa vasudevan, Colorado State University;
  • ANN Elizabeth Davis, marist college;
  • Brandon James Istenes, Levy Institute for Economics;
  • nathan tankus, independent scholar;
44. [AERE-EEA #3] Climate Change Policies. Session Sponsored by The Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) [Organized Session [AERE]]
Friday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Riverway

Organizers: Loujaina Abdelwahed, The Cooper Union; Jimena Gonzalez-Ramirez, Manhattan College;
Chair: Hui Zhou, University of Rhode Island, Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Economics
  • The Impacts of Unilateral Carbon Border Adjustments among Heterogeneous Countries. .....Dana Ghandour, Concordia University
  • Pigou's Advice and Sisyphus' Warning: Carbon Pricing with Non-Permanent Carbon Dioxide Removal. .....Max Franks, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; Matthias Kalkuhl, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC); Friedemann Gruner, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC); Kai Lessmann, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; Ottmar Edenhofer, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
  • Energy Efficiency Dynamics and Climate Policy. .....Gregory Casey, Williams College; Yang Gao, UCSB; Jason Jones, Furman University
  • Yang Gao, UCSB
  • Dana Ghandour, Concordia University
  • Max Franks, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
45. Behavioral and Corporate Finance
Friday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Forest Hills

Chair: Vikas Soni, University of South Florida
  • Financial Literacy among Autistic Adults. .....Monica Galizzi, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Ashleigh Hillier, University of Massachusetts Lowell; David Schena II, Eastern Illinois University
  • Does Institutional Investors' Ambiguity Preference Change with Market Tides?. .....Aram Balagyozyan, The University of Scranton; Pedro Monteiro, the University of Scranton; Zhihong Shi, SUNY at Old Westbury
  • Share Repurchases and Household Wealth. .....Christophe Van Langenhove, Ghent University
  • Behavioral Finance: Filling the Gaps in Traditional Investment Theory. .....Kaitlyn Kruszewski, University of Scanton; John Ruddy, University of Scranton
  • Monica Galizzi, University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Aziz Akgül, Turkish Foundation for Waste Reduction
  • Siobhan McAlister, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
  • Vikas Soni, University of South Florida
  • Ralph Sonenshine, American University
46. Issues in Political Economy 2: Macroeconomic Topics
Friday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Gardner

Chair: Claire Danielle Przybocki, Elon University
  • Impact of Economic Performance in the United States on Residents Desire to Save Using Macroeconomic Data. .....Joshua James Ventura, Stonehill College
  • To What Extent did China’s Fixed Exchange Rate Policy Affect U.S. Economic Recovery from the Great Recession?. .....Ziyan Zhang, Smith College
  • Subnational Determinants of Inward Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Institutional and Economic Factors. .....Tayce Vasgen Shamamian, American University
  • Cuban socialist policies and US relations: Analysis of impacts on development. .....Anastassiya Bukova, Indiana State University
  • Defense & Innovation: The Effect of Military Spending on Innovation within OECD Countries. .....Chase Katsuhiko Gurey, Elon University
  • The Catalysts of Prosperity: An Exploration of the Impact of Financial Deepening on Economic Growth in Nepal. .....Rehann Silvanus, College of Wooster
  • Emma Elizabeth Douvier-Koch, Minnesota State University Moorhead
  • Anna Vassallo, Elon University
  • Allison Goegel, Quinnipiac University
  • Georgia Daniel, Elon University
  • Sosina Gebremichael, American University
  • Campbell Joseph Lomel, Furman University
47. Safety, Innovation, and Progress
Friday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Hampton A

Chair: EDUARDO LEDERMAN RAWET, American University
  • “Long-term impact of different types of technical progress on labor productivity in American, European and Asian countries”. .....Fernando Barreiro-Pereira, Spanish University for Distance Education; Touria Abdelkader Benmesaud-Conde, Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia
  • Product Safety Standards and Technological Innovation: Evidence from the 1968 Radiation Control. .....Yiyu Xing, Auburn University
  • Late Industrialization Processes Under Analysis: A Comparison Between South Korea and Brazil from the Perspective of Effective Protection. .....Victor Carvalho da Costa, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Joint estimation of labor and product market power: A theoretical exposition and empirical evidence from the Indian manufacturing sector. .....Manya Budhiraja, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • EDUARDO LEDERMAN RAWET, American University
  • Arwa Khaled Althobaitit, southern illinois university
48. Financial Institutions and the Federal Reserve
Friday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Jamaica Pond

Chair: Michael D. Boldin, Lehigh University
  • Credit Bureaus, Democracy, and Financial Stability. .....Mohamed Sami Ben Ali, Qatar University
  • Is It Time to Change the Fed's Objectives for Monetary Policy ?. .....Michael D. Boldin, Lehigh University
  • Federal Reserve Monetary Policy and Wealth Inequality: An instrumental-local projections approach. .....Aaron Medlin, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • The role of treasure play in Fed's large-scale asset purchase programs (LSAP). .....Yunxiao Zhang, Peking University
49. Topics in Heterdox Economics I
Friday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Public Garden

Organizers: Mattias Vernengo, Bucknell University; Esteban Pérez Caldentey, ECLAC;
Chair: Mattias Vernengo, Bucknell University
  • Modelling Green Transition of the Chinese Economy under a Stock Flow Consistent Model. .....David An, University of Siena
  • A Prototype empirical Stock-Flow Consistent Input-Output Ecological model of the Italian economy. .....Giuliano Toshiro Yajima, Levy Institute of Bard College
  • A financially driven business cycle for Latin America and the Caribbean. .....Esteban Pérez Caldentey, ECLAC
  • Bridging the gap between stock-flow consistent models, input-output analysis and environmental accounts: an empirical application to the case Colombia. .....Sebastian Valdecantos, Aalborg University Business School
50. Physician and Healthcare Services: Supply and Demand
Friday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | The Fens

Chair: Adam Biener, Lafayette College
  • Local Effects of Clinical Trials on Physician Prescribing. .....Pinka Chatterji, University at Albany SUNY; Chun-Yu Ho, University at Albany SUNY; Yiran Han, University at Albany SUNY
  • On The Demand For Tele-Mental Health Services: Evidence From The COVID-19 Pandemic. .....Cole Hartman, Union College; Zachary Rodriguez, Union College
  • Economic consequences of nursing home closures. .....Pinka Chatterji, University at Albany SUNY; Hyeonwoo Do, SUNY at Albany; Chun-Yu Ho, University at Albany SUNY
  • Chandrayee Chatterjee, Southwestern University
  • Pinka Chatterji, University at Albany SUNY
  • Adam Biener, Lafayette College
  • Sadia Farzana, Northwestern University
51. Issues in Political Economy 3: Mental Health and Behavior
Friday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Gardner

Chair: Sarah Margaret Mirrow, Elon University
  • The Economics of Mental Health. .....Emma Elizabeth Douvier-Koch, Minnesota State University Moorhead
  • Adolescents Experiences of Sexual Abuse and Depression: Their Impact on Income Rates. .....Anna Vassallo, Elon University
  • Analyzing Determinants of Happiness. .....Allison Goegel, Quinnipiac University
  • Economic Consequences of Alcohol: A Micro-Level Analysis on Personal Wages in the U.S. .....Georgia Daniel, Elon University
  • Divine Divides and Economic Differentials: Investigating the Impact of Religious Affiliation and Participation on Gender and Wage Disparities in American Society. .....Sosina Gebremichael, American University
  • Claire Danielle Przybocki, Elon University
  • Kathleen Jordan, Villanova University
  • Jack Katz, State University of New York at Geneseo
  • Allyson Porter, American University
  • Carlos Roberto Dias Neto, Stonehill College
52. How to get published: A discussion with Journal Editors
Friday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Republic Ballroom

Organizers: Roberto Veneziani, Queen Mary University of London; Alexandre Olbrecht, Ramapo College;
Chair: Ed Petkus, Jr., Ramapo College of NJ

  • Roberto Veneziani, Queen Mary University of London;
  • Alexandre Olbrecht, Ramapo College;
  • Bart Lipman, Boston University;
  • Allan Zebedee, Clarkson University;
  • Jane Ruseski, West Virginia University;
  • Brad Humphreys, West Virginia University;
  • Jonathan Gruber, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
53. Economics of Education CSWEP Session II [Organized Session [CSWEP]]
Friday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Berkely B

Organizer: Yana Rodgers, Rutgers University
Chair: Florence Bouvet , Sonoma state university
  • Standardized-Tests-Optional Admissions Policies and Their Impacts on Colleges’ Retention Rates. .....Florence Bouvet , Sonoma state university ; Alyson Ma, University of San Diego; Jason Campbell, University of San Diego; Steven Sumner, University of San Diego
  • Stagnating State Funding for Higher Education and its Effect on Faculty at US Universities. .....Senan Hogan-Hennessy, Cornell University
  • A, B, or C? Question Format and the Gender Gap in Financial Literacy. .....Maddalena Davoli, University of Zurich
54. Health Economics & Policy Studies: Disparities and Unintended Effects [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Arnold Arboretum

Organizer: Joseph J. Sabia, San Diego State University & IZA
Chair: Joseph J. Sabia, San Diego State University & IZA
  • The Effect of ENDS Taxes on Substance Use. .....Dhaval Dave, Bentley University & NBER; Yang Liang, San Diego State University; Catherine Maclean, George Mason University; Caterina Muratori, San Diego State University; Joseph J. Sabia, San Diego State University & IZA
  • Do Recreational Marijuana Laws Reduce Racial Disparities? Evidence from Criminal Arrests, Psychological Health, and Mortality. .....Zach Fone, US Air Force Academy; Gokhan Kumpas, CSU-LA; Joseph J. Sabia, San Diego State University & IZA
  • How joining the public sector affects entrepreneurship? Causal evidence from Brazil. .....Thiago de Lucena Coelho, San Diego State University
  • The Multidimensional Nature of Women's Power: Measurement and Prediction. .....Rossella Calvi, Rice University; Sugat Chaturvedi, University of Sussex; Jacob Gordon Penglase, San Diego State University

  • Dhaval Dave, Bentley University & NBER;
  • Gokhan Kumpas, CSU-LA;
  • Thiago de Lucena Coelho, San Diego State University;
  • Jacob Gordon Penglase, San Diego State University;
  • Gokhan Kumpas, CSU-LA
  • Jacob Gordon Penglase, San Diego State University
  • Joseph J. Sabia, San Diego State University & IZA
  • Thiago de Lucena Coelho, San Diego State University
55. Monopsony 1: Bargaining and Rent Sharing [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Boston Commons

Organizers: Kate Bahn, Urban Institute; Martin Friedrich, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Elke Jahn, Universität Bayreuth; Michael Oberfichtner, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Martin Popp, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Todd Andrew Sorensen, University of California, Merced;
Chair: Martin Friedrich, IAB Institute for Employment Research
  • Intangible Assets and Rent Appropriation. .....Eric Bartelsman, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Sabien Dobbelaere, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Alessandro Zona Mattioli, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • When do Firms Profit from Wage Setting Power? Dynamic Monopsony vs. Concentration. .....Justin Bloesch, Cornell University; Birthe Larsen, Copenhagen Business School
  • Trends in Worker Bargaining Power. .....Paolo Mengano, Harvard University
  • Trade Openness and Informal Employment: The Moderating role of Monopsonistic Power. .....Jorge Elías Dávalos Chacón, Universidad del Pacífico; Diana Torres, Innovations for Poverty Action
56. Small open economies development [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Dalton A

Organizer: Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan, St. John`s University
Chair: Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan, St. John`s University
  • A Gender-Conscious Approach to Tech Sectors in Small Post-Socialist Open Economies. .....Noor Lima Boudakian, New School for Social Research
  • The impact of inequality, redistribution, and natural resource rents on gross national income in transition economies. .....Matthew Colantonio, Boston College
  • From Prosperity to Crisis: Tracing Lebanon's Economic Journey and Navigating the Road to Revival. .....Samar Issa, Saint Peter's University
  • The hard search for a sustainable economic development model in the small post-socialist economies. .....Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan, St. John`s University

  • Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan, St. John`s University;
  • Samar Issa, Saint Peter's University;
  • Noor Lima Boudakian, New School for Social Research;
  • Matthew Colantonio, Boston College;
57. Market power and technological change [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Exeter A

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Oriol Vallès Codina, Leeds University Business School
  • Intangible assets, market power, and the international orientation of U.S. corporations.. .....Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Joao Paulo de Souza, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • The Rise of Merger and Acquisitions in the US: Consequences for Investment, Market Concentration, and Markups - Conceptualization and a macroeconomic approach with firm-level data. .....Ayoze Alfageme, University of Geneva
  • Relatedness Beyond Borders: pathways to technological diversification using international patent data. .....Calebe Piacentini, Insper; Gustavo de Britto Rocha, Cedeplar-UFMG; Leonardo Ribeiro, Cederplar-UFMG

  • Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston;
  • Joao Paulo de Souza, University of Massachusetts Boston;
  • Ayoze Alfageme, University of Geneva;
  • Gustavo de Britto Rocha, Cedeplar-UFMG;
  • Ayoze Alfageme, University of Geneva
  • Gustavo de Britto Rocha, Cedeplar-UFMG
  • Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston
58. Sraffian and other production models [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Exeter B

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Joao Paulo de Souza, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • On Sraffian Indeterminacy of the Walras-von Neumann Equilibrium in Economies with Joint Production. .....Naoki Yoshihara, University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Se Ho Kwak, Smith College
  • The identification of the constraints in the productive structure behind the near-linearity in the empirical wage-profit curves. .....Mattias Carrasco, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Jacobo Ferrer, The New School for Social Research; Luis Daniel Torres-González, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Endogenous Evolution of Preferences and Complex Economic Dynamics -- The Use of a Dynamic Meta-network Analysis. .....Tato Khundadze, The New School

  • Se Ho Kwak, Smith College;
  • Luis Daniel Torres-González, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México;
  • Tato Khundadze, The New School;
  • Luis Daniel Torres-González, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Tato Khundadze, The New School
  • Se Ho Kwak, Smith College
59. National Association of Forensic Economics I [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Friday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Public Garden

Organizer: Victor Matheson, North American Association of Sports Economists
Chair: Marc Weinstein, Team Economics
  • Appraising Auditor Error in Medicaid Audits. .....Armando Rodriguez, University of New Haven; Kristin Kucsma, Sobel Tinari Economics Group
  • Case within a Case and its Alternatives. .....Craig Allen, Legal Malpractice Litigation
  • Marc Weinstein, Team Economics
  • Steven Shapiro, Analytic Resources
60. The Political Economy of the University [Organized Session [URPE]]
Friday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Fairfax A

Chair: Al Campbell, University of Utah
  • College Students Capabilities Approach. .....Laurence O`Connell, CUNY / New School
  • The Nature and Location of Undergraduate Heterodox Economics Course Offerings in U.S. Colleges. .....Hamid Azari-Rad, State University of New York at New Paltz
  • An Unequal Equalization: A peek into the first age of globalization and rates of profit. .....Kabeer Bora, University of Utah
61. [AERE-EEA #4] Environmental Policies & Trade. Session Sponsored by The Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) [Organized Session [AERE]]
Friday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Riverway

Organizers: Loujaina Abdelwahed, The Cooper Union; Jimena Gonzalez-Ramirez, Manhattan College;
Chair: Dana Ghandour, Concordia University
  • Strategic delegation in bilateral environmental agreements under heterogeneity. .....Qian Li, Faculty of Economics, Nagoya University
  • Restricting Trade for the Environment? Evidence from Import Restrictions on Used Vehicles in China. .....Hui Zhou, University of Rhode Island, Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Economics
  • When Growth Stumbles, Pollute? Trade War and Environmental Enforcement. .....Xinming Du, Columbia University; Lei Li, University of Mannheim
  • Why Is Trading So Important in Cap and Trade? The Roles of Economies of Scale and Productivity. .....Phuong Ho, University of Western Ontario
  • Phuong Ho, University of Western Ontario
  • Qian Li, Faculty of Economics, Nagoya University
  • Hui Zhou, University of Rhode Island, Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Economics
  • Xinming Du, Columbia University
62. Latin America Economics: First of Three Sessions sponsored by the Young Scholars Initiative/Institute of New Economic Thinking.
Friday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Berkely A

Organizer: Sylvio Kappes, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil.
Chair: Sylvio Kappes, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil.
  • An empirical analysis of the relationship between real wage appreciation and inflation in Brazil. .....Tainari Taioka, University of São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Real Effective Exchange Rate Shocks and Job Quality by Gender in Latin America. .....Debora Machado Nunes, Colorado State University
  • Aging, Development, and Cooperation: Perspectives and Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean - 2025-2050. .....Darlan Barbosa de Almeida, University of Guadalajara, Mexico
63. Economic Growth vs. The Environment
Friday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Forest Hills

Chair: Manuel David Cruz, Boston University
  • Environmental Degradation and Economic Growth: A Case for OECD Countries. .....Prathibha Joshi , Gordon State College; Kris Beck, Gordon State College
  • Halting Global Warming, an Economic Approach. .....Stephen Bannister, University of Utah
  • Considerations for a Sustainable Development in Paraguay. .....Marcelo Echague Pastore, Indiana State University
  • Manuel David Cruz, Boston University
  • Nachiket Thakkar, Alabama A&M University
  • Khwlah Saud Almutair, University of Massachusetts- Amherst
64. Issues in Political Economy 4: Education
Friday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Gardner

Chair: Anna Vassallo, Elon University
  • Do Charter Schools Improve Your Child’s Education? Taking a Deeper Look into Connecticut’s Education System.. .....Vanessa Paige Reineke, Quinnipiac University
  • Clinic Closures and High School Dropouts: How Access to Abortion Impacts Female Educational Attainment in Texas. .....Sarah Margaret Mirrow, Elon University; Steven Bednar, Elon University
  • NYC Community Schools and Student Crime Incidents. .....Parunjodhi Munisamy, Smith College
  • Unequal School Spending and Income Inequality in the United States. .....Ethan David Kaiser, Hartwick College
  • Daniel Joseph Elmore, Lenoir-Rhyne University
  • Victoria Jean Balfe, Hartwick College
  • Fawwaaz Ademola Abdulazeez, Northern Kentucky University
  • Joshua Richmond Hutson, Furman University
65. Determinants of saving, investment and risk taking
Friday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Hampton A

Chair: George P Gonpu, Ramapo College of New Jersey
  • The Bailout Incentive on Risk-taking Behavior in Banks. .....Khai Zhi Sim, stonehill College
  • How Do Evolving Common Ownership Motives Shape Capital Investment?. .....Michael James Carter, Lafayette College
  • Remembering the Other Effect of Saving on Output. .....Stephen Kirk Elwood, James Madison University
  • Short- and Long-Term Determinants of US Personal Saving: An Empirical Study and Policy Implications. .....Ning Jia, University of Hartford; Lillian Kamal, University of Hartford; Bharat Kolluri, University of Hartford
  • ILKER KAYA, American University of Sharjah
  • Ayushi Singh, A2F Consulting
  • George P Gonpu, Ramapo College of New Jersey
  • Bayarmaa Dalkhjav, University of New Hampshire
66. Student Debt and School Spending
Friday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Jamaica Pond

Chair: Robert Millard, Stony Brook University
  • Estimating the Cost Function of Public Schools in Utah: Implications for Equity and Adequacy in School Spending. .....Michael Mamo, Westminster University
  • Hispanic-Serving Institutions and College Persistence, Completion Rates, and Student Debt: Does Money Matter?. .....Yunwei Gai, Babson College; LI FENG, Texas State University - San Marcos; Yao-Yu Chin, Texas State University - San Marcos; Lynn MacDonald, St. Cloud State University
  • Simulating Student Loans in the Indian Context. .....Karthik Manickam, The New School
  • Test-Optional Admissions and Student Debt. .....Sean E Mulholland, Western Carolina University; Alexia Thompson, Choice Logistics
  • Robert Millard, Stony Brook University
  • Aysun Hiziroglu Aygun, University of Minnesota
  • Hannah Beth Sheldon, Clark University
  • Lackson Daniel Mudenda, Colby College
67. Microeconomics: Economics of Marijuana and Terrorism
Friday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Olmsted

Chair: Sandipa Bhattacharjee, Ramapo College of New Jersey
  • Fatal crashes and marijuana legalization. .....George Kalchev, Lake Superior State University
  • Sex Ratio and Terrorist Group Survival. .....Javed Younas, American University of Sharjah
  • Recreational Marijuana Taxation and Interstate Substitution. .....Jeffrey Robert Wheble, American University
  • Sandipa Bhattacharjee, Ramapo College of New Jersey
  • Amanda Marie Spielman, Bryant University
  • Hermine Vedogbeton, WPI
68. Impact of Social, Political, and Economic Factors on Health and Wellbeing
Friday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | The Fens

Chair: Priniti Panday, Roger Williams University
  • What Determines Subjective Well-Being of Older Adults? The Roles of Social, Political, and Economic Factors Across Countries. .....Hoolda Kim, Fayetteville State University; Baeyong Lee, Fayetteville State University
  • Socioeconomic Gradient in Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from Latin America. .....Julieth Saenz-Molina, Fordham University
  • Preventative Policy Measures to Homelessness: Evidence from the 2020 CARES Act. .....John Lucas Maddock, Colorado State University
  • Connections Between Poverty, Living Space, Education, and Health. .....John M. Polimeni, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences; Raluca Iorgulescu, Institute For Economic Forecasting - NIER Romanian Academy
  • Priniti Panday, Roger Williams University
  • Jinghan Kou, Fordham University
  • Allison Shwachman Kaminaga, Bryant University
69. Industrial Organization/Business Economics [Organized Session [CSWEP]]
Friday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Berkely B

Organizer: Yana Rodgers, Rutgers University
Chair: Amy Min Zhang, The Pennsylvania State University
  • The Impact of Local Bank Failures on Team Persistence in R&D. .....Chun-Yu Ho, University at Albany SUNY; Gerald Marschke, University at Albany, SUNY; Kyoungah Noh, University at Albany, SUNY
  • Human Capital and Firm's Innovation Direction. .....Xizhao Wang, Northwestern University
  • Carbon Pricing and Green Finance in Clean Transition. .....Amy Min Zhang, The Pennsylvania State University
70. Integration of Career Competencies in the Classroom [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Arnold Arboretum

Organizer: Natalia V. Smirnova, University of Connecticut
Chair: Natalia V. Smirnova, University of Connecticut
  • Integrating Career Readiness into Introductory Economics Courses. .....Natalia V. Smirnova, University of Connecticut; Svetlana Kalnova, University of Connecticut; Mary H Lesser, Lenoir-Rhyne University
  • Introducing Feedback Models in Economics Curriculum. .....Oleg Pavlov, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • Engaging Alumni in the Economics Classroom. .....Kristin Jones, Hartwick College
  • Career Readiness Benefits of A Group Project in Intermediate Macroeconomics. .....Roisin Ellen O`Sullivan, Smith College
  • Oluwasheyi Oladipo, SUNY Old Westbury
  • Elena Smirnova, SUNY Old Westbury
  • Katarzyna Platt, SUNY Old Westbury
  • Joan Nix, CUNY - Queens College
71. Monopsony 2: Institutions [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Boston Commons

Organizers: Kate Bahn, Urban Institute; Martin Friedrich, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Elke Jahn, Universität Bayreuth; Michael Oberfichtner, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Martin Popp, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Todd Andrew Sorensen, University of California, Merced;
Chair: Todd Andrew Sorensen, University of California, Merced
  • How Do Firms Respond to Unions?. .....Samuel Dodini, FAIR Centre, Dept of Economics, (NHH) Norwegian School of Economics; Anna Stansbury, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Alexander Willén, Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
  • Optimal labor procurement under minimum wages and monopsony power. .....Simon Loertscher, University of Melbourne; Ellen Muir, Harvard University
  • Minimum Wage Effects and Monopsony Explanations. .....Justin Wiltshire, University of Victoria; Carl McPherson, University of California - Berkeley; Michael Reich, University of California - Berkeley
72. Supermultiplier supersession [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Exeter A

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Luis Daniel Torres-González, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Austerity ‘works’ until it doesn’t: Two tales of the US economy from a Supermultiplier perspective. .....Fernando Ligiéro, Ministry of Public Management and Innovation in Public Services; Fabio Freitas, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Esther Dweck, Ministry of Public Management and Innovation in Public Services and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Supermultiplier Models, Demand Stagnation, and Monetary Policy: Inevitable March to the Lower Bound for Interest Rates?. .....Steve Fazzari, Washington University - St. Louis
  • Firms' debt regimes under alternative capital account closures in a Supermultiplier model. .....Lídia Brochier, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Italo Pedrosa, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

  • Fabio Freitas, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro;
  • Steve Fazzari, Washington University - St. Louis;
  • Lídia Brochier, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro;
  • Steve Fazzari, Washington University - St. Louis
  • Lídia Brochier, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Fabio Freitas, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
73. Environmental finance [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Exeter B

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Hasan Comert, Trinity College
  • The ‘Great Green Finance Gap’ between Developing and Developed countries: Evidence from region-wise differential pricing of Sovereign Green Bonds. .....Vedanshi Nevatia, Colorado State University
  • Environmentalism without class struggle is just gardening’: Ecological applications of the Ricardian growth model. .....Oriol Vallès Codina, Leeds University Business School
  • Climateflation and monetary policy in an environmental OLG model. .....Marwil Dávila Fernández, University of Siena

  • Vedanshi Nevatia, Colorado State University;
  • Oriol Vallès Codina, Leeds University Business School;
  • Marwil Dávila Fernández, University of Siena;
  • Oriol Vallès Codina, Leeds University Business School
  • Marwil Dávila Fernández, University of Siena
  • Vedanshi Nevatia, Colorado State University
74. Climate and Household Adaptation in Middle-Income Countries [Organized Session by an Individual]
Friday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Jamaica Pond

Organizer: Mieke Meurs, American University
Chair: Mieke Meurs, American University

  • Giang Juong Pham, Foreign Trade University, Vietnam;
  • Nghia Nguyen, American University;
  • Rida Hameed, American University;
  • Laura Cristina Blanco, University of Costa Rica;
75. Sports Economics [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Friday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Claredon A

Organizer: Eric Osborne-Christenson, Pace University
Chair: Eric Osborne-Christenson, Pace University
  • NBA Star Influence on Arena Crowds. .....Shadman Rahman, Pace University
  • An Examination of the "Loser Effect" in the NFL: The Impact of Draft Position and Early Career Performance on Long-Term Success. .....McKenna Moore, Pace University
  • Moneyball 2.0? A Study of How Statcast Changed the Nature of Victories in the MLB. .....Brandon Diaz, Pace University
  • Kristina Krichmaryov, Pace University
  • Mariam Elzoghby, Pace University
  • Anastasia Khanukov, Pace University
76. So you want to be an economics consultant - NAFE II [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Friday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Public Garden

Organizer: Victor Matheson, North American Association of Sports Economists
Chair: Marc Weinstein, Team Economics

  • Victor Matheson, North American Association of Sports Economists;
  • Marc Weinstein, Team Economics;
  • Kristin Kucsma, Sobel Tinari Economics Group;
  • Steven Shapiro, Analytic Resources;
77. The Political Economy of Growth and Development and Income Distribution [Organized Session [URPE]]
Friday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Fairfax A
  • The role of autonomous demand in the growth and income distribution debate: an empirical estimation for selected south american countries;. .....Joana David Avritzer, Connecticut College; Yan Zhuang, Connecticut College; Melissa Avilez Lopez, Connecticut College; Nghi Ngueyn, Connecticut College; Theodora Moldovan, Connecticut College
  • Embracing consumption. .....Mark Stelzner, Connecticut College
  • Building a Theory and Strategy of Economic Development from Keynes’ Shifting Equilibrium. .....Devin Thomas Rafferty, saint peter`s university
  • Economic Stimulus Measures in the Pandemic and Income Inequality. .....Gokcer Ozgur, Gettysburg College; Ceyhun Elgin, American University in Bulgaria & Bogazici University
78. Radical Political Economy of the Environment [Organized Session [URPE]]
Friday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Fairfax B

Organizer: Paul Cooney, URI
  • Contrasting Environmental Economics and Ecological Economics in terms of Method, Theory and Practice.. .....Paul Cooney, URI
  • The new science for the people: Climate literacy in the Age of the Anthropocene/ Capitalocene. .....ANN Elizabeth Davis, marist college
  • The Human Necessity of Ecosocialist Growth.The Human Necessity of Ecosocialist Growth.. .....David Schwartzman, Bank of Italy

  • Paul Cooney, URI;
  • ANN Elizabeth Davis, marist college;
  • David Schwartzman, Bank of Italy;
79. [AERE-EEA #5] Climate Change – Human Capital. Session Sponsored by The Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) [Organized Session [AERE]]
Friday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Riverway

Organizers: Loujaina Abdelwahed, The Cooper Union; Jimena Gonzalez-Ramirez, Manhattan College;
Chair: Xinming Du, Columbia University
  • Climate change and human capital: Evidence from the Indian Census. .....Kyle Emerick, Tufts University; Maggie Liu, Department of the Treasury, US; Yogita Shamdasani, National University of Singapore; Vis Taraz, Smith College
  • The Value of Weather Forecasts: Evidence from Labor Responses to Accurate Versus Inaccurate Temperature Forecasts in China. .....Yuqi Song, The Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability at Harvard University
  • Effect of Weather and Climate Shocks on Learning Outcomes in Uganda. .....Osaretin Olurotimi, University of Arizona
  • The Unequal Effect of Temperature on Test Scores: Evidence from Colombia. .....Bridget Hoffmann, Inter-American Development Bank; Xiomara Pulido, University of British Columbia; Diego Vera-Cossio, Inter-American Development Bank
  • Yuqi Song, The Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability at Harvard University
  • Vis Taraz, Smith College
  • Bridget Hoffmann, Inter-American Development Bank
  • Osaretin Olurotimi, University of Arizona
80. Asset Pricing and Market Efficiency I
Friday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Dalton A

Chair: Han Zhang, University at buffalo
  • Do ETFs enhance stock market efficiency? Evidence from a high dimensional financial network perspective. .....Yu Wang, University of Guelph
  • Luck Versus Skill in Mutual Fund Performance: Looking Across and Within Asset Classes. .....Rupsha Dey, University of New Hampshire
  • Yiyuan Wang, State university of New York at Buffalo
  • Iyad Snunu, Peres Academic Center (PAC)
  • Han Zhang, University at buffalo
81. History of Economic Thought
Friday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Forest Hills

Chair: Steven Pressman, Monmouth University (emeritus) & New School for Social Research
  • Does the Labor Theory of Value Explain Economic Growth? A Modern Classical View. .....Nikolaos Chatzarakis, New School for Social Research; Persefoni Tsaliki, Aritstotle University of Thessaloniki; Lefteris Tsoulfidis, Professor
  • Natural Capital-Induced Technical Change. .....Sean Michael Callahan, Colorado State University
  • THE FUNCTION OF MONEY IN A CAPITALIST ECONOMY AND THE ROLE OF THE US DOLLAR AS INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY IN THE WORLD ECONOMY. .....Joao Pedro Mascarello Funck, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; Carlos Schonerwald, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
  • Debt-deflation theory: Scrope’s anticipation of Fisher. .....Paul Orzechowski, College of Staten Island
  • Nikolaos Chatzarakis, New School for Social Research
  • Sean Michael Callahan, Colorado State University
  • Carlos Schonerwald, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
  • Paul Orzechowski, College of Staten Island
82. Issues in Political Economy: Labor
Friday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Gardner

Chair: Chase Katsuhiko Gurey, Elon University
  • Unlocking Labor Force Potential Through Fiscal Policy: Examining the Metamorphosis of Congress and Its Implications for Tax Policy, Spending, and Labor Outcomes. .....Daniel Joseph Elmore, Lenoir-Rhyne University
  • An Economic Analysis of the Impacts of the Cost of Childcare on the Labor Force Participation Rates of Women Across States. .....Claire Stoltenow, Minnesota State University Moorhead
  • The Impact of the COVID-19 Recession on Female Employment in Male Dominated Fields. .....Victoria Jean Balfe, Hartwick College
  • Measuring Labor market assimilation via the convergence of return to human capital. .....
  • The Minimum Wage and its Impact on Employment. .....Joshua Richmond Hutson, Furman University
  • Vanessa Paige Reineke, Quinnipiac University
  • Colin Finn Lilly, Villanova University
  • Sarah Margaret Mirrow, Elon University
  • Parunjodhi Munisamy, Smith College
  • Ethan David Kaiser, Hartwick College
83. Filtering Methods in Macroeconomics
Friday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Hampton A

Chair: Kwok Ping Tsang, Virginia Tech
  • A Sequential Monte Carlo Approach to Endogenous Time Varying Parameter Models. .....Evan Hart, University of Oregon
  • Decomposition of Consumer Sentiment and the Effects of Cyclical Component on Macroeconomic Variables. .....Azharul Islam, The University of Texas at Dallas
  • Business Cycle Decomposition, Wavelets, and Income Inequality. .....Dr. Nikolaos Papanikolaou, Lehman College School of Business
  • Two Illustration of the quantity theory of money: A restatement. .....Lawrence Ogbeifun, Hartwick College
  • Christopher John Fernandez Cruz, Grand Valley State University
  • Yunxiao Zhang, Peking University
  • Jose Eduardo Gomez-Gonzalez, City University of New York - Lehman College
  • Kwok Ping Tsang, Virginia Tech
84. Social Choice
Friday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Olmsted

Chair: Luis Angel Monroy Gómez Franco, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Estimating Matching Games Without Individual-level Data: Multidimensional Sorting in Government Recruitment. .....Qiwei He, Cornell University
  • Do Unemployment Benefits Affect the Quality of Service? Evidence from Nursing Homes. .....Yiyu Xing, Auburn University
  • Wade Howarth Litt, Denison University
  • Betty Mittelstädt, Central Washington University
85. Topics in Heterodox Economics II
Friday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | The Fens

Organizers: Mattias Vernengo, Bucknell University; Esteban Pérez Caldentey, ECLAC;
Chair: Mattias Vernengo, Bucknell University
  • Impact of the implementation of JET in Colombia: empirical analysis with ecological approach of the SFC. .....Leonardo Rojas, UNAL, Columbia
  • Assessing the Ecological Transition in Emerging and Developing Economies through Stock Flow Consistent Models. .....Jhan Andrade, (Sorbonne Université, France; Juan Herrera, Bocconi University
  • A Multi-Country, Multi-Sector Model for a Socially Just Transition to a Circular Economy. .....Oriol Vallès Codina, Leeds University Business School
86. EEA Business Meeting
Friday | 5:00 pm-5:15 pm | Republic Ballroom

Chair: Natalia V. Smirnova, University of Connecticut
87. Presidential Address: The Past, Present and Future of Health Care Reform
Friday | 5:15 pm-6:15 pm | Republic Ballroom

  • Jonathan Gruber, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
196. Conference Registration
Saturday | 7:30 am-4:00 pm | Republic Ballroom Foyer

Chair: Alexandre Olbrecht, Ramapo College
89. Special Topics in Labor Economics [Organized Session [CSWEP]]
Saturday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Berkely B

Organizer: Yana Rodgers, Rutgers University
Chair: Jessica Sauve-Syed, Furman University
  • Emergency Department Productivity: Medical Students and the EMR. .....Jessica Sauve-Syed, Furman University; Evan Hucke, Furman University; E. Page Bridges, University of South Carolina
  • Beauty pays? The role of looks in entrepreneurship. .....Jia Guo, Macquarie University; Zhiming Cheng, Macquarie University; Ben Wang, Macquarie University
  • Externalities of Marijuana Legalization: Marijuana Use in Non-Legalizing States. .....Marit Hinnosaar, University of Nottingham; Elaine Liu, University of Houston; Eva Davinia Loaeza-Albino, University of Houston
90. Price shocks in contemporary economies [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Boston Commons

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: JW Mason, John Jay College
  • Price Shocks and Redistribution: Systemically significant prices for inequality. .....Isabella Weber, University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Jesus Lara Jauregui, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Luiza Nassif, Unicamp; Lucas Teixeira, Unicamp
  • Caught between Fossilflation and Greenflation? Systemically Significant Prices, Energy Price Shocks and Carbon-Price Policies. .....Isabella Weber, University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Jesus Lara Jauregui, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Jan-Erik Thie, IMK Berlin; Lucas Teixeira, Unicamp; Luiza Nassif, Unicamp
  • Seller's Inflation and Profits: Can price shocks coordinate price hikes?. .....Isabella Weber, University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Evan Wasner, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Markus Lang, University of Heidelberg; Benjamin Braun, London School of Economics; Jens van't Klooster, University of Amsterdam
  • The Price of Daily Bread: Global Food Price Shocks and Disaster Preparedness in an Age of Overlapping Emergencies. .....Isabella Weber, University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Merle Camilla Schulken, UMass Amherst

  • Jesus Lara Jauregui, University of Massachusetts Amherst;
  • Jan-Erik Thie, IMK Berlin;
  • Evan Wasner, University of Massachusetts Amherst;
  • Merle Camilla Schulken, UMass Amherst;
  • Jan-Erik Thie, IMK Berlin
  • Evan Wasner, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Merle Camilla Schulken, UMass Amherst
  • Jesus Lara Jauregui, University of Massachusetts Amherst
91. Transportation and Health [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Claredon A

Organizer: Conor Lennon, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Chair: Austin Smith, Bates College
  • Ride-sharing and Mortality. .....Conor Lennon, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Keith Teltser, Georgia State University; Christian Saenz, Georgia State University
  • Sleep and Fatal Vehicle Crashes: Evidence from Sunset Time in the United States. .....Jingyan Guo, University of California, Riverside
  • Micro-mobility and Driving Under The Influence. .....Margaret Bock, Goucher College; Alexander Cardazzi, Old Dominion University

  • Conor Lennon, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute;
  • Jingyan Guo, University of California, Riverside;
  • Alexander Cardazzi, Old Dominion University;
  • Reagan Baughman, University of New Hampshire
  • James Bailey, Providence College
  • Dhaval Dave, Bentley University & NBER
92. Political economy of economic policy [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Exeter A

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • The General Relativity of Fiscal Space: Functional Finance and Development. .....Jacob Assa, UNDP; Marc Andrew Morgan, Université de Genève
  • The Political Economy of Delayed Stabilizations. .....Arslan Razmi, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Beyond the trilemma framework: a post Keynesian look at policy space and constraints. .....Nathalie Marins, Boston University

  • Marc Andrew Morgan, Université de Genève;
  • Arslan Razmi, University of Massachusetts - Amherst;
  • Nathalie Marins, Boston University;
  • Arslan Razmi, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Nathalie Marins, Boston University
  • Marc Andrew Morgan, Université de Genève
93. Macrodynamics of unemployment, distribution and debt [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Exeter B

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Christian Proaño, University of Bamberg
  • The effects of distributional shocks on output and unemployment. .....Alejandro Gonzalez, Washington University - St. Louis
  • Overlapping Cycles of Debt, Demand, and Distribution. .....Y.K. Kim, University of Massachusetts - Boston; Michael Cauvel, University of Southern Maine
  • Unveiling agricultural productive structure: an Economic Complexity approach using census data.. .....Alexandre de Queiroz Stein, Cedeplar UFMG; Gustavo de Britto Rocha, Cedeplar-UFMG; Victor Medeiros, Cedeplar - UFMG

  • Alejandro Gonzalez, Washington University - St. Louis;
  • Y.K. Kim, University of Massachusetts - Boston;
  • Alexandre de Queiroz Stein, Cedeplar UFMG;
  • Michael Cauvel, University of Southern Maine;
  • Y.K. Kim, University of Massachusetts - Boston
  • Alexandre de Queiroz Stein, Cedeplar UFMG
  • Alejandro Gonzalez, Washington University - St. Louis
94. Behavioral and Parametric Inferences [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Saturday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Dalton A

Organizer: Andreas Pape, Binghamton University
Chair: Andreas Pape, Binghamton University
  • Bootstrapping Confidence Intervals Around Agent-Based Model Parameter Estimates. .....Nency Dhameja, Binghamton University; Christopher M Zosh, Binghamton University; Yixin Ren, Binghamton Univesity; Andreas Pape, Binghamton University
  • Heteronomy Versus Autonomy. .....Shyam Sunder Gouri Suresh, Davidson College; Paul Studtmann, Davidson College; Bryce Wiedenbeck, Davidson College
  • Agent-Based Modeling Of Information Manipulation: Applying Parameter Estimation With Bootstrapped Confidence Intervals. .....Yixin Ren, Binghamton Univesity; Andreas Pape, Binghamton University
  • Blockchain, Alternative Currencies, and Information Systems (Leanne Ussher). .....Jacky Mallett, Reykjavik University

  • Nency Dhameja, Binghamton University;
  • Shyam Sunder Gouri Suresh, Davidson College;
  • Yixin Ren, Binghamton Univesity;
  • Jacky Mallett, Reykjavik University;
  • Zachary Dameon Modig, George Mason University, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
  • Walter Stover, George Mason University
  • Joffa Michele Applegate, Arizona State University
  • Matthias Raddant, CSH Vienna / TU Graz
95. Care Work and Response to Social and Economic Pressures [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Saturday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Jamaica Pond

Organizers: Tanadej Vechsuruck, University of Rhode Island; Mieke Meurs, American University;
Chair: Mieke Meurs, American University
  • Care work and pastoral income generation in the face of economic and climate pressures: Evidence from herding households in Mongolia. .....Amartuvshin Amarjargal, National Humanities University (Mongolia); Mieke Meurs, American University
  • Effects of road traffic accidents on the burden of unpaid work on women in Cali, Colombia. .....María Castillo-Valencia, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia; Diana Marcela Jiménez, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia
  • Impact of Climate Shock on Women’s Unpaid Work: A Case from Indian Coastal Hotspot. .....Jheelum Sarkar, American University

  • Amartuvshin Amarjargal, National Humanities University (Mongolia);
  • Mieke Meurs, American University;
  • María Castillo-Valencia, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia;
  • Diana Marcela Jiménez, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia;
  • Jheelum Sarkar, American University;
  • Juna Miluka, University of Tirana;
96. The Global South and the Political Economy of Domination and Dependency I [Organized Session [URPE]]
Saturday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Fairfax A
  • The other resource: over determined data imperialism. .....Marcus Jonathan Breen, Boston College
  • Growth Regimes in Central and Peripheral Countries: An Econometric Analysis with Dynamic Panel Models, 1980-2018.. .....Emiliano Lopez, IdIHCS-CONICET/UNLP
  • US Hegemony and International Accounts before and after 2008: Regulation, accumulation, and institutions. .....Patrick Alexandre Hallan, University of Utah
  • Procyclicality in the IMF Debt Sustainability Framework: Debt, Consumption, and Deindustrialization. .....Tai Young-Taft, Levy Economics Institute
Saturday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Fairfax B

Organizer: Alfredo Rosete, Central Connecticut State University
Chair: Ali Alper Almidar, St. Francis College
  • How the Generosity of Wage Replacement Benefits in Different State Paid Family Leave Policies Impact the Labor Market Choices of New Mothers. .....Samantha Schenck, Central Connecticut State University; Zachary Mottram, Central Connecticut State University
  • Immigration Aversion Under Labor Bargaining. .....Alfredo Rosete, Central Connecticut State University; Nicholas Reksten, University of Redlands

  • Samantha Schenck, Central Connecticut State University;
  • Ali Alper Almidar, St. Francis College;
  • Alfredo Rosete, Central Connecticut State University;
98. [AERE-EEA #6] Climate Change. Session Sponsored by The Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) [Organized Session [AERE]]
Saturday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Riverway

Organizers: Loujaina Abdelwahed, The Cooper Union; Jimena Gonzalez-Ramirez, Manhattan College;
Chair: Bridget Hoffmann, Inter-American Development Bank
  • Unseen Toll of Extreme Heat and Humidity on Mental Health in Mexico. .....Yumin Hong, University of Texas at Austin; Antonia Vazquez, University of Texas at Austi
  • Heat and Productivity: Evidence From Flight On-Time Performance. .....Zhanhan Yu, University of Glasgow; Ying Shi, Syracuse University
  • Deepening inequalities? Evidence from floods in Bangladesh. .....Fatima Najeeb, University of Maryland
  • Fatima Najeeb, University of Maryland
  • Yumin Hong, University of Texas at Austin
  • Zhanhan Yu, University of Glasgow
99. Expectations and News
Saturday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Forest Hills

Chair: Khai Zhi Sim, stonehill College
  • Unanticipated Money Growth and Unemployment in the Philippines. .....Jason Cruz Patalinghug, Southern Connecticut State University
  • News Shocks, Consumer Confidence, and Business Cycles. .....SYED MUHAMMAD HUSSAIN, James Madison University
  • Revisiting the relationship between oil supply news shocks and U.S. economic activity: Role of the zero lower bound. .....Naafey Sardar, St. Olaf College; Irfan Qureshi, Asian Development Bank
  • Khai Zhi Sim, stonehill College
  • Michael James Carter, Lafayette College
  • Ning Jia, University of Hartford
100. Applied Mathematical Methods
Saturday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Hampton A

Chair: Karl H Seeley, Hartwick College
  • Climate change and structural transformation. .....Karl H Seeley, Hartwick College
  • Fuzzy Forecasts and the Dynamic Factor Model of Consumer Confidence. .....Aram Balagyozyan, The University of Scranton
  • GDP Growth Forecast Inefficiency – The Role of Domestic and Foreign News. .....Fazlul Hoque Miah, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals; Abdoul Wane, Fayetteville State University
  • Connectedness in exchange rates and news sentiment in the Asia-Pacific region. .....Tjeerd Boonman, Monmouth University; Jens Fittje, FernUniversitaet Hagen, Germany
101. Foreign Direct Investment
Saturday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Olmsted

Chair: Don Donghyun Lee, University of Mary Washington
  • FDI-oriented strategy and capabilities creation: a Chilean firm level estimation of FDI and innovation. .....Luis Ignacio Silva Neira, University of the Basque Country / Berlin School of Economics and Law
  • Foreign Direct Investments and Economic Growth: Exploring the Role of Absorptive Capacities.. .....Seyni Da, American University
  • Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, Cultural Distance and Growth: Industry-level Analysis. .....Don Donghyun Lee, University of Mary Washington
  • Jeffrey Kuo, George Washington University
  • Jieun Chang, Southwestern Oklahoma State University
  • Don Donghyun Lee, University of Mary Washington
102. Government Policy and Financial Development
Saturday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Public Garden

Chair: Dr. Augustin MBEMBA, High Point University
  • The Effect of Bank Development on Export Scale and Quality: Evidence from Chinese Firm-Level Data. .....Li Li, Marist College
  • The effect of financial markets and financial institutions on foreign direct investment in developing countries. .....Manuel David Cruz, Boston University
  • Effect of Monetary Policy Uncertainty on Debt Financing for Indian Companies. .....Nachiket Thakkar, Alabama A&M University; Rafiqul Bhuyan, Alabama A&M University
  • Market Liberalization and Price Volatility: Evidence from the Saudi Stock Market. .....Khwlah Saud Almutair, University of Massachusetts- Amherst
  • Miguel Ramirez, Trinity College
  • Suleiman Abu-Bader, Ben-Gurion Uinversity of the Negev
  • Wayne Aaron Sandholtz, Nova School of Business and Economics
  • Dr. Augustin MBEMBA, High Point University
103. Extreme Weather, Climate, and Sea Rise
Saturday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | The Fens

Chair: John M. Polimeni, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
  • The Impact of Adult Awareness of Climate Change on Renewable Energy Consumption in the United States.. .....MOHAMMAD ISMAYL Al Masud, Texas Tech University
  • Local Preferences for Mitigation and Adaption to Sea Level Rise in Guatemala. .....William Vasquez, Fairfield University; Jennifer Trudeau-Tham, Sacred Heart University
  • Flooding Events and Dengue Incidence in Mexico: A municipal-level Analysis. .....Ariel R Belasen, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
  • John M. Polimeni, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
  • Maria Hatalis, Rutgers University
  • Jung You, California State University - East Bay
104. EEA Coffee Break
Saturday | 9:00 am-11:00 am | Republic Ballroom Foyer B
105. Contemplative Pedagogies in Economics [Organized Session [CSWEP]]
Saturday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Berkely B

Organizer: Leah Greden Mathews, UNC Asheville
Chair: Leah Greden Mathews, UNC Asheville

  • Daniel Barbezat, Amherst College;
  • Sandra Trejos, Pennsylvania Western University;
  • Melissa Mahoney, University of North Carolina Asheville;
  • Leah Greden Mathews, UNC Asheville;
106. Exploring the Nexus: Social Sciences and Technology in the Digital Age [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Arnold Arboretum

Organizer: Sushma Shukla, Piedmont Virginia Community College
Chair: Sushma Shukla, Piedmont Virginia Community College

  • Jia Yu, Southern Connecticut State University
  • Babita Srivastava, William Paterson University;
107. Urban Economic History [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Boston Commons

Organizer: Jason Barr, Rutgers University-Newark
Chair: Troy Tassier, Fordham University
  • Differences of Density: Understanding What Density Does and Doesn’t Tell Us about Infectious Disease Transmission in 19th and 21st Century New York City. .....Troy Tassier, Fordham University
  • Measuring Two Centuries of Housing Affordability in New York City. .....Jason Barr, Rutgers University-Newark
  • Public housing design, racial sorting and welfare: Evidence from New York City public housing 1930-2010. .....Maximilian Guennewig-Moenert, Trinity College Dublin
  • An Economic History of Large Fires in American Cities. .....James Sidola, Colby College
108. Monopsony 3: Occupations and Human Capital [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Claredon A

Organizers: Kate Bahn, Urban Institute; Martin Friedrich, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Elke Jahn, Universität Bayreuth; Michael Oberfichtner, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Martin Popp, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Todd Andrew Sorensen, University of California, Merced;
Chair: Martin Friedrich, IAB Institute for Employment Research
  • Human Capital Transferability and Employer Monopsony Power. .....Qingyang Han, Johns Hopkins University
  • Interactions and Dynamics of Occupational Segregation and Monopsony. .....Jessica Forden, The New School for Social Research
109. Complexity and statistical mechanics [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Exeter A

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Ansel Schiavone, St. John's University
  • Information as a decomposable probabilistic measure of generative heterogeneity: Three applications to analysis of complex socioeconomic systems. .....Paulo dos Santos, New School for Social Research
  • An Information Theory Approach to the Stock and Cryptocurrency Market: A Statistical Equilibrium Perspective. .....Emanuele Citera, St. Lawrence University; Francesco De Pretis, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
  • The Statistical Mechanics of Income in a Peripheral Economy. Peru 2004-2019. .....César Castillo-García, New School for Social Research

  • Paulo dos Santos, New School for Social Research;
  • Emanuele Citera, St. Lawrence University;
  • Francesco De Pretis, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia;
  • César Castillo-García, New School for Social Research;
  • Emanuele Citera, St. Lawrence University
  • César Castillo-García, New School for Social Research
  • Paulo dos Santos, New School for Social Research
110. Post-Keynesian models of fluctuations [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Exeter B

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Firat Demir, University of Oklahoma
  • An IS-MP-PC model for teaching macroeconomic cycles in open developing economies. .....Joao Paulo de Souza, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leopoldo Gomez-Ramirez, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
  • Animal spirits and the Goodwin pattern. .....Mark Setterfield, The New School for Social Research; George Wheaton, The New School for Social Research

  • Leopoldo Gomez-Ramirez, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru;
  • Mark Setterfield, The New School for Social Research;
  • Leopoldo Gomez-Ramirez, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
  • Mark Setterfield, The New School for Social Research
111. Macroeconomics [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Saturday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Dalton A

Organizer: Alan G. Isaac, American University
Chair: John S. Schuler, Kukun Home Investment Intelligence
  • Minimum Wage Vs Ubi: A Macroeconomic Analysis. .....Alan G. Isaac, American University
  • Learning Integrated Inflation Forecasts In A Simple Multi-Agent Macroeconomic Model. .....Blake LeBaron, Brandeis University; Karen Smith, Drew University
  • The Impact Of Basel Iii And Covid-19 On U.S. Interbank Lending Market: A Multi-Agent Simulation Approach Using Reinforcement Learning. .....Cheuk Yin Jeffrey Mo, Stevens Institute of Technology; Steve Yang, Stevens Institute of Technology
  • Rivalrous Competition And Macroeconomic Volatility. .....Vipin P Veetil, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode; Antoine Mandel, Paris School of Economics

  • Alan G. Isaac, American University;
  • Blake LeBaron, Brandeis University;
  • Cheuk Yin Jeffrey Mo, Stevens Institute of Technology;
  • Jacky Mallett, Reykjavik University
  • Alan G. Isaac, American University
  • Blake LeBaron, Brandeis University
112. Sports Betting [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Saturday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Public Garden

Organizers: Eva Marikova Leeds, Moravian University; Victor Matheson, North American Association of Sports Economists;
Chair: Akira Motomura, Stonehill College
  • The Tennis Serve Started Ticking and Betting Market Inefficiencies Followed. .....Natalie Cutter, Wake Forest University; Todd McFall, Wake Forest University
  • Football Odds Boosts: Are They a Boom of Bust for New York Sports Bettors?. .....Jeremy Losak, Syracuse University; Aaron Rofw, Syracuse University; Nicholas Catalano, Syracuse University; Christopher Marfisi, Syracuse University
  • Fine Young Cannibals? Have Sports Books Reduced Lottery Betting?. .....Victor Matheson, North American Association of Sports Economists; Liam Marrinan, College of the Holy Cross
  • How Do Teams Tank? Evidence from Game-Level NBA Playing Time Distribution. .....Alexander Cardazzi, Old Dominion University; Brad Humphreys, West Virginia University; Kole Reddig, West Virginia University

  • Natalie Cutter, Wake Forest University;
  • Jeremy Losak, Syracuse University;
  • Victor Matheson, North American Association of Sports Economists;
  • Alexander Cardazzi, Old Dominion University;
  • Jeremy Losak, Syracuse University
  • Victor Matheson, North American Association of Sports Economists
  • Todd McFall, Wake Forest University
  • Akira Motomura, Stonehill College
113. Trade, Employment, and Labour Shares in Global Value Chains [Organized Session [URPE]]
Saturday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Fairfax A

Organizer: Bhavya Sinha, Colorado State University
Chair: Adam Walke, Denison University
  • A real competition approach to trade and development in Global Value Chains. .....Jesus Lara Jauregui, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Declining Labour Shares Through Global Value Chains: An Exploration Of Value Capture In Production Networks. .....Bhavya Sinha, Colorado State University
  • Trade, offshoring, and manufacturing employment volatility in Mexico. .....Adam Walke, Denison University; Stephan Weiler, Colorado State University

  • Jesus Lara Jauregui, University of Massachusetts Amherst;
  • Bhavya Sinha, Colorado State University;
  • Adam Walke, Denison University;
  • Milena Xochil Dehn, Colorado State University;
114. The Political Economy of Labor [Organized Session [URPE]]
Saturday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Fairfax B
  • Fast Labor-saving Technological Change and Employment. .....Baris Guven, Gettysburg College
  • Rationed by 'Human Capital': The New Aspect of the U.S. Dual Labor Market. .....Kenneth Jeong, University of massachusetts amherst
  • Recovery for All? Intersectional Disparities in the US Labor Market During the Pandemic. .....Armagan Gezici, The University of the West of England, UK; Ozge Ozay, Fitchburg State University
115. [AERE-EEA #7] Climate Change & Natural Disasters. Session Sponsored by The Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) [Organized Session [AERE]]
Saturday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Riverway

Organizers: Loujaina Abdelwahed, The Cooper Union; Jimena Gonzalez-Ramirez, Manhattan College;
  • The Effects of Climate Change on Residential Rental Markets: How Rising Heat is Altering Rates. .....Michael Garvey, United States Department of Energy
  • Adapting to Disasters: Evidence from Drought in Brazil. .....Guilherme DePaula, Iowa State University; Bhezad Jeddi, Iowa State university; David Keiser, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Guilherme DePaula, Iowa State University
  • Jesse Gourevitch, Environmental Defense Fund
  • Michael Garvey, United States Department of Energy
116. Immigration
Saturday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Forest Hills

Chair: Christa Marr, Fitchburg State University
  • Immigrant Earnings Premiums for U.S. Bachelor’s Degrees. .....Wade Howarth Litt, Denison University
  • Occupation-Education Mismatch among the Immigrant Community. .....Betty Mittelstädt, Central Washington University; Tennecia Daccas, Central Washington University; Devon Lynch, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
  • The status of knowledge about women workers and internal migrants in Vietnam. .....Van Thanh Pho, University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Unequal Gradients: Gender, Skin Tone, and Intergenerational Economic Mobility. .....Luis Angel Monroy Gómez Franco, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Roberto Vélez-Grajales, Centro de Estudios Espinosa Yglesias; Gastón Yalonetzky, Leeds University
  • Mama, I’m coming home: Evaluating the role of return migrants in knowledge transfers. .....krishna sharma, clemson university
  • Christa Marr, Fitchburg State University
  • Qiwei He, Cornell University
  • Yiyu Xing, Auburn University
117. Issues in Political Economy 6: Health
Saturday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Gardner
  • The Effect of Abortion Rates on Adoption Rates: A State-Level Analysis. .....Luke Michael Brown, Quinnipiac University
  • Understanding the underperformance of minority patient outcomes at minority-serving hospitals. .....Angela Gabriela Saquinaula, University of Connecticut
  • The impact of enrollment barriers to Medicaid on Crime. .....Jun Pu, Smith College
  • The Effects of Food Insecurity on Cardiovascular Disease Death in North Carolina. .....David Luke Neubig, Elon University
  • The short- and long-term financial and health provision outcomes after hospital leadership turnover. .....Savannah Lily Fish, University of Connecticut
  • Amanda Iskin, College of Wooster
  • Trevor Zachary Hastings, Furman University
  • Jackson Powell, Belmont University
  • James Edward Novak, Davidson College
  • Julianne La Tempa, Quinnipiac University
118. Microeconomics: Theory
Saturday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Hampton A

Chair: Takuma Habu, Cornell University
  • Confronting the laurels problem in a dynamic reputation model. .....Charles Swanson, Temple University
  • Placement with Assignment Guarantees and Semi-Flexible Capacities. .....Ege Bilgin, University of Bonn; Orhan Aygun, Bogazici University
  • Agreeing to be fooled: Optimal ignorance about information sources. .....Takuma Habu, Cornell University
  • Information aggregation in the presence of media bias on a network with knowledgeable agents. .....Valeria Bodishtianu, Cornell University
  • Takuma Habu, Cornell University
  • Yurim Lee, Central Washington University
  • David B Zuckerman, Central Washington University
  • Chiradip Chatterjee, University of North Florida
  • Devika Hazra, California State University, Los Angeles
119. Issues in post-Keynesoan economics (Organized by the Monetary Policy Institute and the Review of Political Economy)
Saturday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Hampton B

Organizer: Louis Phillipe Rochon, Laurentian University
  • Central banks and power: when there is a will, there is a way. .....Guillaume Vallet, Université de Grenoble-Alpes
  • Machine Learning approaches to Economic Policy-Making. .....Marcos Centurion-Vicencio, Centre de Recherche en Economie de Grenoble
120. Learning and Language Processing in Macroeconomics
Saturday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Jamaica Pond

Chair: Sarah Tang, Suffolk University
  • Monetary Policy Pronouncements and Inflation Expectations. .....Christopher John Fernandez Cruz, Grand Valley State University; Vanessa Espano, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas; Angela Pelayo, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
  • News Sentiment and Topic Analysis on Crude Oil Future Prices. .....Yunxiao Zhang, Peking University
  • Sovereign Risk and Economic Complexity: Machine Learning Insights on Causality and Prediction. .....Jose Eduardo Gomez-Gonzalez, City University of New York - Lehman College; Jorge Uribe, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; Oscar Valencia, Inter-American Development Bank
  • Agree to Disagree: Measuring Hidden Dissents in FOMC Meetings. .....Kwok Ping Tsang, Virginia Tech; Zichao Yang, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
  • Kendal Swanson, Duke University
  • Ying Chao, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
  • Sarah Tang, Suffolk University
  • Tomoya Suzuki, Kansai University
121. Labor Markets
Saturday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Olmsted

Chair: Ruchika Rungta, Auburn University
  • The Effect of Large Firm Entry on Wage Distribution and Skill Demand. .....Alaa Amr Badawy Abdelfattah, university of California, davis; Layla O'Kane, Lightcast
  • Tools and the Ability to Work From Home (WFH). .....Logan Robert Malone, University of New Hampshire; Robert Mohr, University of New Hampshire
  • The COVID-19, Work from Home, and Racial Attitudes. .....Shiyi Chen, SUNY Oneonta
  • Ruchika Rungta, Auburn University
  • Jessica Pei Ye, University of Maryland, College Park
  • Yiyuan Wang, State university of New York at Buffalo
  • Hajar EL KHOUDRI, Université Laval
122. Monetary Policy, Income Distribution and Agent’s Heterogeneity: Second of Three Sessions sponsored by the Young Scholars Initiative/Institute of New Economic Thinking.
Saturday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | The Fens

Organizer: Sylvio Kappes, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil.
Chair: Sarah Pessoa, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil
  • Monetary Policy & Racial and Gender Inequality: A Survey of the Empirical Literature. .....Rafael Pahim, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
  • Unconventional Monetary Policy and the Rise of Inequality in Japan: The Pasinetti Index. .....Yuki Tadi, The New School for Social Research
  • Heterogeneity in consumer responses to Fed communications: prior beliefs, MPCs, and demographics. .....Aina Puig, American University
123. Macro Models and Dynamics [Organized Session [CSWEP]]
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Berkely A

Organizer: Yana Rodgers, Rutgers University
Chair: Shuoshuo Hou, College of Saint Benedict & Saint John`s University
  • Fiscal Policy in a Multisector TANK Model. .....Tobias Fabian Mueller, Boston College; Shane McMiken, Boston College
  • The Importance of Input-Output Network Structure in the U.S. Economy. .....Shuoshuo Hou, College of Saint Benedict & Saint John`s University
  • Trade, Firm Dynamics and Labor Market Power. .....Viktoriia Zezerova, Pennsylvania State University
  • Foreign and Domestic Causes of the Pandemic Inflation. .....Manchun Wang, Boston College
124. Labor and Public Policy [Organized Session [CSWEP]]
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Berkely B

Organizer: Yana Rodgers, Rutgers University
Chair: Hajar EL KHOUDRI, Laval University
  • Punishing Poverty: Labor Supply and Program Enrollment Effects of Work Requirement Enforcement. .....Katherine Richard, University of Michigan ; Lea Bart, University of Michigan
  • Bank account ownership and women's empowerment in India. .....Tarana Chauhan, Cornell University
  • Not Just Digging Holes: Impact of India’s Employment Guarantee on Agricultural Productivity. .....Kartik Misra, Sewanee: The University of the South; Uttara Balakrishnan, American Institutes for Research
  • Policy Can Reduce Earning Imbalances Favoring Men in Dual-Earner Couples. .....Hajar EL KHOUDRI, Laval University; Sylvain Dessy, Laval University
125. Monopsony 4: Non-Compete Agreements [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Claredon A

Organizers: Kate Bahn, Urban Institute; Martin Friedrich, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Elke Jahn, Universität Bayreuth; Michael Oberfichtner, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Martin Popp, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Todd Andrew Sorensen, University of California, Merced;
Chair: Todd Andrew Sorensen, University of California, Merced
  • Non-competition Agreements and Dedicated Human Capital. .....Ádám Fehér, Institute for Labor Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union
  • Field Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Noncompete Agreements. .....Bo Cowgill, Columbia University; Brandon Freiberg, Columbia University; Evan Starr, University of Maryland
  • New Evidence on Employee Non-compete, No Poach, and No Hire Agreements in the Franchise Sector. .....Peter Norlander, Loyola University Chicago
126. International Macroeconomics [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Exeter A

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Se Ho Kwak, Smith College
  • Contractionary Effects of Foreign Price Shocks (and Potentially Expansionary Effects of Inflation). .....Michalis Nikiforos, University of Geneva; Simon Grothe, University of Geneva
  • Is “high” inflation always and everywhere an exchange rate phenomenon?. .....Hasan Comert, Trinity College
  • Domestic and external sources of inflation in developing economies: The case of Bolivia. .....Raul Zelada-Aprili, Trinity College

  • Michalis Nikiforos, University of Geneva;
  • Hasan Comert, Trinity College;
  • Raul Zelada-Aprili, Trinity College;
  • Hasan Comert, Trinity College
  • Raul Zelada-Aprili, Trinity College
  • Michalis Nikiforos, University of Geneva
127. Distributional macrodynamics [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Exeter B

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Raul Zelada-Aprili, Trinity College
  • Distributional conflict and endogenous cyclical macrodynamics. .....Gilberto Tadeu Lima, University of São Paulo
  • The conflicting nature of rule-based fiscal policy: the political economy of changes in Brazil's fiscal framework.. .....Pedro Marques, Made-FEA/USP; Clara Brenck, Made-FEA/USP
  • Monetary Policy and Inflation: a Global Panel Study. .....Cameron Haas, University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Arslan Razmi, University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Mateo Hoyos Lopez, Center for Research and Teaching in Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Guilherme Klein Martins, University of Leeds; Emiliano Libman, University of Buenos Aires

  • Gilberto Tadeu Lima, University of São Paulo;
  • Clara Brenck, Made-FEA/USP;
  • Cameron Haas, University of Massachusetts - Amherst;
  • Clara Brenck, Made-FEA/USP
  • Cameron Haas, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Gilberto Tadeu Lima, University of São Paulo
128. Institutions and Environmental Justice [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Forest Hills

Organizer: Alfredo Rosete, Central Connecticut State University
Chair: Alfredo Rosete, Central Connecticut State University
  • Political Rights and Environmental Justice: Measuring the Impact of Anti-SLAPP Legislation on the Spatial Patterns of Toxic Air Pollutants. .....An Li, Sarah Lawrence College
  • Financing a just transition or just a transition? DFIs in new supply chains. .....Rebecca Ray, Boston University
  • Can Empowering Labor Help the Environment?. .....Alfredo Rosete, Central Connecticut State University

  • An Li, Sarah Lawrence College;
  • Rebecca Ray, Boston University;
  • Alfredo Rosete, Central Connecticut State University;
129. EEJ Special Issue on Gender Economics [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Boston Commons

Organizers: Nicole Simpson, Colgate University; Reagan Baughman, University of New Hampshire;
Chairs: Nicole Simpson, Colgate University; Reagan Baughman, University of New Hampshire;
  • Hostile Sexism and the 2016 Presidential Election. .....Andrew Wei, Cornell University; Ann Owen, Hamilton College
  • Why Don’t You Leave? A Household Model of Addiction. .....Teresa Perry, California State University, San Bernardino
  • Why Are Women’s and Men’s Work Lives Converging? Demography, Human Capital Investments and Lifetime Earnings. .....Joyce Jacobsen, Hobart and William Smith Colleges and Wesleyan University; Melanie Khamis, Wesleyan University; IZA; Mutlu Yuksel, Dalhousie University; IZA
  • Why Care for the Care Economy: Empirical Evidence from Nepal. .....Aashima Sinha, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College; Ashish Kumar Sedai, University of Texas at Arlington
130. Agent-based Models and Learning [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Dalton A

Organizer: Andreas Pape, Binghamton University
Chair: Thomas Bourany, University of Chicago
  • Evolving Sustainable Institutions In Agent Based Simulations With Learning. .....Christopher M Zosh, Binghamton University; Andreas Pape, Binghamton University; Todd Guilfoos, Rhode Island University; Peter DiCola, Northwestern University
  • Taking Stock of the Flows in a Monetary Circuit. .....Joffa Michele Applegate, Arizona State University
  • Activity-Based Demand For Transportation: An Application For The Region Of "La Nouvelle-Aquitaine (France). .....Moez Kilani, University of Littoral Opal Coast, France; Asma Werhani, University of Sousse, Tunisia; Seghir Zerguini, University of Bordeaux, France
  • Surfing Youtube: Searching For Algorithmic Overdependence Using Simulated Digital Content Platform Recommenders. .....Walter Stover, George Mason University

  • Christopher M Zosh, Binghamton University;
  • Joffa Michele Applegate, Arizona State University;
  • Moez Kilani, University of Littoral Opal Coast, France;
  • Walter Stover, George Mason University;
  • Troy Tassier, Fordham University
  • Andreas Pape, Binghamton University
  • Yixin Ren, Binghamton Univesity
  • Nency Dhameja, Binghamton University
131. Sports Economics II [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Public Garden

Organizers: Eva Marikova Leeds, Moravian University; Victor Matheson, North American Association of Sports Economists;
Chair: Jeremy Losak, Syracuse University
  • The Impact of Internet-based Media Racial Discrimination on Wage Gap in Professional Soccer Industry. .....Jiahang Zhang, Clark University
  • Reassessing Customer Discrimination in Local Market Television Viewership. .....Byungju Kang, Saint John Fisher University; Steven Salaga, University of Georgia; Michael Mondello, University of South Florida
  • The Impact of Income Inequality on Sport Achievement: Cross-National Analysis of Winter Olympic Games. .....Veronika Dolar, Pace University
  • Executive-Firm Geographic Match, Performance, and Executive Tenure: Evidence from NCAA Men's Basketball. .....Tyler Skinner, University of Georgia; Steven Salaga, University of Georgia

  • Jiahang Zhang, Clark University;
  • Byungju Kang, Saint John Fisher University;
  • Veronika Dolar, Pace University;
  • Tyler Skinner, University of Georgia;
  • Victor Matheson, North American Association of Sports Economists
  • Jane Ruseski, West Virginia University
  • Eva Marikova Leeds, Moravian University
  • Michael Leeds, Temple University
132. The Global South and the Political Economy of Domination and Dependency II [Organized Session [URPE]]
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Fairfax A
  • The stricken economy of Puerto Rico: What comes after Climate Disasters, Fiscal Control Boards, and Forced Migration?. .....Ricardo R Fuentes-Ramirez, University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez
  • The political economy of dependency in Palestine: An agent-based simulation. .....Ibrahim Shikaki, Trinity College; Daniel Zhubin Younessi, The New School
  • Moorish Anthropocenes, European Structures. .....Mohamed Berrada, The New School
  • From a Spoke to a Hub with Spokes: A Case of South Korea. .....Woocheol Lee, GNU
133. The Working Class and the Political Economy of Work [Organized Session [URPE]]
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Fairfax B
  • Austerity and Food Insecurity in Europe, 2004-2021. .....Harry Konstantinidis, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Investigating Overwork, Work-Life Conflicts and Work-Time Reduction for US Teachers. .....Katherine A. Moos, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Noe Martin Wiener, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
134. [AERE-EEA #8] Fisheries. Session Sponsored by The Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) [Organized Session [AERE]]
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Riverway

Organizers: Loujaina Abdelwahed, The Cooper Union; Jimena Gonzalez-Ramirez, Manhattan College;
Chair: Nicholas B Irwin, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • The Seafood Trade and Nutritional Access. .....Yaqin Liu, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Martin Smith, Duke University; Tsugumi Yamashita, Clark University; Joshua Abbott, Arizona State University; Dustin Colson-Leaning, Duke University; David Dietz, Global Seafood Alliance; Adam Smyth, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
  • Bioeconomic Impact of Nutrient Pollution in Freshwater Fisheries: The Case of Yellow Perch in the St. Lawrence River, Quebec, Canada. .....Michelan Wilson, Colorado College; Edward Barbier, Colorado State University; Marc Mingelbier, MFFP Canada
  • Fuel Subsidies in the Global Fishing Network. .....Aaron Berman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Andrés de Loera, Harvard University
  • Andrés de Loera, Harvard University
  • Tsugumi Yamashita, Clark University
  • Michelan Wilson, Colorado College
135. Topics in Heterodox Economics III
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Arnold Arboretum

Organizers: Mattias Vernengo, Bucknell University; Esteban Pérez Caldentey, ECLAC;
Chair: Esteban Pérez Caldentey, ECLAC
  • Fiscal austerity and the stagnation of the Brazilian economy from 2015 to 2022. .....Guilherme Haluska Rodrigues de Sá, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Ricardo Summa, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Reflections on Balance of Payments Constrained Growth. .....Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid, UNAM, Mexico
  • Price and Wage Inflation in Brazil: an empirical analysis from 1999 to 2022. .....Julia Braga, UFF and IPEA, Brazil
  • Thirlwall on Harrod. .....Esteban Pérez Caldentey, ECLAC
136. Issues in Political Economy 7: Finance
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Gardner
  • The Effect of Futures Trading on Market Information and Commodity Spot Price Volatility. .....Julianne La Tempa, Quinnipiac University
  • The Transition from Cash to Credit and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Time Series Approach. .....Trevor Zachary Hastings, Furman University
  • A New Look at IPO Secondary Market Returns. .....Jackson Powell, Belmont University; Dustin Joseph Rumbaugh, Belmont University; John Gonas, Belmont University
  • Loss Aversion on Reinforcement Learning Investment Strategy. .....James Edward Novak, Davidson College
  • The impact of P2P lending on financial inclusion in the United States. .....Amanda Iskin, College of Wooster
  • Angela Gabriela Saquinaula, University of Connecticut
  • Jun Pu, Smith College
  • David Luke Neubig, Elon University
  • Savannah Lily Fish, University of Connecticut
  • Luke Michael Brown, Quinnipiac University
137. Factors Affecting Foreign Exchange Rates
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Hampton A

Chair: Helena Glebocki Keefe, Fairfield University
  • Foreign Exchange Risk Management across the Production Network. .....Wentong Chen, Cornell University; Jisu Hwang, Cornell University
  • Global Uncertainty and Exchange Rate Conditions: Assessing the Impact of Uncertainty Shocks in Emerging Markets and Advanced Economies. .....Helena Glebocki Keefe, Fairfield University
  • Helena Glebocki Keefe, Fairfield University
  • Fazlul Hoque Miah, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
  • Tjeerd Boonman, Monmouth University
138. How to get published in academic journals and how to do a review: Advice from Editors (Organized by the Review of Political Economy)
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Hampton B

Organizer: Louis Phillipe Rochon, Laurentian University
Chair: Louis Phillipe Rochon, Laurentian University

  • Julia Braga, UFF and IPEA, Brazil;
  • Steven Pressman, Monmouth University (emeritus) & New School for Social Research;
  • Louis Phillipe Rochon, Laurentian University;
139. Trade 1: Migration, Domestic Consumption and Tariffs
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Jamaica Pond

Chair: Clark Banach, MERICS (Mercator Institute for China Studies)
  • Export Diversification and Macroeconomic Shocks. .....Balazs Zelity, Wesleyan University
  • The complementarity or Substitutability between international trade and International migration: an empirical Study. .....Olawale David Adisa, Sacred Heart University
  • Export Quality and International Trade: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis. .....Shahroo Malik, Southern Illinois University
  • Clark Banach, MERICS (Mercator Institute for China Studies)
  • Praveena Bamunusingha Bandara, American University Washington DC
  • Carlos Schonerwald, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
140. Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Olmsted

Chair: Jaehak Lee, University at Albany, SUNY
  • Entrepreneurship or Dealpreneurship? Empirical Analysis of the Startup vs. Buy Dilemma. .....Seni Hazzan, Pepperdine University; Nelson Granados, Pepperdine University; Richard Walton, Pepperdine University; Brian Headd, U.S. SBA
  • Natural Disasters and Economic Dynamism: Evidence from U.S. Entrepreneurial Activity. .....Omer Bayar, University of Evansville; Christopher Boudreaux, Florida Atlantic University; Todd Yarbrough, Pace University
  • Licensing Sequential Innovations. .....Camilo Rubbini, Florida State University; Joaquin Coleff, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina)
  • Hyun Moh Shin, Duke University
  • Jaehak Lee, University at Albany, SUNY
  • Camilo Rubbini, Florida State University
141. Child and Adolescent Health
Saturday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | The Fens

Chair: Raymond Caraher, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Does Birth Order Impact Educational Performance and Parental Investments in China?. .....Jinghan Kou, Fordham University
  • Women’s land ownership and children’s nutritional status: the impact of patrilineal and matrilineal systems in Malawi. .....Allison Shwachman Kaminaga, Bryant University; Hannah Beth Sheldon, Clark University
  • Predicting Adolescent Depression in the U.S. using a Two-Layered Ensemble Machine Learning Approach. .....I-Ming Chiu, Rutgers University Camden
  • The Influence of Household Characteristics on Child Labor in Nepal: An Empirical Study. .....Priniti Panday, Roger Williams University
  • Raymond Caraher, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Emma Aurelie Bomfim, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
  • Hamid Noghanibehambari, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Nahid Tavassoli, university of wisconsin-milwaukee
142. Domestic Policy, Fertility, and Family Outcomes (CSWEP) [Organized Session [CSWEP]]
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Berkely A

Organizers: Joanna Venator, Boston College; Bilge Erten, Northeastern University;
Chair: Olga Shurchkov, Wellesley College
  • From Addiction to Aggression: The Spillover Effects of Opioid Policies on Intimate Partner Violence. .....Dhaval Dave, Bentley University & NBER; Bilge Erten, Northeastern University; Pinar Keskin, Wellesley College; Shuo Zhang, Northeastern University
  • Reproductive Policy Uncertainty and Contraceptive Choice. .....Kate Pennington, US Census; Joanna Venator, Boston College
  • Disparities and Differential Takeup in Supplemental Security Income: Evidence from Birthweight Eligibility Cutoffs. .....Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida; Amelia Hawkins, Brandeis University; Jeffrey Hemmeter, Social Security Administration; Lucie Schmidt, Williams College
  • Abortion Access and Intimate Partner Violence. .....Aixa Garcia-Ramos, University of Passau; Mayra Pineda Torres, Georgia Institute of Technology

  • Bilge Erten, Northeastern University;
  • Joanna Venator, Boston College;
  • Amelia Hawkins, Brandeis University;
  • Mayra Pineda Torres, Georgia Institute of Technology;
  • Deniz Sanin, University of South Carolina
  • Linh To, Boston University
  • Mindy Marks, Northeastern University
  • Shuo Zhang, Northeastern University
143. Gender and Development [Organized Session [CSWEP]]
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Berkely B

Organizers: Nayantara Biswas, Clark University; Mai Mahmoud, Tufts University;
Chairs: Nayantara Biswas, Clark University; Mai Mahmoud, Tufts University;
  • Targeting of Food Aid Programs. .....Mai Mahmoud, Tufts University; Sikandra Kurdi, IFPRI; Mohamed El-karamany, Egyptian Food Bank
  • Too Hot to Handle: Impact of heat shocks on gender-disaggregated time allocation among labor in Nigeria. .....Manali Sovani, Tufts University
  • Breaking Barriers, Improving Access: Effect of Access to Delhi Metro on Women’s Lives. .....Manali Sovani, Tufts University
  • Can Community Health Workers Affect Reproductive Health Decisions? Evidence from India. .....Nayantara Biswas, Clark University
  • Nayantara Biswas, Clark University
  • Mai Mahmoud, Tufts University
  • Manali Sovani, Tufts University
144. Essays in Economic Policy [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Arnold Arboretum

Organizer: Ashley Provencher, Siena College
Chair: Ashley Provencher, Siena College

  • Poulomi Dasgupta, Siena College;
  • Thomas Liess, CUNY;
  • Scott Greenhalgh, Siena College;
  • Ashley Provencher, Siena College;
  • Matt Davis, Siena College;
  • Scott Trees, Siena College;
  • Daniel Solis, Siena College;
  • Matt Davis, Siena College
  • Scott Trees, Siena College
  • Poulomi Dasgupta, Siena College
  • Ashley Provencher, Siena College
145. Multi-agent systems [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Exeter A

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Y.K. Kim, University of Massachusetts - Boston
  • Comparative analysis of investment behavior in Macroeconomic Agent-Based Models: towards a benchmark specification. .....Italo Pedrosa, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Igor Faria de Araujo, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Gustavo Goulart Gomes, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Classical Competition and Equilibrium. .....Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Peter Flaschel, Bielefeld University; Roberto Veneziani, Queen Mary University of London
  • The Economic Geography of Race Relations in Detroit: Movement of Capital, White Resistance and Immobility of Black Labor. .....Qasim Abbas, New School for Social Research

  • Italo Pedrosa, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro;
  • Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston;
  • Qasim Abbas, New School for Social Research;
  • Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Qasim Abbas, New School for Social Research
  • Italo Pedrosa, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Exeter B

Organizer: Steven Pressman, Monmouth University (emeritus) & New School for Social Research
  • Bergmann versus Becker in Early Feminist Economics. .....Giandomenica Becchio, University of Torino
  • Does Loss Aversion Invalidate the Cost-Benefit Principle?. .....Robert Frank, Cornell University
  • A History of the Eastern Economic Association: 50 Years of Finding Space for Pluralism and Inclusion in Economics. .....Sarah F Small, University of Utah; Laura Beltran-Figueroa, University of Utah; Leah Masci, New School for Social Research; Nishu Mehrish, New School for Social Research; Steven Pressman, Monmouth University (emeritus) & New School for Social Research; Riddiford Graham, The New School for Social Research
147. Inclusive Growth and Environmental Sustainability in Africa (sponsored by AFEA) [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Boston Commons

Organizer: MINA BALIAMOUNE, University of North Florida
Chair: MINA BALIAMOUNE, University of North Florida
  • Exploring the Complex Interplay Between Environmental, Social, and Economic Systems: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach to Develop a Strong Sustainability Index. .....Oumniya Agrandi, University Mohammed VI Polytechnic
  • The Nexus of Inequality and Structural Transformation in Africa. .....Steve Onyeiwu, Allegheny College
  • Industrial development and environmental quality in Africa. .....MINA BALIAMOUNE, University of North Florida
  • External debt burden, climate resilience and industrial development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Do institutional quality and resource abundance matter?. .....Uzochukwu Alutu, Columbia University

  • Oumniya Agrandi, University Mohammed VI Polytechnic;
  • Steve Onyeiwu, Allegheny College;
  • MINA BALIAMOUNE, University of North Florida;
  • Uzochukwu Alutu, Columbia University;
148. Environmental and Urban Policy [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Dalton A

Organizer: Christopher Ruebeck, Lafayette College
Chair: Zachary Dameon Modig, George Mason University, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
  • Understanding Community Resilience: Water Resources. .....Christopher Ruebeck, Lafayette College; Christa Kelleher, Lafayette College; Hongxing Liu, Lafayette College; Joy Zhou, Lafayette College
  • Modeling Local Housing Markets With Exogenous But Variable Interest Rates. .....John S. Schuler, Kukun Home Investment Intelligence
  • Agent-Based Modeling And Simulation Of The Systemic Effects Of Implementing The Lez In The Bordeaux Urban Area. .....Seghir Zerguini, University of Bordeaux, France; Simon Gorecki, IMS - University of Bordeaux; Nathalie Gaussier, Bordeaux School of Economics (BSE) - University of Bordeaux; Moez Kilani, University of Littoral Opal Coast, France
  • The Making Of A Climate Agreement: Inequality And Incentives In Climate Policy Design. .....Thomas Bourany, University of Chicago

  • Christopher Ruebeck, Lafayette College;
  • John S. Schuler, Kukun Home Investment Intelligence;
  • Seghir Zerguini, University of Bordeaux, France;
  • Thomas Bourany, University of Chicago;
  • Thomas Bourany, University of Chicago
  • Jason Barr, Rutgers University Newark
  • Christopher M Zosh, Binghamton University
  • Christopher Ruebeck, Lafayette College
149. Heterodox Approaches to Latin American macroeconomic issues [Organized Session [URPE]]
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Fairfax A

Organizer: Debora Machado Nunes, Colorado State University
Chair: Debora Machado Nunes, Colorado State University
  • Real effective exchange rate shocks and job quality by gender in Latin America. .....Debora Machado Nunes, Colorado State University
  • Commodity boom and structural change: evidence from Brazil. .....Vinicius Curti Cícero, Colorado State University
  • The Brazilian Manufacturing Rate of Surplus Value Between 2000 and 2017. .....Bruno Miller Theodosio, University of Utah
  • The Political Economy of Austerity in Brazil: A historical account of recent fiscal regime shifts and their implications for the fiscal budget. .....Henrique de Abreu Grazziotin, University of Massachusetts - Amherst

  • Debora Machado Nunes, Colorado State University;
  • Vinicius Curti Cícero, Colorado State University;
  • Henrique de Abreu Grazziotin, University of Massachusetts - Amherst;
  • Bruno Miller Theodosio, University of Utah;
150. Non-wage attacks on the working class [Organized Session [URPE]]
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Fairfax B
  • Food Assistance: Helping A Community Pantry Understand Their Market. .....Kurt Bryan von Seekamm, Salem State University; Cora Vaan Hazinga, Salem State University; Natasha Farina, Salem State University
  • Race, Space, and Place: A Spatial Analysis of Capability Deprivations & Community Punishment.. .....Sheena Yoon, University of Utah
151. [AERE-EEA #9] Water. Session Sponsored by The Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) [Organized Session [AERE]]
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Riverway

Organizers: Loujaina Abdelwahed, The Cooper Union; Jimena Gonzalez-Ramirez, Manhattan College;
Chair: Michelan Wilson, Colorado College
  • Policy trade-offs due to complimentary resource consumption: PV adoption and residential water use. .....Alecia Cassidy, University of Alabama, Department of Economics, Finance, and Legal Studies; Nicholas B Irwin, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • Spilling over: The benefits of public works projects for groundwater in India. .....Arnold Behrer, The World Bank; Hemant Pullabhotla, Deakin university
  • Economic Evaluation of Dam Removal. .....Justine Nwanakwere, University of New Hampshire
  • Justine Nwanakwere, University of New Hampshire
  • Nicholas B Irwin, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • Arnold Behrer, The World Bank
152. Signalling, Bias and Porn
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Claredon A

Chairs: Donn Johnson, Quinnipiac University; Alexandre Olbrecht, Ramapo College;
  • Signaling Under Bilateral Uncertainty: Do Green Consumers Lead to More Greenwashing?. .....Dolores Garrido, Union College; Ana Espinola-Arrendodo, Washington State University; Felix Munoz-Garcia, Washington State University
  • Information Asymmetry in Job Search. .....Michelle Jiang, Columbia University
  • Spatial model of media bias: a game of investment and selective reporting. .....Abhinaba Nandy, Grinnell College
  • Pornography Usage During Adolescence: Does it Lead to Risky Sexual Behavior?. .....Hamida Mubasshera, Temple University
  • Dolores Garrido, Union College
  • Michelle Jiang, Columbia University
  • Abhinaba Nandy, Grinnell College
  • Hamida Mubasshera, Temple University
153. Economic History
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Forest Hills

Chair: Benton Tucker Wishart, The Ohio State University
  • Copernicus and Keynes, Practioners Who Changed Theory. .....Timothy Kearney, Centenary University
  • Unveiling the Signaling Power of "Efficient Goods": Exploring Conspicuous Consumption in the US during 1920s. .....Emre Balikci, Boise State University
  • Racial Housing Covenants: The Case of a Southern U.S. City. .....Jermaine Toney, Rutgers University; James Kelly, Rutgers University; Alex Hoffman, City of El Paso
  • Her Property Transactions: White Women and the Frequency of Female Ownership in the Antebellum Era. .....Benton Tucker Wishart, The Ohio State University; Trevon D Logan, Ohio State University
  • James Marshall, Muhlenberg College
  • Timothy Kearney, Centenary University
  • Emre Balikci, Boise State University
  • Jermaine Toney, Rutgers University
154. Issues in Political Economy 8: Race and Inequality
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Gardner
  • The WWI Draft and the Economic Status of Black Americans. .....Meredith Natalie Newman, American University
  • Student Loan Debt & The Racial Wealth Gap. .....Christina Marie Alescio, Elon University
  • Understanding Disparity between Black and White Voter Turnout. .....Campbell Joseph Lomel, Furman University; Mya Tran, Furman University; Andrew Reese Strohman, Furman University
  • Subway Lines and Social Divides: Analyzing Transit Disparities in NYC's Neighborhood. .....Hodan Abdirahman, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
  • The Enduring Connection: Redlining, Race, and the Ongoing Disparities in Breast Cancer Mortality Rates Among Black Women. .....Liam Walker, College of Wooster
  • Sarah Nasaka, Hartwick College
  • Ryan Michael Coutu, Stonehill College
  • Nickolas Ian Remish, University of Mary Washington
  • Sam Sheng, Davidson College
  • Matthew Dilllon Talarico, Stonehill College
155. Dolla Dolla Bill
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Hampton A

Chair: Chen Chen, Brandeis University
  • One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: The Wage Dynamics of Low-Skill Work. .....Jeffrey J Yankow, Furman University
  • Equal Pay Transparency in Colorado— Employer Responses. .....Chen Meng, Kean University; James Bessen, Boston University; Erich Denk, Boston University
  • Minimum Wage as a Poverty-Alleviation Tool in the Face of Powerful Employers. .....Carlena Kay Ficano, Hartwick College
  • Worker Welfare in the Gig Economy. .....Jack Welcome Fisher, Harvard Business School
  • Christopher John Fernandez Cruz, Grand Valley State University
  • Christa Marr, Fitchburg State University
  • Chen Chen, Brandeis University
  • Uttara Balakrishnan, American Institutes for Research
156. Industrialization and Development
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Hampton B

Chair: Fernando Barreiro-Pereira, Spanish University for Distance Education
  • Industrialization and Club Convergence. .....Christos Pargianas, University of Scranton
  • Measuring the Positive Effects of Financial Development on Life Expectancy in Developing Countries. .....Michael D. Boldin, Lehigh University
  • Shaping Perceptions: The Impact of Chinese Aid and Domestic Media Freedom on Public Attitudes Toward Chinese Leadership in Developing Nations. .....Narayani Sritharan, AidData; Sarah Wozniak, William & Mary; Jonathan Solis, AidData
  • The Kaldor-Verdoorn Law under alternative conceptualizations of the labor market. .....Manya Budhiraja, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Fernando Barreiro-Pereira, Spanish University for Distance Education
  • Yiyu Xing, Auburn University
  • Victor Carvalho da Costa, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Manya Budhiraja, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
157. Industrial Organization I
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Jamaica Pond

Chair: Laszlo Goerke, IAAEU - Trier University
  • Reputational Costs and Information Disclosure: Evidence from eBay. .....Ahmed Eddhir, Centre College
  • The Price Discrimination in the Two-sided Food Delivery Market. .....Yizhao Wang, St. Lawrence University
  • Business Stealing + Economic Rent = Insufficient Entry? - An Integrative Framework. .....Laszlo Goerke, IAAEU - Trier University; Alberto Palermo, University of Roehampton; Marco de Pinto, University of Applied Labour Studies
  • Investigating Airline Mergers in the Context of the 2023 Draft Horizontal Merger Guidelines. .....Brendan Noah McDowell, University of Maryland, College Park
  • Laszlo Goerke, IAAEU - Trier University
  • Brendan Noah McDowell, University of Maryland, College Park
  • Yizhao Wang, St. Lawrence University
  • Ahmed Eddhir, Centre College
158. ESG and Decentralized Finance
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Public Garden

Chair: Aram Balagyozyan, The University of Scranton
  • Poverty Free World via Happytalism and MicroCreditToken. .....Aziz Akgül, Turkish Foundation for Waste Reduction
  • Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Financing and Consumer Financial Outcomes. .....Siobhan McAlister, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; Ryan Sandler, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
  • Climate Risk and Bank Performance. .....Vikas Soni, University of South Florida
  • Impact of ESG on Firm Financial Performance. .....Ralph Sonenshine, American University
  • Rural Poverty, Economic Growth, and Environmental Challenges in India: A Call for Targeted Intervention. .....Babita Srivastava, William Paterson University
  • Aram Balagyozyan, The University of Scranton
  • Christophe Van Langenhove, Ghent University
  • Kaitlyn Kruszewski, University of Scanton
159. 7th Godley Tobin Lecture (Organized by ROKE)
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | Republic Ballroom

Organizer: Mattias Vernengo, Bucknell University
  • Beyond the NAIRU. .....Antonelli Stirati, Università degli Studi Roma Tre
160. Finance, Instability and Inequality: Third of Three Sessions sponsored by the Young Scholars Initiative/Institute of New Economic Thinking.
Saturday | 12:30 pm-1:50 pm | The Fens

Organizer: Sylvio Kappes, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil.
Chair: Sarah Pessoa, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil
  • Sovereign Financing for Community Health Worker Programs in Africa. .....Brandon James Istenes, Levy Institute for Economics
  • The GC Wealth Project: A Data Warehouse on the Topography, Inequality, Taxation, and Inheritance of Wealth. .....Maximillian Longmuir, Stone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality / The Graduate Center at City University of New York
  • Institutional changes, aggregate demand, income shares and wealth distribution: a model of secular stagnation. .....Vinicius Curti Cícero, Colorado State University
  • Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis in a post-Keynesian short-run model. .....Armando Alvarez, The New School for Social Research
161. Labor Market Disparities [Organized Session [CSWEP]]
Saturday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Berkely B

Organizer: Yana Rodgers, Rutgers University
Chair: Shiyi Chen, SUNY Oneonta
  • Social ties and first child birth: a motherhood's network penalty. .....Iris Laugier, Université Laval
  • The COVID-19, Work from Home, and Racial Attitudes. .....Shiyi Chen, SUNY Oneonta
  • Decoding the connection: Telehealth legislation, Broadband infusion and Workforce Disparity. .....Piyush Arun Gade, Albany
162. Economic Development and Education [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Arnold Arboretum

Organizer: Zadia Maria Feliciano, Queens College, CUNY
Chair: Zadia Maria Feliciano, Queens College, CUNY
  • The Legacy of Agent Orange: Prenatal Exposure to Dioxin and Human Capital Formation.. .....Thao Bui, Queens College CUNY
  • The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility and Exchange Rate Regimes on International Trade of CIS Countries. .....Bo-Young Choi, Kyungpook National University
  • Does Funding Matter for Education Outcomes? Evidence from the Dominican Republic. .....Dorian Abreu, CUNY Queens College
  • Puerto Rican Migrants to the US Mainland Post-Hurricane Maria. .....Zadia Maria Feliciano, Queens College, CUNY

  • Thao Bui, Queens College CUNY;
  • Bo-Young Choi, Kyungpook National University;
  • Dorian Abreu, CUNY Queens College;
  • Zadia Maria Feliciano, Queens College, CUNY;
  • Dorian Abreu, CUNY Queens College
  • Zadia Maria Feliciano, Queens College, CUNY
  • Thao Bui, Queens College CUNY
  • Bo-Young Choi, Kyungpook National University
163. Monopsony 5: The Role of Firms [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Claredon A

Organizers: Kate Bahn, Urban Institute; Martin Friedrich, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Elke Jahn, Universität Bayreuth; Michael Oberfichtner, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Martin Popp, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Todd Andrew Sorensen, University of California, Merced;
Chair: Todd Andrew Sorensen, University of California, Merced
  • The Effect of Large Firm Entry on Wage Distribution and Skill Demand. .....Alaa Amr Badawy Abdelfattah, university of California, davis; Layla O'Kane, Lightcast
  • The fall and rebound of average establishment size in West Germany. .....Tim Kovalenko, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; Timo Sauerbier, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; Benedikt Schröpf, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • Firm Expansion in Imperfect Labor Markets. .....Martin Friedrich, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Ines Helm, LMU Munich; Uta Schönberg, University of Hong Kong
164. Inflation and conflict [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Exeter A

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Daniele Tavani, Colorado State University
  • Conflict inflation: natural rates of unemployment, Keynesian path dependency or Marxian cumulation?. .....Peter Skott, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Conflict, inertia, and Phillips curve from a Sraffian standpoint. .....Franklin Serrano, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Ricardo Summa, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Guilherme Spinato Morlin, University of Pisa
  • Optimal inflation targeting with anchoring. .....Tom Michl, Colgate University; Robert Rowthorn, Cambridge University

  • Peter Skott, University of Massachusetts - Amherst;
  • Ricardo Summa, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro;
  • Tom Michl, Colgate University;
  • Ricardo Summa, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Tom Michl, Colgate University
  • Peter Skott, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
165. Savings and Financial Markets [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Saturday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Dalton A

Organizer: Eric Osborne-Christenson, Pace University
Chair: Mary Kaltenberg, Pace University
  • What Effect Does the Rise in Public Debt have on the Change in Equity Prices?. .....Marvin Henry, Pace University; Jackie Wong, Pace University
  • Understanding the Federal Reserve. .....Liam Chentoufi, Pace University
  • Measuring the Impact of Combining Savings Vehicles on Confidence. .....Giselle Garriga, Pace University
  • Shadman Rahman, Pace University
  • Brandon Diaz, Pace University
  • Izzy Vargas-Soto, Pace University
166. National Association of Forensic Economics III [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Saturday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Public Garden

Organizer: Victor Matheson, North American Association of Sports Economists
Chair: Victor Matheson, North American Association of Sports Economists
  • Estimating Damages in Wrongful Incarceration Cases. .....Steven Shapiro, Analytic Resources
  • Using Cell Phone Records to Gauge Inflation Movements by Metro Area. .....Thomas Young, Econometrics Studios
  • Craig Allen, Legal Malpractice Litigation
  • Robert Baumann, College of the Holy Cross
167. The Political Economy of Gender [Organized Session [URPE]]
Saturday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Fairfax A
  • An exploration of macroeconomic measures of global value chains and gendered employment outcomes. .....
  • Transgender Political Economy. .....Rob Haggar, colorado state university
168. Marx and Marxist Political Economy [Organized Session [URPE]]
Saturday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Fairfax B
  • “FORM-GIVING FIRE,” OR “SURPLUS-PRODUCING?” MARX AND HIS LABORS. .....Faruk Eray Düzenli, St. Mary`s College of Maryland
  • Revisiting Marx's Social Ontology. .....Keoka Grayson, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
  • Marx, Happiness and the Cold War Impact on the American Experiment. .....
  • Necessary and Surplus Labor: Capitalism and Socialim. .....Paddy Quick, Union for Radical Political Economics
169. [AERE-EEA #10] Energy. Session Sponsored by The Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) [Organized Session [AERE]]
Saturday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Riverway

Organizers: Loujaina Abdelwahed, The Cooper Union; Jimena Gonzalez-Ramirez, Manhattan College;
Chair: Julia Berazneva, Middlebury College
  • Equity in Residential Solar Photovoltaic Adoption: Evidence from New Mexico. .....Yuting Yang, University of New Mexico; Jiaqing Zhao, University of New Mexico
  • U.S. residential energy tax credits: Distributional impacts, expenditures, and changes since 2006. .....Isla Globus-Harris, Colgate University; David Coyne, US Treasury
  • Wildfire, Power Shutoff, and Residential Solar plus Storage Adoption. .....Minhong Xu, New York University
  • On the subtle effect of governmental decentralization on the generation of renewable electricity.. .....Tobias Albrecht, Universitat de Barcelona; Mònica Serrano, Universitat de Barcelona; Enrique Enrique López-Bazo, Universitat de Barcelona
  • Isla Globus-Harris, Colgate University
  • Tobias Albrecht, Universitat de Barcelona
  • Minhong Xu, New York University
  • Jiaqing Zhao, University of New Mexico
170. Government Policy and Debt
Saturday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Forest Hills

Chair: Mitu Ashraf, UNC-Pembroke
  • How Important is the U.S. Debt. .....Devaki Chandra, None during the scholastic year
  • Assessing the Detrimental Effect of Illicit Bitcoin Transactions on Tax Revenues. .....Comlanvi Martin Konou, Al Akhawayn University
  • Disability and Food Insecurity: The Benefits of the ACA Medicaid Expansion in Reducing Food Insecurity for the Disabled. .....Martina Vidovic, Rollins College; Astha Sen, Georgia State University; Anca Voicu, Rollins College
  • Social Security Administration’s Growing Interest in the Child Tax Credit and Other Child-Driven Income Support Program. .....Madelaine L’Esperance, University of Alabama; Jevay Grooms, Howard University; Shogher Ohannessian, University of California - Los Angeles; Timothy Timothy Smeeding, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • Mitu Ashraf, UNC-Pembroke
  • Adedayo Ogunniran, University of Mississippi
  • Labanyalata Roy, Middle Tennessee State University
171. Issues in Political Economy 9: Environmental
Saturday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Gardner

Chair: Nickolas Ian Remish, University of Mary Washington
  • The Impact of Political Freedom on Resource Depletion. .....Joseph Hopper Melin, American University
  • Carbon Taxes and Renewable Energy Transition: An Empirical Analysis of European Policies and Implications. .....Sydney Lauren Jacobs, Smith College
  • How Do Floods Impact Agriculture? An Empirical Analysis of United States Flood and Agriculture Data. .....Nicholas Mark Velardi, Bryant University
  • Service sectors effect on CO2 correcting for energy types.. .....jim mahony, hartwick college
  • An Environmental Justice Angle on Recreation Angling: Explaining Racial and Class Differences in Toxic Fish Exposure. .....Isabelle Anrui Zheng, Smith College
  • Liam Walker, College of Wooster
  • Christina Marie Alescio, Elon University
  • Hodan Abdirahman, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
  • Meredith Natalie Newman, American University
  • Mya Tran, Furman University
172. Law and Economics
Saturday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Hampton A

Chair: James Marshall, Muhlenberg College
  • Constitutional Carry, Stand-Your-Ground Laws and Defensive Firearm Use. .....Mark Gius, Quinnipiac University
  • Homelessness and Crime: An Examination of California. .....Benjamin M Artz, university of wisconsin oshkosh; David Welsch, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
  • What Are the Useful Pretrial Signals? An Empirical Test of GitHub Copyright Notice. .....Ji Li, University of Texas at Dallas; Pengfei Zhang, University of Texas - Dallas
  • Long-Term Effects of Criminal Justice System Interactions When Young. .....Joy Kanengiser, West Virginia University; Brian McCannon, West Virginia University
  • Split Mortgage Loans and Foreclosures: Evidence using Data from HMDA and Registries of Deeds. .....Gbetonmasse Somasse, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • Mark Gius, Quinnipiac University
  • Benjamin M Artz, university of wisconsin oshkosh
  • Ji Li, University of Texas at Dallas
  • Gbetonmasse Somasse, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
173. Central Banking, Monetary Policy and Gender (Organized by the Monetary Policy Institute)
Saturday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Hampton B

Organizers: Sylvio Kappes, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil.; Guillaume Vallet, Université de Grenoble-Alpes; Louis Phillipe Rochon, Laurentian University;
  • Women are not Doves: The politics of presence and ideas in central banking. .....Nathalie Marins, Boston University
  • Women in Central Banking: A focus on the controversial power-authority relation. .....Guillaume Vallet, Université de Grenoble-Alpes
  • Demand-side constraints and job quality by gender in Latin América. .....Debora Machado Nunes, Colorado State University
174. Education and Health
Saturday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Jamaica Pond

Chair: Vivian Carstensen, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts and Leibniz University Hannover
  • Flush to Flourish: Exploring early sanitation access and childhood cognitive evolution. .....Lackson Daniel Mudenda, Colby College
  • A pain in the AS: the socioeconomic implications of Ankylosing Spondylitis. .....Hannah Beth Sheldon, Clark University
  • The Causal Impact of Education on Mental Health and Explanatory Mechanisms. .....Aysun Hiziroglu Aygun, University of Minnesota; Abdullah Tirgil, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University
  • Early-Onset Disability, Education Investments, and Social Insurance. .....Robert Millard, Stony Brook University
  • An Analysis of the Highest Degree Completed. .....Freddy Siahaan, Shippensburg University
  • Vivian Carstensen, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts and Leibniz University Hannover
  • Freddy Siahaan, Shippensburg University
  • Pete Pridanonda, University of California, Riverside
175. Obesity, Diabetes and Mortality
Saturday | 2:00 pm-3:20 pm | Olmsted

Chair: Adam Biener, Lafayette College
  • The Effect of Weight Loss Product Advertising on Nutritional Choice and Physical Activity. .....Chandrayee Chatterjee, Southwestern University; Ayan Ghosh Dastidar, Clark University
  • Trade Shocks and Racial Disparities: The Health Impact of Japanese Imports on U.S. Mortality Rates. .....Pinka Chatterji, University at Albany SUNY; Chun-Yu Ho, University at Albany SUNY; Quan Qi, SUNY, University at Albany
  • Weighing in: Does Reliance on Body Mass Index Exacerbate Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Obesity Treatment?. .....Adam Biener, Lafayette College
  • Medicaid Expansion and Diabetes Outcomes. .....Sadia Farzana, Northwestern University
  • Pinka Chatterji, University at Albany SUNY
  • David Dranove, Northwestern University
  • Cole Hartman, Union College
  • Pinka Chatterji, University at Albany SUNY
176. Wine Tasting
Saturday | 3:30 pm-4:30 pm | Republic Ballroom

Chairs: Alexandre Olbrecht, Ramapo College; Brad Humphreys, West Virginia University;
177. Gender and the Labor Market [Organized Session [CSWEP]]
Saturday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Berkely B

Organizer: Yana Rodgers, Rutgers University
Chair: Giovanni Razzu, University of Reading
  • Gender Differences in Response to Application Costs on the Job Market. .....Alexandra Opanasets, Boston College
  • Gender, language and performance in an international organisation. .....Giovanni Razzu, University of Reading; Almudena Sevilla, London School of Economics; Marina Della Giusta, University of Turin; Sylvia Jaworska, University of Reading
  • The Role of Gender Comparisons in Determining Reference Wage and Labor Supply. .....Anastassiya Karaban, University of Connecticut
  • Gender wage gap and the role of cumulative labor market relative intermittency gap - A conditional mean and quantile evidence from the PSID. .....Kusum Mundra, Rutgers University
178. Edward Elgar Handbook on Women in Heterodox Economics: Past, Present and Future [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Arnold Arboretum

Organizer: Alexandra Bernasek, Colorado State University
Chair: Lynne Chester, University of Sydney

  • Sarah F Small, University of Utah;
  • Alexandra Bernasek, Colorado State University;
  • ANN Elizabeth Davis, marist college;
179. Inequality and distributional issues [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Exeter A

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Emanuele Citera, St. Lawrence University
  • The impact of Baby Boomer bequest on wealth inequality. .....Ansel Schiavone, St. John's University
  • Structural change and poverty: evidence from India. .....Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Group Conflict, Racial Inequality, and Stratification. .....Brendan Brundage, Colorado State University; Daniele Tavani, Colorado State University

  • Ansel Schiavone, St. John's University;
  • Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
  • Daniele Tavani, Colorado State University;
  • Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Daniele Tavani, Colorado State University
  • Ansel Schiavone, St. John's University
180. Global Perspective of Care Economy: Insights from Brazil, Columbia and the US [Organized Session by an Individual]
Saturday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Forest Hills

Organizer: Yazgi Genc, University of Utah
Chair: Yazgi Genc, University of Utah
  • Addressing Care to Accelerate Equality. .....Tanima Ahmed, World Bank
  • The role of gender and care work in underdeveloped capitalism: the case of Brazil.. .....Lygia Sabbag Fares, ohn Jay College (City University of New York - CUNY)
  • Childcare in Context: How Stratum and Class Shape Gender Roles in Colombian Households. .....Laura Beltran-Figueroa, University of Utah
  • Access to Child Care Subsidies But For Who?. .....Yazgi Genc, University of Utah

  • Tanima Ahmed, World Bank;
  • Lygia Sabbag Fares, ohn Jay College (City University of New York - CUNY);
  • Laura Beltran-Figueroa, University of Utah;
  • Yazgi Genc, University of Utah;
181. EEJ-sponsored session on Development [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Saturday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Boston Commons

Organizers: Charles Richard Higgins, Colgate University; Julie K Smith, Lafayette College;
Chair: Daniel Riera Crichton, Bates College
  • Support Prices, Input Subsidies, and Misallocation in Agriculture. .....Pubali Chakraborty, Bates College; Anand Chopra, University of Liverpool; Lalit Contractor, Ashoka University
  • Are Public Investment and Education Expenditures Productive in the Argentine Case? A FMOLS and DOLS Analysis, 1960-2019.. .....Miguel Ramirez, Trinity College
  • Evaluation of financial aid programs in the US. .....Lhakpa Sherpa, The university of the South
  • Measuring Global Economic Activity Using Air Pollution. .....Daniel Riera Crichton, Bates College; Stephen Morris, Amazon; Martin Rama, World Bank; Irene Ezran, World Bank

  • Pubali Chakraborty, Bates College;
  • Miguel Ramirez, Trinity College;
  • Lhakpa Sherpa, The university of the South;
  • Daniel Riera Crichton, Bates College;
182. Networks, Firms, and Labor [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Saturday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Dalton A

Organizer: Troy Tassier, Fordham University
Chair: Christopher Ruebeck, Lafayette College
  • Agent Based Simulation Of The Linkages Between Construction Loans, Mortgages And Prices. .....Jacky Mallett, Reykjavik University
  • The Dynamics Of Diversity On Corporate Boards. .....Matthias Raddant, CSH Vienna / TU Graz; Fariba Karimi, TU Graz
  • Deep Q-Learning Of Wage Offers On Online Labor Platforms: The Effect Of Algorithm Design. .....Michael Neugart, Technische Universität Darmstadt; Herbert Dawid, Bielefeld University; Philipp Harting, Bielefeld University
  • Labor Migration Networks: An Agent-Based Approach With Remote Dynamics. .....Zachary Dameon Modig, George Mason University, Federal Reserve Board of Governors

  • Jacky Mallett, Reykjavik University;
  • Matthias Raddant, CSH Vienna / TU Graz;
  • Michael Neugart, Technische Universität Darmstadt;
  • Zachary Dameon Modig, George Mason University, Federal Reserve Board of Governors;
  • John S. Schuler, Kukun Home Investment Intelligence
  • Christopher Ruebeck, Lafayette College
  • Cheuk Yin Jeffrey Mo, Stevens Institute of Technology
  • Michael Neugart, Technische Universität Darmstadt
183. National Association of Forensic Economics IV [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Saturday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Public Garden

Organizer: Victor Matheson, North American Association of Sports Economists
Chair: Marc Weinstein, Team Economics
  • Net Discount Rates, Facility Care, and Home Nursing Care. .....Victor Matheson, North American Association of Sports Economists
  • Net Discount Rates and the Return of Inflation. .....Robert Baumann, College of the Holy Cross; David Schap, College of the Holy Cross
  • Thomas Young, Econometrics Studios
  • Armando Rodriguez, University of New Haven
184. Topics in Inequality [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Saturday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | The Fens

Organizer: Tanadej Vechsuruck, University of Rhode Island
Chair: Tanadej Vechsuruck, University of Rhode Island
  • Mind the (Racial Wealth) Gap: Results from the SCF 2022. .....Robert B. Williams, Guilford College
  • Shaking Off Inequity: Racial Disparities in Health Within Socioeconomic Indexes. .....Jake Jennings, California State University - Chico; Iris Buder, Idaho State University

  • Robert B. Williams, Guilford College;
  • Bakou Mertens, Ghent University;
  • Jake Jennings, California State University - Chico;
  • Iris Buder, Idaho State University;
185. Intraclass Difference and Shifting Conceptions of Class [Organized Session [URPE]]
Saturday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Fairfax A

Organizer: Zoe Sherman, Merrimack College
  • Who is Human? The Human-Nature Binary and the Land-Labor-Capital Triad. .....Zoe Sherman, Merrimack College
  • Black Versus White Value of the Labor Power in the US: 1930s – 2020s. .....Michael Hillard, University of Southern Maine
  • Financialization, fictitious capital, and US capitalist class exceptionalism. .....Richard McIntyre, University of Rhode Island

  • Zoe Sherman, Merrimack College;
  • Richard McIntyre, University of Rhode Island;
  • Michael Hillard, University of Southern Maine;
186. Moving Beyond Capitalism [Organized Session [URPE]]
Saturday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Fairfax B
  • Managing Critical Mineral Scarcity With State Planning: The Case of the US During WWII. .....Evan Wasner, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Modeling an Urban Cooperative as an Alternative to PCP in the Global South. .....Arnulfo Alberto Emiliano, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Breaking the Cash Nexus: The Key to Subverting the Hegemony in US Healthcare. .....Robert Kemp, KempHE
  • Crisis Theories. .....Al Campbell, University of Utah
187. [AERE-EEA #11] Behavioral & Environmental Economics. Session Sponsored by The Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) [Organized Session [AERE]]
Saturday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Riverway

Organizers: Loujaina Abdelwahed, The Cooper Union; Jimena Gonzalez-Ramirez, Manhattan College;
Chair: Shotaro Nakamura, UC Davis
  • TIME AND RISK PREFERENCES AND SUPPORT FOR CLIMATE POLICY. .....Julia Berazneva, Middlebury College; Jeff Carpenter, Middlebury College; Peter H. Matthews, Middlebury College; Delaney Sullivan, Middlebury College
  • Electric Vehicle Sharing: Crowding Adoption Out or In?. .....Ruozi Song, The World Bank; Jonathan Libgober, University of Southern California
  • Ruozi Song, The World Bank
  • Julia Berazneva, Middlebury College
188. Issues in Political Economy 10: Industrial Organization and Sports
Saturday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Gardner

Chair: Anastassiya Bukova, Indiana State University
  • Buyer’s Remorse: An Analysis of the Winner’s Curse in European Professional Soccer. .....Ryan Michael Coutu, Stonehill College
  • Watch Out! Explaining the Skyrocketing Prices of Luxury Timepieces. .....Nickolas Ian Remish, University of Mary Washington
  • Network, Incomplete Information and Mismatch. .....Sam Sheng, Davidson College
  • Drive for Show, Putt for Dough: Still Relevant? Or an Adage?. .....Matthew Dilllon Talarico, Stonehill College
  • Joseph Hopper Melin, American University
  • Sydney Lauren Jacobs, Smith College
  • Isabelle Anrui Zheng, Smith College
  • Nicholas Mark Velardi, Bryant University
  • jim mahony, hartwick college
189. Labor Policy
Saturday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Hampton A

Chair: Kelly Carter, Morgan State University
  • Paycheck Protection Program and Small Business: Real-Time Analysis. .....Ruchika Rungta, Auburn University
  • Economic Outlook and Political Polarization in Trade Impacted American Labor. .....Jessica Pei Ye, University of Maryland, College Park
  • TAXATION AND THE DOMESTIC MOBILITY OF INVENTORS IN THE UNITED STATES. .....Yiyuan Wang, State university of New York at Buffalo
  • Policy Can Reduce Earning Imbalances Favoring Men in Dual-Earner Couples. .....Hajar EL KHOUDRI, Université Laval
  • Shyma Jose, ICRIER
  • Luis Angel Monroy Gómez Franco, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Kelly Carter, Morgan State University
190. Central Banking, Monetary Policy and Financial Instability (Organized by the Monetary Policy Institute)
Saturday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Hampton B

Organizers: Louis Phillipe Rochon, Laurentian University; Sylvio Kappes, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil.; Guillaume Vallet, Université de Grenoble-Alpes;
  • The Art of Central Banking with Global Shadow Banks. .....Elham Saeidinezhad, Barnard College
  • Large-Bank Influence on U.S. Monetary Policy. .....Edwin Dickens, St. Peters College
  • TBA. .....gerald epstein, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
191. Information and Communication Technology
Saturday | 3:30 pm-4:50 pm | Olmsted

Chair: Don Donghyun Lee, University of Mary Washington
  • Graphical Network Analysis of Silicon Shield: Has Taiwan’s ICT Industry Shifted its Role in Global Trade?. .....Jeffrey Kuo, George Washington University
  • Digitalization and perceived business obstacles: firm level evidence in emerging markets. .....Jieun Chang, Southwestern Oklahoma State University
  • Seyni Da, American University
  • Luis Ignacio Silva Neira, University of the Basque Country / Berlin School of Economics and Law
192. Economics of the Household [Organized Session [CSWEP]]
Saturday | 5:00 pm-6:20 pm | Berkely B

Organizer: Yana Rodgers, Rutgers University
Chair: Elizabeth Brainerd, Brandeis University
  • How Does the Child Tax Credit Change the Time Allocation of Parents? Evidence from American Time Use Data. .....Yang Jiao, Texas A&M University - Texarkana
  • Alcohol in the Family: How an Anti-alcohol Campaign Transformed Marriage and Childbearing. .....Elizabeth Brainerd, Brandeis University; Olga Malkova, University of Kentucky
  • Income During Infancy Reduces Criminal Activity of Fathers and Children: Evidence from a Discontinuity in Tax Benefits. .....Sakshi Bhardwaj, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
  • Child Education and Household Financial Decisions: Evidence from China. .....Yunxiao Zhang, Peking University; Jianan Liu, Renmin University of China
193. Sports Economics III (NAASE) [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Saturday | 5:00 pm-6:20 pm | Public Garden

Chair: Bernard Frick, Paderborn University
  • I don‘t like Mondays: Kick-off Times and Ticket Demand in German Soccer. .....Bernard Frick, Paderborn University
  • The Practice of “Trading Up” in the NHL and NFL Drafts. .....Jeffrey Hobbs, Appalachian State University
  • Buying Loyalty or Chaos? Mega-events and Civil Unrest. .....Clay Collins, University of Georgia
  • The Impact of Team Wage Bills and Team Values on Team Performance: New Evidence on an Old Topic. .....Bernard Frick, Paderborn University
  • Jeffrey Hobbs, Appalachian State University
  • Alexander Cardazzi, Old Dominion University
  • Bernard Frick, Paderborn University
  • Clay Collins, University of Georgia
194. [AERE-EEA Panel] Panel: Navigating the Environmental and Resource Economics Job Market. Session Sponsored by The Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) [Organized Session [AERE]]
Saturday | 5:00 pm-6:20 pm | Riverway

Organizers: Loujaina Abdelwahed, The Cooper Union; Jimena Gonzalez-Ramirez, Manhattan College;
Chair: Loujaina Abdelwahed, The Cooper Union

  • Ana Espinola-Arredondo, Washington State University;
  • Isla Globus-Harris, Colgate University;
  • Ruozi Song, The World Bank;
  • Nilesh Shinde, University of Massachusetts - Amherst;
195. Topics in Heterodox Economics IV
Saturday | 5:00 pm-6:20 pm | Arnold Arboretum

Organizers: Mattias Vernengo, Bucknell University; Esteban Pérez Caldentey, ECLAC;
Chair: Mattias Vernengo, Bucknell University
  • The Indian Rupee: The Past, the Present and Future Prospects. .....Suranjana Nabar-Bhaduri, Frostburg State University
  • Veblen and the American Political Economy Tradition. .....William McColloch, Keene State University
  • From Adam Smith’s Liberalism to Neoliberalism: Bourgeois and Vulgar Economics Critically Interpreted. .....Mattias Vernengo, Bucknell University
  • Raúl Prebisch, Raúl Alfonsín and the plans to stabilize the Argentine Economy. .....Mattias Vernengo, Bucknell University; Esteban Pérez Caldentey, ECLAC
196. Conference Registration
Sunday | 7:30 am-10:00 am | Republic Ballroom Foyer

Chair: Alexandre Olbrecht, Ramapo College
197. Migration and Development [Organized Session [CSWEP]]
Sunday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Berkely B

Organizer: Yana Rodgers, Rutgers University
Chair: Xiaoxue Zhao, Wesleyan University
  • Communication between partially migrated household and left behind women's labor market participation. .....Joan Koo, American University
  • Indian Immigrants in the US: Wage Gain, Selection and the Decision to Migrate. .....Md Wahid Ferdous Ibon, Rutgers University
  • Migration, Kinship Networks, and Risk Sharing. .....Xiaoxue Zhao, Wesleyan University
  • Health and employment impacts of mining: Evidence from South Africa. .....Tanya Sue Byker, Middlebury College; Julia Berazneva, Middlebury College; Elena Patel, University of Utah
198. Ideology and alternate approaches [Organized Session by an Individual]
Sunday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Fairfax B

Organizers: Jonathan Cogliano, University of Massachusetts Boston; Leila Davis, University of Massachusetts Boston; Rishabh Kumar, University of Massachusetts Boston;
Chair: Yannis Bougiatiotis, New School for Social Research
  • Contending critiques of protectionism and alternative approaches to free trade: Classical Political Economy versus Neoclassical Economics. .....Yannis Bougiatiotis, New School for Social Research
  • A Critical Examination of Neo-Classical Dominance in Macroeconomic Theory. .....Selim Cakmakli, Rutgers University - Camden
  • When One Cannot Live Without the Other: Interrelationship Between Political Ideology, IMF Program, and Conditionality. .....Ahmed Chaudhry, University of Oklahoma

  • Yannis Bougiatiotis, New School for Social Research;
  • Selim Cakmakli, Rutgers University - Camden;
  • Ahmed Chaudhry, University of Oklahoma;
  • Ahmed Chaudhry, University of Oklahoma
  • Yannis Bougiatiotis, New School for Social Research
  • Selim Cakmakli, Rutgers University - Camden
199. EEJ-sponsored session on Macroeconomic Modeling [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Sunday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Boston Commons

Organizers: Charles Richard Higgins, Colgate University; Julie K Smith, Lafayette College;
Chair: Charles Richard Higgins, Colgate University
  • Macroeconomic Models and Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. .....Saif Mehkari, University of Richmond
  • Asserting Independence: Optimal Monetary Policy When the Central Bank and Political Authority Disagree. .....Daniel Tortorice, College of the Holy Cross; Justin Svec, College of the Holy Cross
  • Exchange Rate-Based Inflation Stabilization: Theory and Practical Applications. .....Omer Bayar, University of Evansville; Mohammed Mohsin, University of Tennessee

  • Saif Mehkari, University of Richmond;
  • Daniel Tortorice, College of the Holy Cross;
  • Omer Bayar, University of Evansville;
200. [AERE-EEA #12] Behavioral Economics & Biodiversity. Session Sponsored by The Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) [Organized Session [AERE]]
Sunday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Riverway

Organizers: Loujaina Abdelwahed, The Cooper Union; Jimena Gonzalez-Ramirez, Manhattan College;
Chair: Loujaina Abdelwahed, The Cooper Union
  • Numeracy and Stated Preference Valuation. .....Michael Eber, Harvard University
  • Belief formation, signal quality and information sources: Experimental evidence on air quality from Pakistan. .....Shotaro Nakamura, UC Davis; Sanval Nasim, Colby College; Arman Rezaee, UC Davis; Matthew Gibson, Williams College; Isra Imtiaz, Lahore University of Management Sciences
  • Integrated Pest Management for Sustainable Pest Controls: A Bayesian State-space Model for Blueberry Production in New York State. .....Bingyan Dai, Cornell-Applied Economics and Management; Miguel Gomez, Cornell University; Xiaoli Fan, University of Alberta; Gregory Loeb, Cornell University; Binita Shrestha, Cornell University; Stephen P. Hesler, Cornell University
  • Shotaro Nakamura, UC Davis
  • Michael Eber, Harvard University
  • Bingyan Dai, Cornell-Applied Economics and Management
201. Asset Pricing and Market Efficiency II
Sunday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Arnold Arboretum

Chair: Sushma Shukla, Piedmont Virginia Community College
  • What Moves Sovereign Default Risk? The Role of Information in the Sovereign Credit Default Swaps Market. .....Monica Tran-Xuan, University at Buffalo; Han Zhang, University at buffalo
  • Bond Short-Interest and Yield Spread Forecasts under Short-Sale Constraints. .....Yiyuan Wang, State university of New York at Buffalo
  • Mood Swings and the Firm Size Premium. .....Iyad Snunu, Peres Academic Center (PAC)
  • Yu Wang, University of Guelph
  • Rupsha Dey, University of New Hampshire
202. Public Finance, Education, and Income
Sunday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Claredon A

Chair: I-Ming Chiu, Rutgers University Camden
  • Are Public Investment and Education Expenditures Productive in the Argentine Case? A FMOLS and DOLS Analysis, 1960-2019.. .....Miguel Ramirez, Trinity College
  • Explaining the Differences in Income Inequalities for Bedouins in Recognized and Unrecognized Villages in Southern Israel. .....Suleiman Abu-Bader, Ben-Gurion Uinversity of the Negev
  • Secondary School Access Raises Primary School Achievement. .....Wayne Aaron Sandholtz, Nova School of Business and Economics
  • Babita Srivastava, William Paterson University
  • Stephen Bannister, University of Utah
  • Marcelo Echague Pastore, Indiana State University
  • I-Ming Chiu, Rutgers University Camden
203. Resources
Sunday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Forest Hills

Chair: Martina Vidovic, Rollins College
  • Are Lottery Revenues Affected by Gasoline Price?. .....Adedayo Ogunniran, University of Mississippi
  • Does a corrupt environment impact the provision of utility services? Evidence from USA. .....Labanyalata Roy, Middle Tennessee State University
  • Critical Minerals, the State and the Energy Transition. .....Debamanyu Das, university of massachusetts amherst
  • Devaki Chandra, None during the scholastic year
  • Shogher Ohannessian, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Martina Vidovic, Rollins College
204. Topics in Housing Markets
Sunday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Hampton A

Chair: William Robert Miles, Wichita State University
  • The Housing Cycle: Rents versus Prices. .....William Robert Miles, Wichita State University
  • Housing Wealth and Consumption: The Role of Heterogeneous Credit Constraints*. .....Ronel Elul, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
  • Concentration in Mortgage Markets: GSE Exposure and Risk-Taking in Uncertain Times. .....Ronel Elul, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
  • The Differential Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Distressed Neighborhoods – Did Opportunity Zones Make a Difference?. .....Devika Hazra, California State University, Los Angeles
  • William Robert Miles, Wichita State University
  • Ronel Elul, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
  • Devika Hazra, California State University, Los Angeles
  • Nancy Fox, Saint Joseph`s University
205. Microeconomics: Empirical Approaches
Sunday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Jamaica Pond

Chair: Charles Swanson, Temple University
  • Do Conference Calls Reduce Information Asymmetry When Bad News is Released?. .....Yurim Lee, Central Washington University; Han Donker, Central Washington University
  • Preferences for Compensatory and Retributive Justice. .....David B Zuckerman, Central Washington University
  • Willingness to pay for water filtration system sponsored by the city. .....Chiradip Chatterjee, University of North Florida
  • Humans, Artificial Intelligence, and (Text-based) Misinformation. .....Sanchaita Hazra, The University of Utah
  • Charles Swanson, Temple University
  • Valeria Bodishtianu, Cornell University
  • Ege Bilgin, University of Bonn
206. Family Matters
Sunday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | Olmsted

Chair: Jack Welcome Fisher, Harvard Business School
  • Modern Family: Marital Matching among LGBTQ couples and Immigrants. .....Christopher John Fernandez Cruz, Grand Valley State University
  • Mommy and Me: Assessing the Impact of Maternal Investments on Children’s Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Outcomes. .....Christa Marr, Fitchburg State University
  • When One Is Too Few: Fertility Restriction and Child Abduction in China. .....Chen Chen, Brandeis University
  • The Impact of a Maternity Support Program on Domestic Violence: Evidence from India. .....Uttara Balakrishnan, American Institutes for Research; Kartik Misra, Sewanee: The University of the South
  • Jeffrey J Yankow, Furman University
  • Chen Meng, Kean University
  • Carlena Kay Ficano, Hartwick College
  • Jack Welcome Fisher, Harvard Business School
207. Green Energy and Whales
Sunday | 8:00 am-9:20 am | The Fens

Chair: Valentin Elias Winkler, New School for Social Research
  • How close is too close? The Impact of the Block Island wind farm in Rhode Island on Local Properties. .....Melissa Boyle, College of the Holy Cross; Hope Goodman, College of the Holy Cross; Katherine Kiel, College of the Holy Cross; Victoria Liu, College of the Holy Cross
  • Greenwashing or going green? An empirical analysis of the drivers and the effects of carbon offsets and renewable energy certificates on firm performance. .....Maria Hatalis, Rutgers University
  • Extreme Weather Events and Critical Infrastructure Resilience: Lessons from Hurricane Irma in Florida. .....Shahnawaz Rafi, Florida International University; Joost Santos, George Washington University; Sisi Meng, University of Notre Dame; Pallab Mozumder, Florida International University
  • Economic Incentives to Save the Atlantic Right Whale. .....John M. Polimeni, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences; Raluca Iorgulescu, Institute For Economic Forecasting - NIER Romanian Academy
  • Valentin Elias Winkler, New School for Social Research
  • Afrin Islam, Temple University
  • William Vasquez, Fairfield University
  • MOHAMMAD ISMAYL Al Masud, Texas Tech University
208. Health Economics CSWEP Session I [Organized Session [CSWEP]]
Sunday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Berkely B

Organizer: Yana Rodgers, Rutgers University
Chair: Kelsey Carlston, Gonzaga University
  • Administrative Simplification and Treatment Capacity: Evidence from Substance Use Disorder. .....Yiyu Xing, Auburn University
  • Mobility and Mortality: Exploring Level-Dependent Effects of Intergenerational Mobility on Life Expectancy. .....Kelsey Carlston, Gonzaga University; Jason Fletcher, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • The Impact of Medicaid Value-Based Payment Reforms on Maternal and Infant Health. .....Reagan Baughman, University of New Hampshire; Tam Nguyen, University of New Hampshire
209. Innovation Policy, Climate Shock, and Land Dispossession: A Finance Perspective [Organized Session by an Individual]
Sunday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Arnold Arboretum

Organizer: Bilen Z Gurara, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Chair: Daniel Rinner, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Does State R&D Policy Move Small Tech Firms towards Federal Funding? Evidence from Business Registration Records. .....April Burrage, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Overlapping Emergencies: Climate Shock and Debt Sustainability. .....Chavon Rogers, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Financing Development or Fueling Dispossession? A Study on Ethiopia’s Western Peripheries. .....Bilen Z Gurara, University of Massachusetts Amherst

  • Chavon Rogers, University of Massachusetts - Amherst;
  • April Burrage, University of Massachusetts - Amherst;
  • Bilen Z Gurara, University of Massachusetts Amherst;
210. Monopsony 7: Wages [Organized Session by an Individual]
Sunday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Boston Commons

Organizers: Kate Bahn, Urban Institute; Martin Friedrich, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Elke Jahn, Universität Bayreuth; Michael Oberfichtner, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Martin Popp, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Todd Andrew Sorensen, University of California, Merced;
Chair: Todd Andrew Sorensen, University of California, Merced
  • The Evolution of the German Wage Distribution Before and After the Great Recession. .....Christian Dustmann, University College London; Carl Gergs, University College London; Uta Schönberg, University of Hong Kong
  • Monopsony in Academia and the Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from California. .....Zhanhan Yu, University of Glasgow; Alfonso Flores-Lagunes, Syracuse University
  • How Does the Earned Income Tax Credit Work? Exploring the Role of Commuting and Personal Transportation. .....Owen Davis, Siegel Family Endowment
211. Subregional Economic Analysis: Massachusetts' Greater MetroWest Region in Context [Organized Session by an Individual]
Sunday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Claredon A

Organizer: Luis Rosero, Framingham State University
Chairs: Luis Rosero, Framingham State University; Rongbing Liu, Framingham State University;
  • Housing in Greater MetroWest: Booming Prices and Depressed Sales. .....Lori Lavigne, framingham state university
  • The Dynamics of College Enrollment in Greater MetroWest 2014-2022. .....Juan Maquilon, Framingham State University; Luis Rosero, Framingham State University
  • Characteristics and Comparisons of FY2023 Single-Family Real Estate Taxes in Greater MetroWest (GMW) Municipalities. .....Emily Gray, Framingham State University; Mary Phelan, Framingham State University
  • Measuring Inflation in MetroWest: MERC's Cost of Living Index. .....Laura Lamontagne, Framingham State University; John Baker, Framingham State University
  • The New Norm: Boom in Establishments, but Where are the Employees?. .....Victor Nascimento, Framingham State University; Luis Rosero, Framingham State University

  • Lori Lavigne, framingham state university;
  • Juan Maquilon, Framingham State University;
  • Luis Rosero, Framingham State University;
  • Victor Nascimento, Framingham State University;
  • Laura Lamontagne, Framingham State University;
  • John Baker, Framingham State University;
  • Emily Gray, Framingham State University;
  • Luis Rosero, Framingham State University
  • Rongbing Liu, Framingham State University
212. EEJ-sponsored session on Finance [Organized Session by Sponsoring Organization]
Sunday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Forest Hills

Organizers: Charles Richard Higgins, Colgate University; Julie K Smith, Lafayette College;
Chair: Julie K Smith, Lafayette College
  • The Bitcoin Premium: A Persistent Puzzle. .....Matthew Spencer Wilson, University of Richmond
  • Dominant Currency Paradigm: Pricing and Financing. .....Prateek Arora, Union College
  • Shock Absorbers or Transmitters: The Role of Foreign Banks during COVID-19. .....Anamika Sen, Bates College; Weijia Yao, Swiss Re; Juan F. Yépez, International Monetary Fund
  • Adverse Selection and Small Business Finances. .....Fan Liang, Loyola Marymount University
213. Marx, Happiness and the American Experiment [Organized Session [URPE]]
Sunday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Fairfax B

  • Aileen Dohety, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
214. [AERE-EEA #13] Transportation. Session Sponsored by The Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) [Organized Session [AERE]]
Sunday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Riverway

Organizers: Jimena Gonzalez-Ramirez, Manhattan College; Loujaina Abdelwahed, The Cooper Union;
Chair: Soran Mohtadi, Johns Hopkins University
  • Bridging Economic Disparities: The Role of Bike Lanes in Enhancing Low-Income Accessibility. .....Hugo Cordeau, University of Toronto
  • Free Parking or Free Riding? Green Benefits from Parking Lot Sharing. .....Debra Israel, Indiana State University
  • The effect of market distance on transportation intermediary competition and spatial resource harvesting patterns. .....Jennifer Rushlow, Illinois Wesleyan University
  • Jennifer Rushlow, Illinois Wesleyan University
  • Hugo Cordeau, University of Toronto
  • Debra Israel, Indiana State University
215. Macroeconomic Models
Sunday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Hampton A

Chair: Lawrence Ogbeifun, Hartwick College
  • Asset Pricing and Consumption-Savings behavior with a Choice of Habit Model. .....Charles Swanson, Temple University
  • Tell them it's Vandelay Industries! Do job search requirements work?. .....Ying Chao, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh; Chad Cotti, Michigan State University; David Fuller, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
  • The Sources of Capital Misallocation: State and Non-state Firms in China. .....Sarah Tang, Suffolk University
  • Welfare Effects of a Universal Basic Income Program under Different Immigration Policy. .....Tomoya Suzuki, Kansai University
  • Evan Hart, University of Oregon
  • Afrin Islam, Temple University
  • Dr. Nikolaos Papanikolaou, Lehman College School of Business
  • Lawrence Ogbeifun, Hartwick College
216. Microeconomics: Success in College
Sunday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Jamaica Pond

Chair: George Kalchev, Lake Superior State University
  • Exchange Rate Volatility and International Students' Educational Choice in the United States. .....Sandipa Bhattacharjee, Ramapo College of New Jersey
  • Breaking the Screen Addiction Among College Students: Experimental Evidence of the Impact of Commitment Devices on Academic Performance. .....Amanda Marie Spielman, Bryant University; Ferdous Sardar, Bryant University
  • Do “No Record” Grades Help Achieve Academic Success for Underrepresented Minority Students?. .....Hermine Vedogbeton, WPI
  • George Kalchev, Lake Superior State University
  • Javed Younas, American University of Sharjah
  • Jeffrey Robert Wheble, American University
217. How News Affects GDP Growth and Exchange Rates
Sunday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | Olmsted

Chair: Helena Glebocki Keefe, Fairfield University
  • Wentong Chen, Cornell University
  • Bo-Young Choi, Kyungpook National University
218. Education: Factors Affecting Outcomes
Sunday | 9:30 am-10:50 am | The Fens

Chair: Michael Mamo, Westminster University
  • Specialized High-Track Schools and Social Mobility in Germany: Lessons for Expanding Diversity in the European Higher Education Area. .....Vivian Carstensen, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts and Leibniz University Hannover; Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz; Roland Happ, Leipzig University
  • Criminal Records and Educational Outcomes: Evidence from U.S. College Applications. .....Pete Pridanonda, University of California, Riverside
  • Early mother's marriage and child stunting in India. .....Amal Ahmad, Wageningen University
  • Michael Mamo, Westminster University
  • Yunwei Gai, Babson College
  • Karthik Manickam, The New School
  • Sean E Mulholland, Western Carolina University
219. Health Economics CSWEP Session II [Organized Session [CSWEP]]
Sunday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Berkely B

Organizer: Yana Rodgers, Rutgers University
Chair: Siobhan O`Keefe, Davidson College
  • Estimating the Effect of Education on Health via a Binary Model with Endogeneity in the Absence of Exclusion Restrictions. .....Nan Zhi, Rutgers University
  • Maternal Stress, Compositional Change, and Infant Health after a State Sentencing Reform. .....Siobhan O`Keefe, Davidson College
  • Empowerment and Nutrition: Unraveling the Dietary Diversity Outcomes in Bangladesh. .....Afrin Islam, Temple University
  • The Impact of Pharmacist-Prescribed Birth Control. .....Elizabeth Schroeder, Oregon State University
220. The Sociopolitical and Economic Outcomes of Information and Communication Technology [Organized Session by an Individual]
Sunday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Arnold Arboretum

Organizer: Fang Dong, Providence College
Chair: Fang Dong, Providence College
  • Internet Diffusion over Time and US Presidential Election Outcomes. .....Shatanjaya Dasgupta, Providence College; Sheena Murray, University of Tennessee
  • Social Media Use in the United States and Its Multifaceted Effects on Young Adults: A Longitudinal Study. .....Fang Dong, Providence College; William Marquis, Providence College; Patrick Thygesen, Providence College
  • Using Digital Devices for Fun: What are the Impacts on Academic Outcomes?. .....Maria Cornachione Kula, Roger Williams University; Fang Dong, Providence College

  • Shatanjaya Dasgupta, Providence College;
  • William Marquis, Providence College;
  • Maria Cornachione Kula, Roger Williams University;
  • Fang Dong, Providence College
  • Shatanjaya Dasgupta, Providence College
  • William Marquis, Providence College
221. Monopsony 8: Concluding Panel Session [Organized Session by an Individual]
Sunday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Boston Commons

Organizers: Kate Bahn, Urban Institute; Martin Friedrich, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Elke Jahn, Universität Bayreuth; Michael Oberfichtner, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Martin Popp, IAB Institute for Employment Research; Todd Andrew Sorensen, University of California, Merced;
Chair: Todd Andrew Sorensen, University of California, Merced

  • Sabien Dobbelaere, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam;
  • Martin Friedrich, IAB Institute for Employment Research;
  • Kate Bahn, Urban Institute;
222. Multipolarity, Influence and International Organizations [Organized Session by an Individual]
Sunday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | The Fens

Organizer: Firat Demir, University of Oklahoma
Chair: Firat Demir, University of Oklahoma
  • Multipolarity and Drivers of Influence in International Organizations: North vs. the South. .....Omar Dahi, Hamshire College; Firat Demir, University of Oklahoma; Kevin Young, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Multipolarity at the Top of the World: Changing Leadership of International Organizations Over the Last 25 Years. .....Kevin Young, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • A conceptual note on if China has influence and how it obtains and use it. .....Bo Kong, University of Oklahoma; Weining Ai, University of Oklahoma

  • Kevin Young, University of Massachusetts - Amherst;
  • Bo Kong, University of Oklahoma;
  • Firat Demir, University of Oklahoma;
  • Omar Dahi, Hamshire College
  • Bo Kong, University of Oklahoma
  • Kevin Young, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
223. [AERE-EEA #14] Non-renewable Resources. Session Sponsored by The Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) [Organized Session [AERE]]
Sunday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Riverway

Organizers: Loujaina Abdelwahed, The Cooper Union; Jimena Gonzalez-Ramirez, Manhattan College;
Chair: Debra Israel, Indiana State University
  • Resource Traps and Child Well-Being in Zambia. .....Sayahnika Basu, James Madison University; Valerie Mueller, Arizona State University
  • The non-green effects of “going green”: Lithium extraction in Chile and its local environmental and economic consequences. .....Leonardo Penaloza-Pacheco, Cornell University; Vaios Triantafyllou, Cornell University; Gonzalo Martinez, ABT Associates
  • Gendered Impacts of Oil Price Shocks: Analyzing Women’s Labor Force Participation in Petrostates. .....Soran Mohtadi, Johns Hopkins University
  • Economic and Air Quality Impacts of Oil and Gas Extraction: Value Extraction and Environmental Regulation. .....Thuy Nguyen, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Vaios Triantafyllou, Cornell University
  • Sayahnika Basu, James Madison University
  • Thuy Nguyen, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Soran Mohtadi, Johns Hopkins University
224. Technology, Inequality, and Rent Seeking
Sunday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Claredon A

Chair: Manya Budhiraja, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Technological Disruption and Income Inequality: A Comprehensive Analysis of Artificial Intelligence's Influence on Labor Markets. .....Sushma Shukla, Piedmont Virginia Community College
  • Spillovers between the North government debt and uneven development: a theoretical approach. .....EDUARDO LEDERMAN RAWET, American University
  • Determinants of Extensive Margins in Female Ownership: An Empirical Analysis. .....Arwa Khaled Althobaitit, southern illinois university; Sajal Lahiri, Southern Illinois University
  • Manya Budhiraja, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Christos Pargianas, University of Scranton
  • Michael D. Boldin, Lehigh University
  • Narayani Sritharan, AidData
225. Topics in Public Economics
Sunday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Forest Hills
  • Crowding-in Donative Revenue amidst a Crisis: A Preliminary Analysis of Nonprofit Contribution Dynamics under the Payroll Protection Program. .....Thomas Francis Laffey, Boston College
  • COVID-19 and Religiosity. .....Mitu Ashraf, UNC-Pembroke

  • Debamanyu Das, university of massachusetts amherst
  • Debamanyu Das, university of massachusetts amherst
  • Labanyalata Roy, Middle Tennessee State University
  • Adedayo Ogunniran, University of Mississippi
226. Food, corruption, and foreign aid
Sunday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Hampton A

Chair: Stephen Kirk Elwood, James Madison University
  • Foreign Aid, Institutions, and Government Fiscal Response in Sub-Saharan Africa. .....ILKER KAYA, American University of Sharjah
  • Household Responses to Productivity Shock in a Rural Economy: Evidence from Thailand. .....Ayushi Singh, A2F Consulting; Ruoning Han, Whitman College
  • Exchange Rates, Fiscal Governance, Oil Prices and Food Price Fluctuations: Evidence from Liberia. .....George P Gonpu, Ramapo College of New Jersey
  • Are Sovereign Wealth Funds a Good Idea in the Presence of Corruption?. .....Bayarmaa Dalkhjav, University of New Hampshire
  • Stephen Kirk Elwood, James Madison University
  • Jason Cruz Patalinghug, Southern Connecticut State University
  • SYED MUHAMMAD HUSSAIN, James Madison University
  • Naafey Sardar, St. Olaf College
227. Trade 2: Area Studies: Latin America and China
Sunday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Jamaica Pond

Chair: Olawale David Adisa, Sacred Heart University
  • Old Man and the Sea: Estimating the Effect of China’s Belt and Road Initiative on Maritime Trade. .....Clark Banach, MERICS (Mercator Institute for China Studies); Jennifer Pedussel Wu, Berlin School of Economics and Law
  • Premature Specialization? The Export Re-specialization Pattern of Mexico. .....Praveena Bamunusingha Bandara, American University Washington DC
  • MERCOSUR AND NAFTA IN THE NEW PATTERN OF GLOBAL TRADE: A GRAVITY MODEL APPROACH. .....Carlos Schonerwald, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS); Joao Pedro Mascarello Funck, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Balazs Zelity, Wesleyan University
  • Olawale David Adisa, Sacred Heart University
  • Shahroo Malik, Southern Illinois University
228. Medical and Patent Licensing
Sunday | 11:00 am-12:20 pm | Olmsted

Chair: Seni Hazzan, Pepperdine University
  • Production Separation as Endogenous Strategy in Medical Laser Market. .....Hyun Moh Shin, Duke University
  • Anti-Competitive Effects of Common Ownership in Medicare Part D. .....Pinka Chatterji, University at Albany SUNY; Chun-Yu Ho, University at Albany SUNY; Jaehak Lee, University at Albany, SUNY
  • Patent Licensing in Product Variety Networks. .....Marcos Ross Fernandes, University of Sao Paulo; Camilo Rubbini, Florida State University
  • Seni Hazzan, Pepperdine University
  • Omer Bayar, University of Evansville
  • Camilo Rubbini, Florida State University

Index to Participants

A. Araujo, Felipe: 36
Abbas, Qasim: 145
Abbott, Joshua: 134
Abdelfattah, Alaa Amr Badawy: 17 , 121 , 163
Abdelkader Benmesaud-Conde, Touria: 47
Abdelwahed, Loujaina: 12 , 29 , 44 , 61 , 79 , 98 , 115 , 134 , 151 , 169 , 187 , 194 , 200 , 214 , 223
Abdirahman, Hodan: 154 , 171
Abdulazeez, Fawwaaz Ademola : 64
Abreu, Dorian : 162
Abu-Bader, Suleiman: 102 , 202
Adisa, Olawale David: 139 , 227
Agrandi, Oumniya: 147
Ahmad, Amal: 218
Ahmed, Tanima: 180
Ai, Weining: 222
Akgül, Aziz: 45 , 158
Al Masud, MOHAMMAD ISMAYL: 103 , 207
Alberto Emiliano, Arnulfo: 186
Albrecht, Tobias: 169
Alescio, Christina Marie: 154 , 171
Alfageme, Ayoze: 57
Allen, Craig: 59 , 166
Almidar, Ali Alper: 97
Almutair, Khwlah Saud: 63 , 102
Althobaitit, Arwa Khaled: 47 , 224
Alutu, Uzochukwu: 147
Alvarez, Armando: 160
Amarjargal, Amartuvshin: 95
An, David: 49
Andrade, Jhan: 85
Andrukhiv, Maria: 25
Applegate, Joffa Michele: 94 , 130
Argudo, Esteban: 23
Arora, Prateek: 212
Artz, Benjamin M: 172
Ashraf, Mitu: 170 , 225
Assa, Jacob: 92
Avilez Lopez, Melissa: 77
Aygun, Orhan: 118
Azari-Rad, Hamid: 60
Babaei-Balderlou, Saharnaz: 34
Bahn, Kate: 55 , 71 , 108 , 125 , 163 , 210 , 221
Bailey, James: 91
Baker, John: 211
Balagyozyan, Aram: 45 , 100 , 158
Balakrishnan, Uttara: 124 , 155 , 206
Balfe, Victoria Jean: 64 , 82
Balikci, Emre: 153
Banach, Clark: 139 , 227
Bandara, Praveena Bamunusingha: 139 , 227
Bannister, Stephen: 63 , 202
Banzragch, Otgontugs: 4
Barbezat, Daniel: 105
Barbier, Edward: 134
Barbosa de Almeida, Darlan: 62
Bardia, Aman: 6
Barr, Jason: 148
Barr, Jason: 107
Barreiro-Pereira, Fernando: 47 , 156
Bart, Lea: 124
Bartelsman, Eric: 55
Basu, Aritra: 6
Basu, Sayahnika: 223
Basu, Sudip: 35
Baughman, Reagan: 91 , 129 , 208
Baumann, Robert: 166 , 183
Bayar, Omer: 140 , 199 , 228
Becchio, Giandomenica: 146
Beck, Kris: 63
Bednar, Steven: 64
Behrer, Arnold: 151
Belasen, Ariel R: 103
Beltran-Figueroa, Laura: 146 , 180
Ben Ali, Mohamed Sami: 48
Berazneva, Julia: 169 , 187
Berazneva, Julia: 197
Berman, Aaron: 134
Bernasek, Alexandra: 22 , 178
Berrada, Mohamed: 132
Bessen, James: 155
Bhanot, Syon: 36
Bhardwaj, Sakshi: 192
Bhattacharjee, Sandipa: 67 , 216
Bhuyan, Rafiqul: 102
Biener, Adam: 50 , 175
Bilgin, Ege: 118 , 205
Bing, Yuanchen: 31
Biswas, Nayantara: 143
Blanco, Laura Cristina: 4 , 74
Bloesch, Justin : 55
Bock, Margaret: 91
Bodishtianu, Valeria: 118 , 205
Boldin, Michael D.: 48 , 156 , 224
Bomfim, Emma Aurelie: 33 , 141
Boonman, Tjeerd: 100 , 137
Bora, Kabeer: 60
Boudreaux, Christopher: 140
Bougiatiotis, Yannis: 198
Boulware, Karl: 23
Bourany, Thomas: 130 , 148
Bouvet, Florence : 53
Boyle, Melissa: 13 , 207
Braga, Julia: 135 , 138
Brainerd, Elizabeth: 192
Braun, Benjamin: 90
Breen, Marcus Jonathan: 96
Brenck, Clara: 127
Bridges, E. Page: 89
Brochier, Lídia: 72
Brook, Stacey: 9
Brown, Annika: 31
Brown, Jonathan Randolph: 41
Brown, Luke Michael: 117 , 136
Brundage, Brendan: 21 , 179
Buder, Iris: 184
Budhiraja, Manya: 47 , 156 , 224
Bui, Thao: 162
Bukhatwa, Abir: 19
Bukova, Anastassiya: 30 , 46 , 188
Burrage, April: 209
Byker, Tanya Sue: 197
Cakmakli, Selim: 198
Caldentey, Esteban Pérez: 49 , 85 , 135 , 195
Callahan, Sean Michael: 81
Calvi, Rossella: 54
Campbell, Al: 60 , 186
Campbell, Jason: 53
Cao, Jose J.: 16
Cao, Xinxin: 32
Caraher, Raymond: 33 , 141
Cardazzi, Alexander: 91 , 112 , 193
Carlston, Kelsey: 208
Carpenter, Jeff: 187
Carrasco, Mattias: 58
Carstensen, Vivian: 174 , 218
Carter, Kelly: 17 , 189
Carter, Michael James: 65 , 99
Carvalho, Danielle: 38
Casey, Gregory: 44
Cassidy, Alecia: 151
Castillo Valencia, Maria del Pilar: 4
Castillo-García, César: 109
Castillo-Valencia, María: 95
Castro-Andrade, Christopher: 20
Catalano, Nicholas: 112
Cauvel, Michael: 93
Centurion-Vicencio, Marcos: 119
Chakraborty, Pubali: 181
Chandra, Devaki: 170 , 203
Chang, Jieun: 101 , 191
Chao, Ying: 120 , 215
Chatterjee, Chandrayee: 50 , 175
Chatterjee, Chiradip: 118 , 205
Chatterjee, Dia: 16
Chatterji, Pinka: 50 , 175 , 228
Chaturvedi, Sugat: 54
Chatzarakis, Nikolaos: 81
Chaudhry, Ahmed: 198
Chauhan, Tarana: 124
Chen, Chen: 155 , 206
Chen, Shiyi : 17 , 121 , 161
Chen, Wentong: 137 , 217
Cheng, Zhiming: 89
Chentoufi, Liam: 25 , 165
Chester, Lynne: 178
Chikish, Iuliia: 41
Chin, Yao-Yu: 66
Chiu, I-Ming: 141 , 202
Choi, Bo-Young: 162 , 217
Choi, Pak Sing: 29
Chollete, Loran: 37
Chopra, Anand: 181
Choudhury, Sanchari: 22
Choudhury, Vishal: 8
Chowdhury, Farhat: 34
Chukwuma, Julia: 42
Churkina, Olga: 34
Cihanli, Barkin: 11
Citera, Emanuele: 109 , 179
Codina, Oriol Vallès: 57 , 73 , 85
Cogliano, Jonathan: 6 , 7 , 21 , 39 , 40 , 57 , 58 , 72 , 73 , 90 , 92 , 93 , 109 , 110 , 126 , 127 , 145 , 164 , 179 , 198
Colantonio, Matthew: 56
Coleff, Joaquin: 140
Colina, Fernando: 16
Collins, Clay: 193
Colman, Greg: 25
Colson-Leaning, Dustin: 134
Comert, Hasan: 73 , 126
Congdon-Hohman, Joshua: 41
Contractor, Lalit: 181
Cooney, Paul: 78
Cooper, Macie: 24 , 25
Cordeau, Hugo: 214
Cotti, Chad: 215
Coutu, Ryan Michael: 154 , 188
Cowgill, Bo: 125
Coyne, David: 169
Cruz, Christopher John Fernandez: 83 , 120 , 155 , 206
Cruz, Manuel David: 63 , 102
Curti Cícero, Vinicius: 40 , 149 , 160
Cutter, Natalie: 112
da Costa, Victor Carvalho: 47 , 156
Da, Seyni: 101 , 191
Daccas, Tennecia: 116
Dahi, Omar: 222
Dai, Bingyan: 200
Dalkhjav, Bayarmaa: 65 , 226
Damron, Will: 5
Daniel, Georgia: 30 , 46 , 51
Das, Debamanyu: 203 , 225
Das, Monica: 35
Dasgupta, Poulomi: 144
Dasgupta, Shatanjaya: 220
Datta, Anusua: 15
Dávalos Chacón, Jorge Elías: 55
Dave, Dhaval: 3 , 25 , 54 , 91 , 142
David Avritzer, Joana: 77
Dávila Fernández, Marwil: 7 , 40 , 73
Davis, ANN Elizabeth: 43 , 78 , 178
Davis, Leila : 6 , 7 , 21 , 39 , 40 , 57 , 58 , 72 , 73 , 90 , 92 , 93 , 109 , 110 , 126 , 127 , 145 , 164 , 179 , 198
Davis, Matt: 144
Davis, Owen: 39 , 210
Davoli, Maddalena: 53
Dawid, Herbert: 182
de Abreu Grazziotin, Henrique: 149
de Loera, Andrés: 134
de Lucena Coelho, Thiago: 54
de Pinto, Marco: 157
De Pretis, Francesco: 109
de Queiroz Stein, Alexandre: 38 , 93
de Souza, Joao Paulo: 57 , 58 , 110
Deane, Kevin: 42
Dehn, Milena Xochil: 113
Della Giusta, Marina: 177
Demir, Firat: 40 , 110 , 222
Denk, Erich: 155
DePaula, Guilherme: 115
Desai, Chintal: 32
Dessy, Sylvain: 124
Dey, Ishita: 14
Dey, Rupsha: 80 , 201
Dhameja, Nency: 94 , 130
Dhanda, Kathy: 37
Di Guilmi, Corrado: 7
Diana, Bridget: 8
Dias Neto, Carlos Roberto: 30 , 51
Diaz, Brandon: 25 , 75 , 165
Dickens, Edwin: 190
DiCola, Peter: 130
Dietz, David: 134
Do, Hyeonwoo: 50
Dobbelaere, Sabien: 55 , 221
Dodini, Samuel: 71
Dohety, Aileen : 213
Dolar, Veronika: 131
Dong, Fang: 220
Dong, Huu: 37
Donker, Han: 205
dos Santos, Paulo: 109
Douoguih, Kahwa: 27
Douvier-Koch, Emma Elizabeth: 46 , 51
Dranove, David: 175
Du, Xinming: 61 , 79
Dupree, Jill: 19
Dustmann, Christian: 210
Düzenli, Faruk Eray: 168
Dweck, Esther: 72
Eagan, Sean: 11
Eber, Michael: 200
Echague Pastore, Marcelo: 63 , 202
Eddhir, Ahmed: 157
Edenhofer, Ottmar: 44
EL KHOUDRI, Hajar: 124
EL KHOUDRI, Hajar: 121 , 189
El-karamany, Mohamed: 143
Elgin, Ceyhun: 77
Elmore, Daniel Joseph: 64 , 82
Elul, Ronel: 204
Elwood, Stephen Kirk: 65 , 226
Elzoghby, Mariam: 25 , 75
Emerick, Kyle: 79
Enrique López-Bazo, Enrique: 169
epstein, gerald: 43 , 190
Erten, Bilge: 142
Espano, Vanessa: 120
Espinola-Arredondo, Ana: 29 , 194
Espinola-Arrendodo, Ana: 152
Exley, Christine: 36
Ezran, Irene: 181
Fair, Ray: 26
Falvey, Catherine Anne: 3
Fan, Xiaoli: 200
Faria de Araujo, Igor: 145
Farina, Natasha: 150
Farzana, Sadia: 50 , 175
Fazzari, Steve: 72
Fehér, Ádám: 125
Feliciano, Zadia Maria: 162
FENG, LI: 66
Fennell, Melanie Allwine: 14
Fernández-Loría, Carlos: 36
Ferrer, Jacobo: 58
Ficano, Carlena Kay: 155 , 206
Fish, Savannah Lily: 117 , 136
Fisher, Jack Welcome: 155 , 206
Fittje, Jens: 100
Flaschel, Peter: 145
Fletcher, Jason: 208
Flores-Lagunes, Alfonso: 210
Fone, Zach: 54
Forden, Jessica: 108
Fox, Nancy: 15 , 204
Frank, Robert: 146
Franks, Max: 44
Fredricksen, Jillian: 19
Freiberg, Brandon: 125
Freitas, Elton: 38
Freitas, Fabio: 38 , 72
Frick, Bernard: 193
Friedrich, Martin: 55 , 71 , 108 , 125 , 163 , 210 , 221
Froch, Jonas: 26
Fuentes-Ramirez, Ricardo R: 132
Fuller, David: 215
Gade, Piyush Arun: 161
Gai, Yunwei: 66 , 218
Galanis, Giorgos: 7
Galizzi, Monica: 14 , 45
Ganguly, Kousik: 20
Gao, Yang: 44
Gao, Yue: 29
Garcia-Ramos, Aixa: 142
Garrido, Dolores: 13 , 152
Garriga, Giselle: 24 , 165
Garvey, Michael: 115
Gaussier, Nathalie: 148
Ge, Qi: 41
Gebremichael, Sosina: 46 , 51
Genc, Yazgi: 180
Gergs, Carl: 210
Gevorkyan, Aleksandr V. : 56
Gezici, Armagan: 114
Ghandour, Dana: 44 , 61
Ghirnikar, Tejas: 40
Ghosh Dastidar, Ayan: 175
Gibson, Matthew: 200
Girardi, Daniele: 21
Gius, Mark: 172
Glebocki Keefe, Helena: 137 , 217
Globus-Harris, Isla: 169 , 194
Goegel, Allison: 46 , 51
Goerke, Laszlo: 157
Gomez-Gonzalez, Jose Eduardo: 83 , 120
Gomez-Ramirez, Leopoldo: 110
Gomez, Miguel: 200
Gonas, John: 136
Gonpu, George P: 65 , 226
Gonzalez-Ramirez, Jimena: 12 , 29 , 44 , 61 , 79 , 98 , 115 , 134 , 151 , 169 , 187 , 194 , 200 , 214 , 223
Gonzalez, Alejandro: 6 , 93
Goodman, Hope: 207
Gorecki, Simon: 148
Goulart Gomes, Gustavo: 145
Gourevitch, Jesse: 115
Gouri Suresh, Shyam Sunder: 5 , 94
Graham, Riddiford: 146
Gramkov, Camila: 38
Granados, Nelson: 140
Gray, Emily: 211
Grayson, Keoka: 168
Greenhalgh, Scott: 144
Grooms, Jevay: 170
Grothe, Simon: 126
Gruber, Jonathan: 52 , 87
Gruner, Friedemann: 44
Guennewig-Moenert, Maximilian: 107
Guilfoos, Todd: 130
Guldi, Melanie: 142
Guo, Jia: 89
Guo, Jingyan: 91
Gupta, Isha: 6
Gurara, Bilen Z: 209
Gurey, Chase Katsuhiko: 30 , 46 , 82
Guven, Baris: 114
Haas, Cameron: 127
Habu, Takuma: 118
Haggar, Rob: 27 , 167
Hagmann, David: 36
Hallan, Patrick Alexandre: 96
Hameed, Rida: 74
Han, Qingyang: 108
Han, Ruoning: 226
Han, Yiran: 50
Happ, Roland: 218
Harrison, Sharon : 37
Hart, Evan: 83 , 215
Harting, Philipp: 182
Hartman, Cole: 50 , 175
Hartman, Harrison Clyde: 32
Hastings, Trevor Zachary: 117 , 136
Hatalis, Maria: 103 , 207
Hauser, Oliver: 36
Hawkins, Amelia: 142
Hazra, Devika: 118 , 204
Hazra, Sanchaita: 205
Hazzan, Seni: 140 , 228
He, Qiwei: 84 , 116
Headd, Brian: 140
Helm, Ines: 163
Hemmeter, Jeffrey: 142
Henry, Marvin: 25 , 165
Herrera, Juan: 85
Hesler, Stephen P.: 200
Higgins, Charles Richard: 23 , 181 , 199 , 212
Hillard, Michael: 185
Hillier, Ashleigh: 45
Hinnosaar, Marit: 89
Hiziroglu Aygun, Aysun: 66 , 174
Ho, Chun-Yu: 50 , 69 , 175 , 228
Ho, Phuong: 61
Hobbs, Jeffrey: 193
Hoffman, Alex: 153
Hoffmann, Bridget: 79 , 98
Hogan-Hennessy, Senan: 53
Hong, Yumin: 98
Hou, Shuoshuo: 123
Hoyos Lopez, Mateo: 127
Hsu, Chris: 16
Huang, Carol: 16
Hucke, Evan: 89
Hughen, Keener: 37
Humphreys, Brad: 26 , 41 , 52 , 112 , 176
Hutson, Joshua Richmond: 64 , 82
Hwang, Jisu: 137
Ibon, Md Wahid Ferdous: 197
Ichim, Ana: 14
Ilanda, Seibou: 11
Imtiaz, Isra: 200
Iorgulescu, Raluca: 68 , 207
Irwin, Nicholas B: 134 , 151
Isaac, Alan G.: 111
Iskin, Amanda: 117 , 136
Islam, Afrin: 13 , 207 , 215 , 219
Islam, Azharul: 83
Israel, Debra: 214 , 223
Issa, Samar: 56
Istenes, Brandon James: 43 , 160
Jacobs, Sydney Lauren: 171 , 188
Jacobsen, Joyce: 129
Jahn, Elke: 55 , 71 , 108 , 125 , 163 , 210 , 221
Jair da Silveira, Jaylson: 7
Jauregui, Jesus Lara: 90 , 113
Jaworska, Sylvia: 177
Jeddi, Bhezad: 115
Jennings, Jake: 184
Jeong, Kenneth: 114
Jia, Ning: 65 , 99
Jiang, Michelle: 152
Jiao, Yang: 192
Jilani, Saniya: 22
Johnson, Donn: 152
Jones, Jason: 44
Jones, Kristin: 70
Jordan, Kathleen: 30 , 51
Jose, Shyma: 17 , 189
Joshi, Prathibha: 32 , 63
Kaiser, Ethan David: 64 , 82
Kalchev, George: 67 , 216
Kalkuhl, Matthias: 44
Kalnova, Svetlana: 70
Kaltenberg, Mary: 25 , 165
Kamal, Lillian: 65
Kanekar, Sanket: 15
Kanengiser, Joy: 172
Kang, Byungju: 131
Kappes, Sylvio: 62 , 122 , 160 , 173 , 190
Karaban, Anastassiya: 177
Karimi, Fariba: 182
Katz, Jack: 30 , 51
Kaur, Jalnidh: 34
KAYA, ILKER: 65 , 226
kaya, ozgur: 13
Kearney, Timothy: 23 , 153
Keiser, David: 115
Kelleher, Christa: 148
Kelly, James: 153
Kemp, Robert: 186
Keskin, Pinar: 142
Khamis, Melanie: 129
Khanukov, Anastasia: 25 , 75
Khundadze, Tato: 58
Khwaja, Hanin: 40
Kiel, Katherine: 207
Kilani, Moez: 130 , 148
Kim, Hoolda: 33 , 68
Kim, Y.K.: 93 , 145
Klein Martins, Guilherme: 127
Kolluri, Bharat: 65
Kong, Bo: 222
Konou, Comlanvi Martin: 170
Konstantinidis, Harry: 133
Koo, Joan: 197
Kose, Esra: 5
Kou, Jinghan: 68 , 141
Kovalenko, Tim: 163
Krichmaryov, Kristina: 75
Krumer, Alex: 9
Kruszewski, Kaitlyn: 45 , 158
Kucsma, Kristin: 59 , 76
Kula, Maria Cornachione: 220
Kumar Sedai, Ashish: 129
Kumar, Rishabh : 6 , 7 , 21 , 39 , 40 , 57 , 58 , 72 , 73 , 90 , 92 , 93 , 109 , 110 , 126 , 127 , 145 , 164 , 179 , 198
Kumpas, Gokhan: 54
Kuo, Jeffrey: 31 , 101 , 191
Kurdi, Sikandra: 143
Kuttner, Ken: 23
Kwak, Se Ho: 58 , 126
L’Esperance, Madelaine: 170
La Tempa, Julianne: 117 , 136
Laffey, Thomas Francis: 225
Lahiri, Sajal: 224
Lamontagne, Laura: 211
Lang, Markus: 90
Larsen, Birthe: 55
Laugier, Iris: 161
Lavigne, Lori: 211
LaVoice, Jessica: 33
LeBaron, Blake: 111
Lee, Baeyong: 68
Lee, Don Donghyun: 101 , 191
Lee, Jaehak: 140 , 228
Lee, Woocheol: 132
Lee, Yurim: 118 , 205
Leeds, Eva Marikova: 9 , 26 , 41 , 112 , 131
Leeds, Michael: 9 , 26 , 131
Lennon, Conor: 91
Lesser, Mary H: 70
Lessmann, Kai: 44
Li, An: 128
Li, Ji: 172
Li, Lei: 61
Li, Li: 16 , 102
Li, Qian: 61
Liang, Fan: 212
Liang, Junshang: 28
Liang, Yang: 3 , 54
Libgober, Jonathan: 187
Libman, Emiliano: 127
Liess, Thomas: 144
Ligiéro, Fernando: 72
Lilly, Colin Finn: 82
Lima Boudakian, Noor: 56
Lima, Gilberto Tadeu: 7 , 38 , 127
Lipman, Bart: 52
Litt, Wade Howarth: 84 , 116
Liu, Elaine: 89
Liu, Haitao: 29
Liu, Hongxing: 148
Liu, Jianan: 192
Liu, Maggie: 79
Liu, Rongbing: 211
Liu, Victoria: 207
Liu, Yaqin: 134
Loaeza-Albino, Eva Davinia: 89
Loeb, Gregory: 200
Loertscher, Simon: 71
Logan, Trevon D: 153
Lomel, Campbell Joseph: 46 , 154
Longmuir, Maximillian: 160
Longobardi, Teresa: 16
Lopez, Emiliano: 96
Losak, Jeremy: 112 , 131
Lozada, Aida: 16
Lu, Ching-Chih: 37
Lynch, Devon: 116
Ma, Alyson: 53
MacDonald, Lynn: 66
Machado Nunes, Debora: 62 , 149 , 173
Maclean, Catherine: 3 , 54
Maddock, John Lucas: 33 , 68
Magacho, Guilherme: 38
Mahmoud, Mai: 143
Mahoney, Melissa: 105
mahony, jim: 171 , 188
Malik, Mahfuja: 37
Malik, Shahroo: 139 , 227
Malkova, Olga: 192
Mallett, Jacky: 94 , 111 , 182
Malone, Logan Robert: 17 , 121
Maloney, Samuel Arthur: 34
Mamo, Michael : 66 , 218
Mamun, Md Al: 37
Mandel, Antoine: 111
Manickam, Karthik: 66
Manickam, Karthik: 218
Maquilon, Juan: 211
Marcela Jiménez, Diana: 95
Marfisi, Christopher: 112
Marins, Nathalie: 92 , 173
Marks, Mindy: 142
Marques, Pedro: 127
Marquis, William: 220
Marr, Christa: 116 , 155 , 206
Marrinan, Liam: 112
Marschke, Gerald: 69
Marshall, James: 153 , 172
Martinez, Gonzalo: 223
Mascarello Funck, Joao Pedro: 81 , 227
Masci, Leah: 146
Mason, JW: 90
Masterson, Thomas: 6
Matheson, Victor: 9 , 26 , 41 , 59 , 76 , 112 , 131 , 166 , 183
Mathews, Leah Greden: 105
Matthews, Peter H.: 187
Mazar, Nina: 36
MBEMBA, Dr. Augustin: 102 , 202
McAlister, Siobhan: 45 , 158
McCannon, Brian: 172
McColloch, William: 195
McDougall, Pascal: 8
McDowell, Brendan Noah: 157
McFall, Todd: 9 , 112
McIntyre, Richard: 42 , 185
McMiken, Shane: 123
McPherson, Carl: 71
Medeiros, Victor: 93
Medlin, Aaron: 48
Mehkari, Saif: 199
Mehrish, Nishu: 146
Meinzen-Dick, Laura: 30
Melin, Joseph Hopper: 171 , 188
Meng, Chen: 155 , 206
Meng, Sisi: 207
Mengano, Paolo: 55
Mertens, Bakou: 184
Meurs, Mieke: 4 , 74 , 95
Miah, Fazlul Hoque: 100 , 137
Michl, Tom: 164
Mihal, Meghan: 14
Miles, William Robert: 204
Millard, Robert: 66 , 174
Miller Theodosio, Bruno: 149
Miluka, Juna: 4 , 95
Mingelbier, Marc: 134
Mirrow, Sarah Margaret: 51 , 64 , 82
Mishra, Ajay Kumar: 20
Misra, Kartik: 124 , 206
Mittelstädt, Betty: 84 , 116
Mo, Cheuk Yin Jeffrey: 111 , 182
Modig, Zachary Dameon: 94 , 148 , 182
Mohr, Kyle: 10
Mohr, Robert: 121
Mohsin, Mohammed: 199
Mohtadi, Soran: 214 , 223
Moldovan, Theodora: 77
Mondello, Michael: 131
Mongiovi, Gary: 27 , 42
Monroy Gómez Franco, Luis Angel: 17 , 84 , 116 , 189
Monteiro, Pedro: 45
Moore, McKenna: 24 , 75
Moore, Molly: 36
Moos, Katherine A.: 133
Moreno-Brid, Juan Carlos: 135
Morgan, Marc Andrew: 92
Morris, Stephen: 181
Motomura, Akira: 9 , 112
Mottram, Zachary: 97
Mozumder, Pallab: 207
Mubasshera, Hamida: 152
Mudenda, Lackson Daniel: 66 , 174
Mueller, Tobias Fabian: 123
Mueller, Valerie: 223
Muir, Ellen: 71
Mukerji, Purba: 31
Mulholland, Sean E: 66 , 218
Mundra, Kusum: 177
Munisamy, Parunjodhi: 64 , 82
Munoz-Garcia, Felix: 29
Munoz-Garcia, Felix: 152
Muratori, Caterina: 54
Murray, Sheena: 220
Nabar-Bhaduri, Suranjana: 195
Najeeb, Fatima: 98
Nakamura, Shotaro: 187 , 200
Nandy, Abhinaba: 152
Nasaka, Sarah: 154 , 188
Nascimento, Victor: 211
Nasim, Sanval: 200
Nassif, Luiza: 90
Neubig, David Luke: 117 , 136
Neugart, Michael: 182
Nevatia, Vedanshi: 73
Newman, Meredith Natalie: 154 , 171
Ngueyn, Nghi: 77
Nguyen, Nghia: 74
Nguyen, Tam: 208
Nguyen, Thuy: 223
Nikiforos, Michalis: 39 , 126
Nix, Joan: 70
Noghanibehambari, Hamid: 33
Noghanibehambari, Hamid: 141
Noh, Kyoungah: 69
Norlander, Peter: 125
Novak, James Edward: 117 , 136
Nwanakwere, Justine: 151
O`Connell, Laurence: 60
O`Keefe, Siobhan: 5 , 219
O`Sullivan, Roisin Ellen: 70
O'Kane, Layla: 121 , 163
Oberfichtner, Michael: 55 , 71 , 108 , 125 , 163 , 210 , 221
Ogbeifun, Lawrence: 83 , 215
Ogunniran, Adedayo: 170 , 203 , 225
Ohannessian, Shogher: 170
Ohannessian, Shogher: 203
Oladipo, Oluwasheyi: 20 , 70
Olbrecht, Alexandre: 52 , 152 , 176 , 196
Oliveira, Ana Maria Hermeto Camilo de: 38
Olurotimi, Osaretin: 79
Onyeiwu, Steve: 147
Opanasets, Alexandra: 177
Orcutt, Bonnie: 19
Orzechowski, Paul : 81
Osborne-Christenson, Eric: 24 , 25 , 75 , 165
Owen, Ann: 129
Ozay, Ozge: 114
Ozgur, Gokcer: 77
Pahim, Rafael: 122
Palermo, Alberto: 157
Panday, Priniti: 68 , 141
Papanikolaou, Dr. Nikolaos: 83 , 215
Pape, Andreas: 94 , 130
Pargianas, Christos: 156 , 224
Patalinghug, Jason Cruz: 99 , 226
Patel, Elena: 197
Paulsen, Richard Joseph: 41
Pavlov, Oleg: 70
Pedrosa, Italo: 72 , 145
Pelayo, Angela: 120
Pena, Juan: 7
Penaloza-Pacheco, Leonardo: 223
Peng, Weijia: 37
Penglase, Jacob Gordon: 54
Pennington, Kate: 142
Perez, Francisco: 27
Perry, Teresa: 22 , 129
Pessoa, Sarah: 122 , 160
Petach, Luke: 7 , 39
Petkus, Jr., Ed: 52
Pezzuto, John-Henry: 36
Pham, Giang Juong: 4 , 74
Pham, Van Thi Hong: 19
Phelan, Mary: 211
Pho, Van Thanh: 116
Piacentini, Calebe: 57
Pineda Torres, Mayra: 142
Platt, Katarzyna: 20 , 70
Polimeni, John M.: 33 , 68 , 103 , 207
Popp, Martin: 55 , 71 , 108 , 125 , 163 , 210 , 221
Porter, Allyson: 30 , 51
Powell, Jackson : 117 , 136
Powell, Jacob: 10
Pradhan, Mitali: 35
Pressman, Steven: 81 , 138 , 146
Pridanonda, Pete: 174 , 218
Proaño, Christian: 7 , 93
Provencher, Ashley: 144
Przybocki, Claire Danielle : 30 , 46 , 51
Pu, Jun: 117 , 136
Puig, Aina: 122
Pulido, Xiomara: 79
Pullabhotla, Hemant: 151
Puslenghea, Radu Constantin: 14
Qi, Quan: 175
Quaye, Elizabeth Shasha: 16
Queiroz, Arthur Ribeiro: 38
Quick, Paddy: 168
Qureshi, Irfan: 99
Raddant, Matthias: 94 , 182
Rafferty, Devin Thomas: 77
Rafi, Shahnawaz: 13 , 207
Rahman, Shadman: 75 , 165
Rama, Martin: 181
Ramirez, Miguel: 102 , 181 , 202
Ramnarain, Smita: 27
Ray, Arijit: 26
Ray, Rebecca: 128
Razmi, Arslan: 92 , 127
Razzu, Giovanni: 177
Reddig, Kole: 112
Reich, Michael: 71
Reilly, Patrick: 9 , 26
Reineke, Vanessa Paige: 64 , 82
Reksten, Nicholas: 97
Remish, Nickolas Ian: 154 , 171 , 188
Ren, Yixin: 94 , 130
Rezaee, Arman: 200
Ribeiro, Leonardo: 57
Richard, Katherine : 124
Riera Crichton, Daniel: 181
Rinner, Daniel: 209
Rios-Avila, Frenando: 6
Rippley, Samantha: 5
Rocha, Gustavo de Britto: 38 , 57 , 93
Rochon, Louis Phillipe: 119 , 138 , 173 , 190
Rodgers, Yana: 3 , 34 , 53 , 69 , 89 , 123 , 124 , 161 , 177 , 192 , 197 , 208 , 219
Rodousakis, Nikolaos: 21
Rodrigues de Sá, Guilherme Haluska: 135
Rodrigues, Zachary: 9
Rodriguez, Armando: 59 , 183
Rodriguez, Zachary: 50
Rofw, Aaron: 112
Rogers, Chavon: 209
Rojas, Leonardo: 85
Romero, João: 38
Rosales-Rueda, Maria: 5
Rosero, Luis: 211
Rosete, Alfredo: 97 , 128
Ross Fernandes, Marcos: 228
Rowthorn, Robert: 164
Roy, Labanyalata: 170 , 203 , 225
Rubbini, Camilo: 140 , 228
Ruddy, John: 45
Ruebeck, Christopher: 148 , 182
Rumbaugh, Dustin Joseph: 136
Rungta, Ruchika: 121 , 189
Ruseski, Jane: 26 , 52 , 131
Rushlow, Jennifer: 214
Sabbag Fares, Lygia: 180
Sabia, Joseph J.: 3 , 54
Saeidinezhad, Elham: 190
Saenz-Molina, Julieth: 33 , 68
Saenz, Christian: 91
Salaga, Steven: 131
Sandholtz, Wayne Aaron: 102 , 202
Sandler, Ryan: 158
Sanin, Deniz: 142
Santos, Joost: 207
Saquinaula, Angela Gabriela: 117 , 136
Sarangi, Swayamsiddha: 39
Sardar, Ferdous: 216
Sardar, Naafey: 99 , 226
Sarkar, Jheelum: 95
Sauerbier, Timo: 163
Sauma Chacon, Maria Jose: 4
Sauve-Syed, Jessica: 89
Schap, David: 183
Scheider, Geoff: 42
Schena II, David: 45
Schenck, Samantha: 97
Schiavone, Ansel: 109 , 179
Schmidt, Lucie: 142
Schmidt, Michael R.: 11
Schmoeller Monteiro, Wanderson: 7
Schönberg, Uta: 163 , 210
Schonerwald, Carlos: 81 , 139 , 227
Schroeder, Elizabeth: 219
Schröpf, Benedikt: 163
Schuler, John S.: 111 , 148 , 182
Schulken, Merle Camilla: 90
Schwartzman, David: 78
Seeley, Karl H: 100
Sen, Anamika: 212
Sen, Astha: 170
Serrano, Franklin: 164
Serrano, Mònica: 169
Setterfield, Mark: 110
Sevilla, Almudena: 177
Shamamian, Tayce Vasgen: 30 , 46
Shamdasani, Yogita: 79
Shapiro, Steven: 59 , 76 , 166
sharma, krishna: 116
Shat, Saleem: 19
Sheldon, Hannah Beth: 66 , 141 , 174
Shen, Thomas: 24 , 25
Sheng, Sam: 154 , 188
Sherman, Zoe: 185
Sherpa, Lhakpa: 181
Shi, Ying: 98
Shi, Zhihong: 20 , 45
Shikaki, Ibrahim: 132
Shim, Hyoung Suk: 20
Shin, Hyun Moh: 140 , 228
Shinde, Nilesh: 35 , 194
Shinde, Nilesh: 12 , 29
Shostya, Anna: 25
Shrestha, Binita: 200
Shrivastava, Sanchit: 10
Shukla, Sushma: 106 , 201 , 224
Shurchkov, Olga: 142
Shwachman Kaminaga, Allison: 68 , 141
Siahaan, Freddy: 174
Sidola, James: 107
Silva Neira, Luis Ignacio: 101 , 191
Silvanus, Rehann: 46
Silveira, Fabrício: 38
Sim, Khai Zhi: 65 , 99
Simms, Shalei: 20
Simpson, Nicole: 129
Singh, Ayushi: 65 , 226
Sinha, Aashima: 6
Sinha, Aashima: 129
Sinha, Bhavya: 113
Skinner, Tyler: 131
Skott, Peter: 164
Small, Sarah F: 146 , 178
Smirnova, Elena: 20 , 70
Smirnova, Natalia V.: 70 , 86
Smith, Austin: 91
Smith, Julie K: 23 , 181 , 199 , 212
Smith, Karen: 111
Smith, Martin: 134
Smyth, Adam: 134
Snunu, Iyad: 80 , 201
Soklis, George: 21
Solis, Daniel: 144
Solis, Jonathan: 156
Somasse, Gbetonmasse: 172
Sonenshine, Ralph: 45 , 158
Song, Ruozi: 187 , 194
Song, Yuqi: 79
Soni, Vikas: 45 , 158
Sordi, Serena: 7
Sorensen, Todd Andrew: 55 , 71 , 108 , 125 , 163 , 210 , 221
Sovani, Manali: 143
Spencer, Adam Hal: 31
Spielman, Amanda Marie: 67 , 216
Spinato Morlin, Guilherme: 164
Sritharan, Narayani: 156 , 224
Srivastava, Babita: 106 , 158 , 202
Stansbury, Anna: 71
Starr, Evan: 125
Stelzner, Mark: 77
Stirati, Antonelli: 159
Stockman, Samuel: 11
Stoltenow, Claire: 82
Stover, Walter: 94 , 130
Strenio, Jacqueline: 27 , 42
Strohman, Andrew Reese: 154
Studtmann, Paul: 94
Suarez, Yuly: 16
Sullivan, Delaney: 187
Summa, Ricardo: 135 , 164
Sumner, Steven: 53
Suvorova, Anastasiia: 3
Suzuki, Tomoya: 120 , 215
Svec, Justin: 199
Swanson, Charles: 118 , 205 , 215
Swanson, Kendal: 120
Tadi, Yuki: 122
Taioka, Tainari: 62
Talarico, Matthew Dilllon : 154 , 188
Tang, Sarah: 120 , 215
Tang, Zaiyong: 16
tankus, nathan: 43
Taraz, Vis: 79
Tassier, Troy: 107 , 130 , 182
Tavani, Daniele: 164 , 179
Tavassoli, Nahid: 33 , 141
Teixeira, Lucas: 90
Teltser, Keith: 91
Tewari, Ishani: 32
Thakkar, Nachiket: 63 , 102
Thie, Jan-Erik: 90
Thompson, Alexia: 66
Thygesen, Patrick: 220
Timilsina, Laxman: 32
Timothy Smeeding, Timothy: 170
Tirgil, Abdullah: 174
To, Linh: 142
Toney, Jermaine: 153
Torres-González, Luis Daniel: 58 , 72
Torres, Diana: 55
Tortorice, Daniel: 199
Tran-Xuan, Monica: 201
Tran, Mya: 154 , 171
Trees, Scott: 144
Trejos, Sandra: 105
Trendafilov, Rossen Iordanov: 14
Triantafyllou, Vaios: 223
Trudeau-Tham, Jennifer: 103
Tsaliki, Persefoni: 81
Tsang, Kwok Ping: 83 , 120
Tsoulfidis, Lefteris: 28 , 81
Upadhyay, Sakshi: 35
Uribe, Jorge: 120
Vaan Hazinga, Cora: 150
Valdecantos, Sebastian: 49
Valencia, Oscar: 120
Vallet, Guillaume: 119 , 173 , 190
Van Langenhove, Christophe: 45 , 158
van't Klooster, Jens: 90
Vargas-Soto, Izzy: 165
Vasquez, William: 103 , 207
Vassallo, Anna: 46 , 51 , 64
vasudevan, Ramaa: 43
Vazquez, Antonia: 98
Vechsuruck, Tanadej: 8 , 95 , 184
Vedogbeton, Hermine: 67 , 216
Veetil, Vipin P: 111
Velardi, Nicholas Mark: 171 , 188
Velasquez, Ivan: 10
Vélez-Grajales, Roberto: 116
Venator, Joanna: 142
Veneziani, Roberto: 21 , 52 , 145
Ventura, Joshua James: 30 , 46
Vera-Cossio, Diego: 79
Vernengo, Mattias: 49 , 85 , 135 , 159 , 195
Vidovic, Martina: 170 , 203
Voicu, Anca: 170
von Seekamm, Kurt Bryan: 16 , 150
Walke, Adam: 113
Walker, Liam: 154 , 171
Walton, Richard: 140
Wane, Abdoul: 100
Wang, Ben: 89
Wang, Lingling: 19
Wang, Manchun: 123
Wang, Xizhao: 69
Wang, Yiyuan: 80 , 121 , 189 , 201
Wang, Yizhao : 157
Wang, Yu: 80 , 201
Wark, Elizabeth: 19
Wasner, Evan: 90 , 186
Weber, Isabella: 90
Wei, Andrew: 129
Weiler, Stephan: 113
Weinstein, Marc: 59 , 76 , 183
Weise, Char: 23
Welsch, David: 172
Wengle, Susanne: 21
Werhani, Asma: 130
Wheaton, George: 110
Wheble, Jeffrey Robert: 67 , 216
Wiedenbeck, Bryce: 94
Wiener, Noe Martin: 133
Willén, Alexander: 71
Williams, Robert B.: 184
Wilson, Matthew Spencer: 212
Wilson, Michelan: 134 , 151
Wiltshire, Justin: 71
Winkler, Valentin Elias: 13 , 207
Wishart, Benton Tucker: 153
Wong, Jackie: 24 , 165
Wozniak, Sarah: 156
Wu, Jennifer Pedussel: 227
Xing, Yiyu: 47 , 84 , 116 , 156 , 208
Xu, Minhong: 169
Yajima, Giuliano Toshiro: 21 , 49
Yalonetzky, Gastón: 116
Yamashita, Tsugumi: 134
Yang, Steve: 111
Yang, Xiaoying: 32
Yang, Yuting: 169
Yang, Zichao: 120
Yankow, Jeffrey J: 155 , 206
Yao, Weijia: 212
Yarbrough, Todd: 140
Ye, Jessica Pei: 121 , 189
Yee, Janice: 19
Yépez, Juan F.: 212
Yoon, Sheena: 150
Yoshihara, Naoki: 58
You, Jung: 13 , 103
Younas, Javed: 67 , 216
Younessi, Daniel Zhubin: 132
Young-Taft, Tai: 96
Young, Kevin: 222
Young, Thomas: 166 , 183
Yu, Jia: 106
Yu, Yue: 29
Yu, Zhanhan: 98
Yu, Zhanhan: 210
Yuksel, Mutlu: 129
Zacharias, Ajit: 6
Zebedee, Allan: 52
Zelada-Aprili, Raul: 126 , 127
Zelity, Balazs: 139 , 227
Zerguini, Seghir: 130 , 148
Zezerova, Viktoriia : 123
Zhang, Amy Min: 69
Zhang, Han: 80 , 201
Zhang, Jiahang: 131
Zhang, Pengfei: 172
Zhang, Shuo: 142
Zhang, Yunxiao: 48 , 83 , 120 , 192
Zhang, Ziyan: 30 , 46
Zhao, Jiaqing: 169
Zhao, Xiaoxue: 197
Zheng, Isabelle Anrui: 171 , 188
Zhi, Nan: 219
Zhou, Hui: 44 , 61
Zhou, Joy: 148
Zhuang, Yan: 77
Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Olga: 218
Zona Mattioli, Alessandro: 55
Zosh, Christopher M: 94 , 130 , 148
Zuckerman, David B: 118 , 205